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Squid Dissection 2010. What does dissection mean? the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid.

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Presentation on theme: "Squid Dissection 2010. What does dissection mean? the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Squid Dissection 2010

2 What does dissection mean? the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components.

3 Tools Scalpel Scissors Forceps Eye Dropper Probe

4 Rules You must stay at your lab table at all times Must have your gloves on at all times Do not cut it into pieces this is supposed to be a dissection No playing around Try and locate as many of the external and internal body parts possible

5 History of Squid Free swimming animal that lives a predatory life in the sea Atlantic long-finned squid which reaches a length of 17” In life squid are very colorful and iridescent There are many different species of squid  Ex Architeuthi  Giant squid found in deep areas of the Atlantic ocean it is the largest known invertebrate animal reaching a length of 60 feet.

6 Squid History Squid are built for speed (can go up to 4.7 miles per hour) by forcing water out of the siphon which is located near the head They swim forward when capturing prey but backwards when they are fleeting predators  instantly changing color and releasing a dense cloud of black ink that acts as a decoy to predators

7 Squid History Close relatives of octopuses They hunt in deeper water Squid provide food for fish and marine mammals like seals and porpoises. They are also eaten world wide by human ( Humans eat manly the muscular part Squid are captured with huge trawl nets towed behind powerful boats

8 Squid History Widely used research animals Much of what scientists know about the human nervous system has been learned by studying the squids giant axons (up to 100 times larger in diameter than human axons)

9 Squid History Phylum Mollusca Class Cephalopoda (head-footed) Bilaterally symmetrical and unsegmented. Have a true coelom, a foot, dorsal visceral mass (contains the internal organs), mantle, and a mantle cavity that contains gills. Have an extensive fossil record indicating long evolutionary history

10 Squid History Have a highly developed brain and central nervous system Two large complex eyes Muscular mantle that pumps water over the gills and out through a siphon which provides rapid movement by jet propulsion Foot is modified into arms or tentacles complete with suckers Their mouth contains a parrot like beak Their shell is internal 8 arms and two tentacles **STOP HERE**

11 Tuesday  have them do some sort of write up on what they learned yesterday

12 External & Internal Anatomy Go over picture with class on ELMO Have them label their own paper Draw a blown up internal and external if time allows

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