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Lay mobilization is more of a process than an event. This means that leaders must be aware of and implement the forces relevant to sustaining the process.

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2 Lay mobilization is more of a process than an event. This means that leaders must be aware of and implement the forces relevant to sustaining the process of lay mobilization. Some of the forces necessary are:

3 Develop a clear theological understanding of the church’s mission. Communicate a compelling vision of the church’s mission in the world. Convene an open discussion on the local church’s vision for the salvation of souls.

4 Rally church leaders around the church’s compelling vision for evangelism on the Personal Ministries council. Reaffirm the purpose and function of the first Sabbath in each month in the local church. Present a brief report of evangelistic achievements and plans for the next month or on the first Sabbath of each month.

5 Give visibility to the church’s evangelistic vision and strategies. Be an exemplary leader. Provide the laity with grass root training. Provide the laity with more money for evangelistic campaigns.

6 Hold conference, district and zonal lay rallies. Use the forces of evangelization to mobilize the laity to action. Keep the laity in anticipation of up-coming events. The passion for evangelism begins with spiritual renewal.

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