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 To build healthier relationship worldwide and make best use of it.  To mark our presence in potential untapped markets globally.  To be a major contributor.

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Presentation on theme: " To build healthier relationship worldwide and make best use of it.  To mark our presence in potential untapped markets globally.  To be a major contributor."— Presentation transcript:


2  To build healthier relationship worldwide and make best use of it.  To mark our presence in potential untapped markets globally.  To be a major contributor in organizing International events.  To become a nodal Agency for reputed fairs across the world. "You don't win with the best talent - you win with the five players who are able to play well together."

3  Organizing International Events  Organizing Capacity Building/Training Programmes/Open Houses/Interactive Sessions and B2B Meetings with Incoming Business Delegation.  Submission of Papers to the Ministry and other agencies.  Follow-up with the Ministry on regular basis on the issues related to grants and sanctions  Submit Feedback & Suggestions as and when requested on the issues related to trade agreements and ongoing negotiations  Regular Interactions with the Embassies/ Missions  Issuance of Visa Recommendation letters to Participants  Handling of Representations  Signing of MOUs with Trade Promotion Organizations  Tie-up with Companies for Sponsoring the Events  Buyers data to FIEO Members through Kompass.  Country Profile in FIEO News on monthly basis.


5 INTERNATIONAL EVENTS UNDERTAKEN-MRD (APRIL 2014-MARCH 2015) S.NO.NAME OF EVENTLOCATIONNO. OF PARTICIPANTS COVERING UNDER 1115 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase 1- April 15-19, 2014 Guangzhou, China 66 MAI 2115 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase III- May 1-5, 2014 Guangzhou, China MAI 3Business Delegation to Jordan & Lebanon- May 26-31, 2014 Jordan & Lebanon 16SELF- FINANCED 4Oman Health Exhibition-September 9-11, 2014Oman20MDA 5India Show in Moscow-September 24-26, 2014Moscow, Russia100MAI 6116 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase 1- October 15-19, 2014 Guangzhou, China 73 MAI 7116 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase III- October 31- November 4, 2014 Guangzhou, China MAI 8Western China International Fair (WCIF) - October 30- November 4, 2014 Chengdu, China10SELF- FINANCED 910 th Tanzania Trade Show-November 28-30, 2014 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania 22MDA

6 INTERNATIONAL EVENTS UNDERTAKEN BY MRD (APRIL 2015-NOVEMBER 2015) S.NO.NAME OF EVENTLOCATIONNO. OF PARTICIPANTS COVERING UNDER 1117 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase 1-April 15- 19, 2015 Guangzhou, China 40MAI 279 th International Handicraft Trade Fair- April 24- May 3, 2015 Florence, Italy18MSME 3117 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase III-May 1-5, 2014 Guangzhou, China 45MAI 4International Fashion Fair- August 28-30, 2015Rzgow, Poland19MSME 5Vietnam Manufacturing Expo-September 10-12, 2015 Hanoi, Vietnam48MAI 6Tehran International Industry Exhibition-October 5- 8, 2015 Tehran, Iran46MAI 7118 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase 1-October 15-19, 2015 Guangzhou, China 48MAI 8118 th Session of the Canton Fair Phase III-October 31-November 4, 2015 Guangzhou, China 49MAI 9Gulfood Manufacturing 2015-October 27-29, 2015Dubai6SELF- FINANCED 10International Sourcing Expo Australia- November 16-18, 2015 Melbourne, Australia 68MAI

7 INTERNATIONAL EVENTS UNDERTAKEN BY REGIONAL OFFICES (APRIL 2015-NOVEMBER 2015) S.NO.NAME OF EVENTLOCATIONNO. OF PARTICIPANTS COVERING UNDER REGION/DE PARTMENT 1Auto Mechanika-May 6-9, 2015Johannesbu rg, South Africa 14MDANR 23 rd China South Asia Exposition-June 12-16, 2015 Kunming, China 94MDAER 3India Expo at Srilanka-September 11- 13, 2015 Srilanka52MAISR 4Singapore International Indian Shopping Festival-September 24-27, 2015 Singapore40MAIWR 5Baku Build- October 21-24, 2015Baku, Azerbaijan 28MAINR 6Tanzania Trade Show-November 20-22, 2015 Tanzania7SELF- FINANCED NR 7India Expo-November 28-29, 2015Dhaka, Bangladesh 53MAIER

