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Portfolios and profiles: what is the difference? Dr. Lesley Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "Portfolios and profiles: what is the difference? Dr. Lesley Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portfolios and profiles: what is the difference? Dr. Lesley Moore

2 Aim of the session. To establish the differences between a portfolio and a profile. To explore the values of both items in the development of academic practice.

3 What is a portfolio? A private & confidential repository of learning, and developmental opportunities. “…a visual representation of the individual, their experience, strengths, abilities and skills.” (McCready,2007:144)

4 The value of a portfolio A catalyst for personal development – enabling a journey into self, self-awareness, self expression, confidence building (Moore, 2006:27). Depth of thinking and evidence Reflective, promoting reflexivity Building the emotional intelligence Growing awareness of unconscious assumptions (Moore, 2006:27). Enables decision making Develops mindfulness

5 Portfolio:Building a rational career plan in HE Developing Self awarenessopportunity awareness Matching the 2 Action Plan Dealing with the stresses of transition

6 Possible portfolio content: developing! Personal information Education details Employment details Non work career eg volunteering – school governor. SWOT or SNOB analysis Turning points in life and work – the River or Ishikawa fish – work-life balance. Skills mapping eg Can-do grids Critical reflection points eg. Reflective logs 5 year plan – best way of getting there. Networking – internal & external to the university Scholarly activity Research projects, including artifacts, eg creative writing, poetry, art Publications Conferences CV 360 Appraisal – feedback from colleagues and learners.

7 What is a profile? A selection of evidence from a portfolio for a purpose and sharing in the public domain. Consent. “….private learning may become public, thus making it available for viewing by others” (Timmins,2008:24)

8 The value of profiles Promotes your specific skills, knowledge and interest to the wider world of academia and research. Raises the opportunities for networking and invites to join national and international teams and communities of practice.

9 Profile of evidence to be shared Skills profile Learning and teaching activities within faculty & university Mentoring & coaching Pedagogical research- main interests Research supervision Current role and internal honours, eg. Associate professor, Learning & Teaching Fellow. National roles & honours, eg. Chair, Presidency, editor, peer reviewer, National Teaching Fellow, Fellow of the HEA Published reports & research Scholarships, fellowships Publications, - local, national & international- selected Visiting professorships

10 References McCready T. (2007) Portfolios and the assessment of competence in nursing: a literature review International Journal of Nursing Studies 44 143 – 151. Moore L.J. (2006) Professional portfolios: a powerful vehicle for reflective exercises and recording work-based learning. Work Based Learning in Primary Care.4:25-35. Timmins F. (2008) Making sense of portfolios: a guide for nursing students Open University Press: Maidenhead.

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