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Processing Reimbursements with Concur Charles Sumner Center for Workplace Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Processing Reimbursements with Concur Charles Sumner Center for Workplace Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing Reimbursements with Concur Charles Sumner Center for Workplace Development

2 Agenda Overview of Concur Setting up your Profile Create Expense Reports – Out-of-Pocket and Corporate Card Expenses – Itemizing and Allocating Expenses Capturing Receipts with the Mobile App Setting up a Delegate Approval Process Getting Help 2

3 Benefits of Concur Best in class travel and expense system Replaces the manually intensive, soon to be obsolete, Web Reimbursement tool for reimbursing Harvard employees Electronic payment for out of pocket expenses and credit card transactions Mobile App captures electronic receipts and creates reports – Travelers can use the Concur App to instantly upload photos of their receipts – The App can also be used to create and submit on-the-go expense reports Integrates with Harvard’s Citibank Corporate Card – Charges made on the Corporate Card are automatically loaded into Concur and can be easily dropped into an expense report Incorporates Harvard Policies and Guidelines 3

4 Harvard Travel Services - Concur Training materials, FAQs, Support info and more are available at: 4

5 Concur Dashboard The main Concur screen shows a quick view of your open expense reports, unassigned corporate card charges, and reports awaiting your approval. 5

6 Concur – Profile Settings Users logging into Concur for the first time will need to use the Profile Settings screen to update their personal information 6

7 Demo: Getting Started & Setting up a Profile Step-by-step guides are available at: 7

8 Creating an Expense Report Concur allows users to easily create expense reports Corporate Card charges will be automatically loaded from Citibank into a user’s account Out-of-pocket charges can be entered manually or created in advance through the Concur or ExpenseIt apps Receipts can be uploaded through the mobile apps, emailed, or scanned. 8

9 Expense Report Dashboard 9 The main Expenses screen allows you to create a new report, access an open report, or assign credit card charges to a report

10 Expense Report Header Report name, business purpose (including travel dates), and the default account code are entered on the Header screen. 10

11 Expense Report Creation The report creation screen allows users to easily add out-of-pocket expenses or import credit card charges. 11

12 Manual Expense Entry For out-of-pocket charges, the preparer selects an expense type, adds required and optional details as needed, and then attaches a receipt The expense level Business Purpose field is automatically copied from the Header, but can be edited to include additional information. The contents of this field will be displayed on the Detailed Listing 12

13 Corporate Card Import For corporate card charges, the preparer can drag-and-drop expenses into the report, then add any missing details and the receipt. 13

14 Demo: Creating a Basic Expense Report Step-by-step guides are available at: 14

15 Creating More Complex Reports Concur assigns object codes based on the expense type and location Charges default to the account coding used in the report header but can easily be allocated to a different code or split between multiple codes – Concur remembers your recently used code combinations and allows you to save favorite account allocations Itemization of certain expense types will be required For out-of-pocket charges in foreign currency, Concur has a built-in exchange calculator 15

16 Adding Supporting Details Different expense types require different supporting details. For example, Business Meals requires the names of the attendees and itemization if alcohol was involved. 16

17 Itemizing Expenses Lodging expenses require a full itemization of the hotel bill. The ExpenseIt app can do this for you. 17

18 Allocating Expenses The allocation tool lets you charge expenses to codes other than your default account. It can reassign expenses to new codes or split them between multiple codes by percentage or dollar amount. It also lets you save frequently used allocations as favorites for quick access. 18

19 Viewing Allocated Expenses After allocating an expense, you can quickly view the coding details by hovering over the blue allocation icon. This icon appears whenever a line is charged to something other than the default coding for the report. If the wrong default coding was used, you can click the report name to edit it. This will overwrite any existing allocations. 19

20 Viewing Full Report Details A version of the full report with itemization and allocation can be viewed by clicking Print>Detailed Report. The pop- up report can then be printed or emailed as needed. 20

21 Expenses in Foreign Currency Concur easily deals with transactions in foreign currency by pulling in the appropriate exchange rate for the date in question. The provided rate can be overridden when necessary. 21

22 Other Types of Expenses Besides business meals and hotels, other expense types require different types of additional information: – Individual Meals: Meal type and Alcohol – Airfare: Domestic or International, Class of Service – Airline Fees: Baggage, Upgrade, Change, or Other – Car Mileage: To and From locations (built-in mileage calculator) City of Purchase and Vendor Name are also often required Comments can always be added with further details Personal charges on corporate cards: – Must be paid for by the responsible individual – Should be added to a report, then marked personal 22

23 Demo: Adding Extra Details Step-by-step guides are available at: 23

24 Attaching Receipts Receipts can be attached to a report in various ways: – Photos of receipts can be uploaded directly to your account through the Concur or ExpenseIt mobile apps – Photos, emails, PDFs, and other docs can be emailed to from verified email addresses – Scans of receipts or other supporting documents can be uploaded from your desktop 24

25 Uploading Receipts with the Concur App Open App Take Photo Upload Library The Concur app syncs with the website and allows you to quickly upload photos to your “Available Receipts” library. You can also use the app to create, submit, view, and manage your expense reports. 25