8 MRD UPCOMING PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL EVENTS (JANUARY - MARCH 2016) S.NO.NAME OF EVENTLOCATIONNO. OF PARTICIPANTS COVERING UNDER 133 rd Edition of International Fair of Khartoum, Sudan-January 25-February 1, 2016 Sudan10SELF- FINANCED 2The Chinese New Year Shopping Festival- January 29-February 4, 2016 Chengdu, China 25MSME 31 st Kuwait International Fair-February 21-27, 2016Kuwait15SELF- FINANCED 4The Big Show Oman-March 28-31, 2016Muscat, Oman20SELF- FINANCED 5Morocco International Home Fair-March 31- April 3, 2015 Morocco15SELF- FINANCED

9 Heads2014-152015-16 (Till November 2015) No. of Overseas Events 9 10 Revenue from Overseas Activities 18,04,41,434/-13,83,91,995/- Expenditure on Overseas Activities 17,09,93,911/-10,64,59,749/ - Surplus 94,47,523/-3,19,32,246/-








17  Advertise all upcoming international events in the newspapers every quarter.  Dedicated FIEO team across FIEO offices including chapter offices who will be accountable for creating database for international events throughout the year.  Organize Road Shows at Sector-Specific Locations  To visit Local fairs and promote our International Events  To Collaborate with local chambers  Advertise all upcoming international events in the newspapers every quarter.  Dedicated FIEO team across FIEO offices including chapter offices who will be accountable for creating database for international events throughout the year.  Organize Road Shows at Sector-Specific Locations  To visit Local fairs and promote our International Events  To Collaborate with local chambers

18 STRATEGY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF RIGHT FAIRS/EXHIBITIONS  Short-listing of the countries based on the economic growth, market size, focused programmes of the Govt of India.  Focus on those global exhibitions offered in the industry sector that are appropriate sector wise.  Evaluate these exhibitions according to their importance within that sector, as well as their local, national, or international appeal.  Post event report of the previous editions.  Recommendations from the Indian Embassy/High Commission.  Feedback from the Participants/Members.  Pre-visit to the fair through Catalogue Shows  Short-listing of the countries based on the economic growth, market size, focused programmes of the Govt of India.  Focus on those global exhibitions offered in the industry sector that are appropriate sector wise.  Evaluate these exhibitions according to their importance within that sector, as well as their local, national, or international appeal.  Post event report of the previous editions.  Recommendations from the Indian Embassy/High Commission.  Feedback from the Participants/Members.  Pre-visit to the fair through Catalogue Shows Exhibitions are the best face-to-face marketing opportunity for companies around the world. They provide outstanding sales, marketing, research, branding, financial, and other rewards for companies that understand some important exhibition marketing fundamentals.

19 NEW SERVICES FOR MEMBERS  Specialized FIEO’s Travel Subsidiary  Product Specific Catalogues  Specialized FIEO’s Travel Subsidiary  Product Specific Catalogues

20 Training & Up-gradation of Skill and Knowledge Encourage growth through training and skill up- gradation. Skilled manpower is an asset and will pay dividends over the long term

21 RATIONALIZATION OF EXPENDITURE TO MAINTAIN FINANCIAL HEALTH How we can Reduce our expenses Effective Utilization of our resources and Manpower Less but more viable domestic events on profitable basis of large scale of larr How we can Reduce our expenses Effective Utilization of our resources and Manpower Less but more viable domestic events on profitable basis of large scale of larr How we can increase revenues to maintain financial Health Self-Financed International Events Reverse Buyer Seller Meets India Agents for renowned International Exhibitions National level Multi-Product Exhibition. Annual Export Conclave/Summits. Catalogue shows Investing in assets and lease out on annual basis How we can increase revenues to maintain financial Health Self-Financed International Events Reverse Buyer Seller Meets India Agents for renowned International Exhibitions National level Multi-Product Exhibition. Annual Export Conclave/Summits. Catalogue shows Investing in assets and lease out on annual basis


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