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C.Lacasta, C.García, S.Martí, U. Soldevila, P.Bernabeu, C.Solaz, D.Rodríguez, JV. Civera, D. Santoyo, A. Platero, F. Gonzalez Valencia ATOPE Meeting: Xmas.

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Presentation on theme: "C.Lacasta, C.García, S.Martí, U. Soldevila, P.Bernabeu, C.Solaz, D.Rodríguez, JV. Civera, D. Santoyo, A. Platero, F. Gonzalez Valencia ATOPE Meeting: Xmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 C.Lacasta, C.García, S.Martí, U. Soldevila, P.Bernabeu, C.Solaz, D.Rodríguez, JV. Civera, D. Santoyo, A. Platero, F. Gonzalez Valencia ATOPE Meeting: Xmas Edition (18th December 2015)

2 Design by David Santoyo (IFIC-Valencia) R = 97cm End Cap New design Formed by similar modules (Petals) 2 PHASE 0 [5-20] fb -1 PHASE I [50-100] fb -1 [300-400] fb -1 PHASE II [2000-3000] fb -1 HL-LHC Valencia ATOPE Meeting Xmas Edition ( 18th December 2015) Urmila Soldevila (IFIC - Valencia) 2 prototypes (without services and sensors) Made in USA 64.76 cm 20.4 cm7,48 cm

3  Different ways to connect the orphan strips 3 Valencia ATOPE Meeting Xmas Edition ( 18th December 2015) Urmila Soldevila (IFIC - Valencia)  Silicon microstrip sensors  different designs and possibilities  Strips built with stereo angle  The sensors aren’t rotated  Strips are not parallel to the detector edges  The strips near the edges don’t achieve the bonding pads  Orphan strips are connected to neighbour strips  No dead areas Doble sided Baseline not standard design

4 Valencia ATOPE Meeting Xmas Edition ( 18th December 2015) Urmila Soldevila (IFIC - Valencia) 4  Radiation causes lots of problems to sensors  To study the radiation effect, test sensors are irradiated to the same conditions of operation  With time the radiation effects change and the sensor tends to recover (long periods of time)  This process is very slow  we accelerate it in the laboratory (climate chamber)  Annealing!!  We study the amount of charge collected versus the annealing time 10 minute at 60ºC  4 days at room temperature (~20ºC)

5 5 Sensor under TestFluence (n eq /cm 2 ) Irrad. SiteGanging W782-EC-sp-C-P17 Protons 1x10 15 CYRIC DC W782-EC-sp-C-P07 Protons 1x10 15 CYRIC AC  General Features:  Class 1 laser diode  Diode peak power: 0.5mW  Wavelength: 980nm  FC/APC Optical connector output  Input trigger Lemo connector  Power supply 5V DC  Laser driver:  5ns pulses width  1ns rise time ALiBaVa Laser System  Daughterboard placed on a thermal chuck  All the system inside a Faraday cage  High precision stages to move the laser (x, y, z).  Chiller tubes connected (-10ºC)  Dry air flux to avoid condensation Valencia ATOPE Meeting Xmas Edition ( 18th December 2015) Urmila Soldevila (IFIC - Valencia)

6 Valencia ATOPE Meeting Xmas Edition ( 18th December 2015) Urmila Soldevila (IFIC - Valencia) 6 126 gang127 gang 126 128 127 125 Laser scan  DC-gang:  collect slightly less signal than single channels  some crosstalk appears (channel 128)  AC-gang:  Collection in the neighbour region less than DC-gang  No crosstalk 126 gang 128 127 126 125 124 127 gang V = 100V 126 gang125 gang 126 128 127 125 Laser scan 126 gang 127 128 126 125 gang 125 V = 150V

7 - Thank you & Merry Christmas - 7  Long term annealing studies (60ºC) carried out with ATLAS12A irradiated at B’Ham (proton irrad, 2E15 neq/cm)  Charge increases up to 100-200 min, then decreases  For low voltages charge increase above 2000 min of controlled annealing  Results compatible with other institutes  Laser scan  DC vs AC ganging  Channels with DC-gang  Good performance of laser signal crossing ganging strips  less charge collection than single channels  not very significant  Some cross-talk appears  negligible for operation  Channels with AC-gang  Good performance of laser signal crossing ganging strips  less charge collection than DC-gang in the neighbour region  Results compatible with other institutes  Both options are feasible

8 C.Lacasta, C.García, S.Martí, U. Soldevila, P.Bernabeu, C.Solaz, D.Rodríguez, JV. Civera, D. Santoyo, A. Platero, F. Gonzalez Valencia ATOPE Meeting: Xmas Edition (18th December 2015)

9 9 Beam spot diameter (6.50 ± 0.23) µm Laser tilt wrt sensor plane 14 mrad  + 0.803 degrees Best Focus Position x = -0.05mm Sensor  W628_BZ3C_P15 (Not Irrad.)  No lack of signal across the detector  No signal distortion at the edges  Same signal shape across the strips  No lack of signal across the detector  No signal distortion at the edges  Same signal shape across the strips

10  Posición del láser en función del canal (número de eventos en código de colores)  Presencia de canales ruidosos  Todo el detector está activo Laser: 1060nm (infrarojo cercano)  Amplitud de la señal láser en función de la posición  El láser se refleja en las capas de aluminio de los strips (ausencia de señal)  Buena distinción de canales, no existen acoplos de señal Substrate Implant Al Substrate Implant Al Substrate Implant Al

11 11 V = 100V V = 500V DC-gang  Partially coming from cross-talk of channels  Negligible for the operations Note: Due to high current (>10mA), low voltage applied 126 gang 128 127 126 125 124 127 gang

12 12 V = 150V V = 500V 126 gang 127 128 126 125 gang 125 Note: Due to high current (>10mA), low voltage applied AC-gang

13 13

14 14

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