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Briefing #1. Culture  A system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that members of a society use to cope with their world and.

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Presentation on theme: "Briefing #1. Culture  A system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that members of a society use to cope with their world and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Briefing #1

2 Culture  A system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another. It is learned by each new generation.  Examples—American culture, European culture

3 Subculture  The shared customs and beliefs of a smaller group within a larger, dominant culture.  Examples—American culture: Hispanics, African American, etc.

4 Ethnocentric  Believing that one’s own cultural tradition or racial group is superior to all others.

5 Nuclear Family  A family group consisting only of a father, a mother, and children.

6 Extended Family  A family group consisting not only of the nuclear family but also including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes more distant relatives.

7 Cultural Factors that Impact the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Goods and Services

8 Family Units  Size and Make-up of Family  If extended family live together, then they all take care of there own family needs. Ex—daycare, hospice care, nannies, maids, etc  If cultures focus on nuclear families, all services are needed. Ex—daycare, hospice care, nannies, maids, etc

9 Gender Roles  In many cultures, women are expected to work in only supporting roles, nurses, teachers, etc, if they work outside the home at all.  When WWII happened, women were force to work outside the home in occupations that were solely men’s work.

10 Education  The better educated and better trained a person is, then the more efficiently they can produce a good.  The better educated a person is, then they have more exotic tastes in food, drink, and personal conveniences.

11 Mobility  Americans are willing and able to move to find work, therefore boosting the economy in that region.  On the flip side, where they are moving from will be negatively affected by the move.

12 Social Class  Social class is the informal ranking of people based on their income, occupation, education, dwelling, etc. Ex—working class, middle class, upper class, etc.  The higher the social class the greater demand for certain products.

13 Communication/Language  Because of a more diverse society, many stores have expanded the goods they offer. Ex—grocery stores offer more foreign foods or companies hire bilingual employees.

14 Religion  A society’s religion can effect what goods and services that are offered. Depending on the religion backgrounds depends on what is available to their people.

15 Values and Attitudes  What people value as important effects what is offered. Ex—technology is viewed as important in the US, but water is viewed as important in Africa.

16 Color  Some colors are preferred more in some cultures than others. Therefore, the textile production may be different in different societies.

17 Customs  Habits and practices followed in societies differ.  Customs in America are owning a gun and using automobiles, but in Europe their customs are different so few people own guns and most use public transportation instead of their own autos.

18 Cultural Changes Impact on Production and Consumption of Goods and Services  Civil Rights and Equal Rights Movements  Gas Prices  Green Movement

19 US vs LDCs (less developed countries)  In the US, economic decisions are made as a result of individual decisions made by buyers and sellers.  Tradition determines what is produced in LDCs. What parents and grandparents produced is what current generations produce.

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