26 Creating Expenses with ExpenseIt Open App Take Photo Analyze Edit & Upload The ExpenseIt app scans the receipt and uses the information it can identify to create partial expense entries for you. You can then edit any incorrect details, add comments, and upload the resulting entry to your “Available Expenses” library with the receipt image already attached. 26

27 Which App Should I Use? Concur Mobile App Create individual expenses or full reports and submit them right from your phone Faster upload of images – However, if only uploading photos, you can’t add comments or other details Useful for bringing in lots of receipts at once ExpenseIt App Scans each receipt for details Creates expense entries based on the scan results Great for rental cars, hotels, and airfare Easy entry of comments Can be confusing if receipts related to corporate card charges are uploaded 27

28 Attaching Receipts to Expenses 28 While creating an expense report, you can attach receipts that were previously uploaded to your library or upload new ones from your desktop.

29 Viewing a Receipt Once attached to an expense, you can quickly view a receipt by hovering over the blue receipt icon. 29

30 Viewing all Receipts You can also use the Receipts Menu to quickly view all attached or available receipts, identify which expenses still need receipts, and other related tasks. 30

31 Receipt Details As per policy, receipts are required for any expense of $75 or greater – Check your local school/unit policy for information about receipt requirements for charges under $75 For multiple small expenses like taxi rides, a preparer can combine the charges onto a single expense and then scan the receipts together – This option is dependent on local school/unit policy Missing Receipt Affidavits can be attached to an expense by scanning it and uploading it 31

32 Submitting Reports Once complete, click Submit Report A confirmation screen appears with reminders about accountability and financial responsibility It will also alert you to any missing receipts or other exceptions that should be fixed before submission 32

33 Confirm Approver After confirming the submission, Concur will ask you to confirm your Approver if you haven’t set one to be your default. Depending on where you work, you may need to add additional approvers as well. 33

34 Notifications Notifications are sent to report preparers when: The report they created has been approved Payments associate with the report they created have been issued Corporate cards that they are responsible for contain charges which are nearing payment deadlines 34

35 Demo: Receipts, Mobile Apps, and Submitting Step-by-step guides are available at: 35

36 Delegating Reports In order for someone to create a report on behalf of another user, they must first be set up as a delegate of that user This needs to be done in the account of the person who is delegating their authority to a new preparer Delegates can create new reports for their traveler, view and upload receipts to their traveler’s account, and adjust some of their traveler’s profile settings However, to ensure compliance with policy, the actual reimbursee must still log in to submit the report 36

37 Assigning a Delegate 1.On the Profile Settings screen, click Expense Delegates 2.Click Add to bring up a Search Box 3.Enter the name of your Delegate into the Search Box 4.Select your Delegate from the list of names 5.Click Add to confirm your selection 6.Next to your Delegate’s name, select their access – Can Prepare allows them to create reports for you – Can View Receipts allows them to access your receipts – Receives Emails sends them a copy of your system notices 7.Click Save 37

38 Delegate Settings 38 These are the recommended settings for delegates. It allows them to prepare reports, view receipts, and receive email notifications on behalf of the assigning user.

39 Delegate Access When someone with delegate authority logs into Concur, they can click on their profile to tell the system that they want to act as a different user. Their profile icon will then change to show that they are acting as a delegate 39

40 Approving Reports Concur Approvers will receive emails notifying them about reports awaiting their approval – These include PDFs that show the coding for each line Approvers should review the report and any exception notices, check that the coding is correct, and confirm that all necessary receipts are included Approvers can edit the account coding allocation, approved amount, business purpose, or comments on each line – If other changes are required, the report can be sent back to the preparer with notes explaining why it wasn’t approved 40

41 Approver Screen Approvers can review the report details in a number of ways 41

42 Approver: Viewing Receipts Hovering your mouse over a receipt icon will open a pop-up window with the receipt image 42

43 Approver: Viewing Allocations Hovering their mouse over an allocate icon will open a pop-up window with the coding for that line. However this icon only appears when something other than the default coding is used. 43

44 Approver: Viewing Header Defaults To review the default coding and other header information for a report, an Approver can click on the report name. 44

45 Approver: Viewing Full Details Alternatively, Approvers can click on Print/Email to view a complete listing of the account codes used in the report 45

46 Approve, Forward, or Send Back After reviewing a report, the approver can approve it, approve it and forward it to another approver, or choose to send it back to the preparer with a note explaining why it wasn’t approved and what changes are needed. 46

47 Approval Confirmation 47 Approvers will get a reminder about their responsibilities related to account coding, receipts, and compliance with policy when approving or forwarding a report

48 Demo: Approving Reports Step-by-step guides are available at: 48

49 24/7 Support Toll-Free 24/7 Support is available directly from Concur by calling: 866-793-4040 Users can also access a Live Chat with Concur Support – While logged into Concur, click on the Help link then select Contact Support which will direct you to the Concur Support Portal 49

50 Further Help Go to to access step-by-step instructions, job aides, video tutorials, travel policies, and FAQs Check with your local finance office for any Tub-specific guidelines For more help, contact your local support or Reimbursement Card Services at: – 617-495-7760, option 1 – 50

51 Any Questions? 51

52 Thanks for Coming! Processing Reimbursements With Concur 52

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