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Toastmasters Speech Workshop January 31, 2007 Janet Muscavage CTM.

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Presentation on theme: "Toastmasters Speech Workshop January 31, 2007 Janet Muscavage CTM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toastmasters Speech Workshop January 31, 2007 Janet Muscavage CTM

2 Agenda Introduction Selecting a Topic Sensational Starts Streamlining Your Body Exceptional Endings Your Turn → Group Workshops Group Results Q&A

3 Why a Speech Workshop? Requested Strengthen Our Club Share Secrets Learn Reusable Techniques – the HOW? Write and Deliver Better Speeches

4 Selecting a Topic  Think about your:  objective  audience  time constraints  interests (passion = enthusiasm)  Icebreaker  Jot ideas down when they strike  Speeches outside TM  Books, newspaper and magazine articles  Google “select speech topic”

5 Openings  Goals: Get the attention of the audience Introduce the topic - Thesis Statement Establish a rapport Take less than 5-10% of the entire speech time  Types: Rhetorical Question, Quote, Fact, Declarative Statement, Anecdote, Humor, Share a Story, Audience participation, Scenario, Dramatic Statement, Demonstration, Historical Event  Tips: Write your opening after you’ve written your outline Memorize it

6 Body Most of your time is spent here (80-90%) TM manual – “Organizing Your Speech” Transitions: –In the first place/to begin with, Second/third/forth…next, Finally/last, I’ve been discussing X, next I’ll consider Y, Now let me/let’s turn to, For example, Question, Pauses, Anaphora

7 Closing  Make sure you have one  Goals: Achieve a sense of closure – Thesis Statement Summarize main points Make an impact – last chance Take less than 5-10% of the entire speech time  Types: Rhetorical Question, Quote, Anecdote, Call for Action, Story, Prop or Picture  Tips: Avoid Thank You and Apologizing Memorize it

8 Group Workshops Goal –> Teach us the Techniques Group One – Selecting a Topic (Reggie) Group Two – Openings & Closings (Terry) Group Three – Openings & Closings (Rob) Group Four – Transitions (Mark)

9 Resources Toastmasters Manual The Better Speaker Series (Toastmasters) Our Website Writing Great Speeches by Alan M. Perlman Public Speaking for Success by Dale Carnegie The Lost Art of the Great Speech How to Write One ~ How to Deliver It by Richard Dowis

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