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The Sustainable Development Goals - Opportunities for Management Education and the PRME Chapter CEE to Support Achieving Agenda 2030 Jonas Haertle Head,

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Presentation on theme: "The Sustainable Development Goals - Opportunities for Management Education and the PRME Chapter CEE to Support Achieving Agenda 2030 Jonas Haertle Head,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sustainable Development Goals - Opportunities for Management Education and the PRME Chapter CEE to Support Achieving Agenda 2030 Jonas Haertle Head, PRME Secretariat, UN Global Compact

2 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

3 The Role of regional PRME Chapters in PRME’s development Jonas Haertle Head, PRME Secretariat, UN Global Compact

4 Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) UN-backed initiative to change the curriculum, research and learning methods of management education Based on UN Global Compact/ Corporate Sustainability approach Launched in 2007

5 Governance PRME is governed by the UN Global Compact, along with the main business school accreditation bodies and specialised and regional associations. Additionally, the PRME Advisory Committee, established in 2016, inspires thought leadership, enhances communication across and between the community and the PRME Secretariat, and gives voice and greater ownership of the initiative to signatories. Steering Committee - UN Global Compact, AACSB, EFMD, AMBA, GMAC, AABS, CEEMAN, CLADEA, ABIS, and GRLI Advisory Committee - Representatives of PRME Chapters, Champions, & Working Groups PRME Global Forum - June 2015 New York Declaration: Focus on SDGs PRME Secretariat

6 The Principles – Engagement Framework As institutions of higher education involved in the development of current and future managers we declare our willingness to progress in the implementation, within our institution, of the following Principles…

7 Principle 1 - Purpose: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy. Principle 2 - Values: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compac t. Principle 3 - Method: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership. The Six PRME Principles

8 Principle 4 - Research: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value. Principle 5 - Partnership: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges. Principle 6 - Dialogue: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organizations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability. The Six PRME Principles

9 Who Participates Over 650 business schools/ management- related academic institutions and universities from 80+ countries 42 of the Financial Times’ top 100 Global MBA Ranking in 2016

10 Who Participates

11 Engagement in PRME Region CEE

12 Regional Participants - CEE IPM Business School Belarus European Higher School of Economics and Management Bulgaria CotrugIi Business School Croatia Cambridge Business School Czech Republic SKODA AUTO University Czech Republic VSE - University of Economics, Prague Czech Republic Caucasus University Georgia CEU Business School Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary International Business School Budapest Hungary Almaty Management University Kazakhstan Turar Ryskulov New Economic University Kazakhstan Universum University College Kosovo Alberta College Latvia BA Business and Finance School Latvia College of Law Latvia Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Latvia Newport University CED Latvia Riga Business School Latvia Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration Latvia ISM University of Management and Economics Lithuania ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA University of Applied Sciences Lithuania Baltic Management Institute (BMI) Lithuania SMK University of Applied Social Sciences Lithuania Faculty of Management - University of Warsaw Poland Kozminski University Poland Poznan University College of Business Poland Poznan University of Economics Poland Warsaw School of Economics Poland Bucharest University of Economic Studies Romania Maastricht School of Management Romania Romania Department of Finance and Banking - RANEPA Russian Federation Graduate School of Management (GSOM) - St. Petersburg University Russian Federation Institute of Business Studies (IBS-Moscow) Russian Federation International University of Fundamental Studies Russian Federation Lomonosov Moscow State University Business School Russian Federation Moscow international higher business school MIRBIS Russian Federation Belgrade Business School HEI for Applied Studies Serbia Novi Sad Business School Serbia Faculty of Economics Slovenia IEDC-Bled School of Management Slovenia International Institute of Business (IIB) Ukraine Kyiv Mohyla Business School Ukraine Lviv Business School Ukraine

13 PRME Chapters PRME Chapters are regional platforms that advance the Six Principles of PRME within a particular geographic context that root PRME within different national, regional, cultural, and linguistic contexts, and facilitate wider and deeper growth and engagement of PRME.

14 Regional PRME Chapters & Regional Meetings Middle East/ North Africa Australia & New Zealand Asia UK & Ireland Nordic countries D-A-CH (German-speaking Europe) Latin America & the Caribbean Brazil Iberian (Portugal & Spain) North America CEE (Central & Eastern Europe)

15 Upcoming PRME Regional Meetings: 2016 MonthChapterLocation AprilMENACairo, Egypt BrazilTBD CEERiga, Latvia JuneUK & IrelandNottingham, UK JulyAsiaHong Kong, China AugustBrazilTBD SeptemberNordicStockholm, Sweden Latin America and CaribbeanBuenos Aires, Argentina NovemberDACHKrems, Austria BrazilTBD

16 PRME Chapter CEE - Two key questions What do you want to achieve? How do you want to get there?

17 Thank you Follow our blog and social media:

18 PRME Working Group Projects & Reports Anti-Corruption Toolkit Poverty, a Challenge for Management Education Gender Equality

19 PRME Champions The PRME Champions group focuses on thought & action leadership on responsible management education in the context of the UN sustainable development agenda. The group is globally and proportionally representative, according to the makeup of the larger PRME community.

20 PRME Champions Call to action at 3rd PRME Global Forum in 2012 Rio Declaration Leadership group Modeled after Global Compact LEAD Address shared barriers to responsible management education After committing to PRME, how to change? Beyond individual Principles of PRME, Curriculum Development Faculty Development and Engagement Research Transformational Model for the Implementation of PRME Collaboration: LEAD on Shaping the Future Business Leader Global Compact LEAD is an exclusive group of sustainability leaders from across regions & sectors that represent the cutting edge of the UN GC PRI on activating finance and accounting in management education Principles for Responsible Investment ‘s (PRI) goal is to understand the implications of sustainability for investors & support signatories to incorporate these issues into their investment decision making and ownership practices.

21 PRME Champions Projects & Reports Shaping the Future Business Leader: State of Sustainability in Management Education Partner with Business Schools to Advance Sustainability: Ideas to Inspire Action Faculty Development for Responsible Management Education

22 Implementation Report on progress in implementing the Six Principles every 24 months through a Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) report. ‒Updated SIP Policy: Provides more clarity on reporting ‒New resources: Helps increase the quality and quantity of reporting ‒Recognition of Excellent SIP Reports: Provides incentives for good reporting and highlights good examples Administrative service fee introduced in 2013 as a flat fee. A tiered model is now used based on feedback from the PRME Advisory Committee.

23 Sharing Information on Progress Credibility and learning through Reporting at minimum each 24 months Credibility through Reporting: Sharing Information on Progress at least every 24 months

24 SIP Submission in CEE

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