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Programs and TORCH Zone Functional. Name Chapter Past NSBE leadership experience Why Programs? SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH.

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Presentation on theme: "Programs and TORCH Zone Functional. Name Chapter Past NSBE leadership experience Why Programs? SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programs and TORCH Zone Functional


3 Who are We!! One Vision One Mission One Voice Understanding NSBE Programs Supporting the NSBE Mission via Programs Programs are the Backbone of the Organization

4 Agenda Objective and Purpose Programs Zone Structure Signature Programs Programs Operational Outlook (NSBE 2025) Roles and Responsibilities Team activity Key Takeaways – Things to Remember

5 Our Objective To develop and implement creative, engaging and interactive programs that serve and support all demographics of the Society. We provide a variety of programs in the following core areas: Academic Excellence Chapter Development Community Impact Leadership Development Pre-College Initiative Technical Excellence

6 What is a Program

7 SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION NSBE Programs Zone National Programs Chairperson National Academic Excellence Chairperson Regional Academic Excellence Chairpersons Chapter Academic Excellence Chairpersons National PCI Chairperson Regional PCI Chairpersons Chapter PCI Chairpersons National TORCH Chairperson Regional TORCH Chairpersons TORCH Centers National Business Diversity Chairperson Regional Business Diversity Chairpersons Regional Programs Chairpersons Conference Planning Chairpersons Chapter Programs Chairpersons TORCH Chairpersons

8 SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION Programs Zone WHQ WHQ Sr. Director of Programs Greg Meeropol Director of SEEK Franklin Moore SEEK Coordinators PCI Programs Coordinator Katrina Hill Programs Coordinator: Collegiate Danielle Blunt Programs Coordinator: Professionals Chris Carr Sr. Director of External & Government Affairs Tom Price

9 Signature Programs

10 The Programs Toolkits TORCH, AWFE, Retention Your University Professors, advisors, other organizations Your Counterparts The NEB/PEB/REB/PREB & WHQ Call or any with any questions or concerns Reach out! We do chapter visits Useful Resources

11 2025 Operational Outlook (Goals and Objectives)

12 Improve the integrity of programming through the alignment with NSBE 2025 Vision and Strategic Plan – Develop program evaluation process to measure success of NSBE programming and improve processes – Develop and execute a plan to support increase in undergraduate retention by 10% Current national average GPA of 2.95 with programming and academic resources/support SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION Programs 2025 Goal 1

13 Increase participation, awareness, and relevance of National Programming – Develop and execute plan to have 25% of Collegiate Chapters participating in Academic Excellence programming – Develop and execute plan to increase the number of NSBE Jr. high school graduates that pursue Engineering as a major by 10% – Develop a pilot Collegiate & Professional collaborative program to retain 35% of first-year professional members SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION Programs 2025 Goal 2

14 National Vision Directives Academic and Technical Success Initiatives Membership Integration

15 The Strategic Plan NSBE 2025 Academic and Technical Success RetentionScaling Programs Community Engagement OutreachMore Scholarships Membership Integration

16 Regional Programs Zone Be a resident expert on NSBE programs for the region. Implement programs consistent with the National and Regional Directives. Maintain constant communication between National and Regional Counterparts. Assist CPC with developing workshops according to the National and Regional Directives. Prepare reports on regional programming statistics.

17 Roles and Responsibilities

18 Provide a vision and direction for the zone Delegate responsibilities and manage tasks Serve as liaison for the Programs Zone on the Administrative Zone Direct Roles & Responsibilities

19 Academic Excellence Chair – Academic Support for the board and membership – Verify GPAs (transcript submissions) – Promote Scholarships – Implementation of the Retention Program TORCH/ Community Service Chair – Promote and plan community service activities – Implement components of TORCH programming – Work with other organizations and community leaders PCI Chair – Support Zone and PCI/NSBE Jr. chapters and advisors – Develop Programs that contribute toward pipeline development – Manage ongoing Programming Roles & Responsibilities Roles of your Zone…

20 Roles & Responsibilities

21 Be the expert on all NSBE programs Keep membership aware of programing and activities Be responsible, hold yourself accountable Communicate often!!! Support programs & activities Provide feedback & make suggestions Document programs/events Expectations

22 Technical OutReach and Community Help (T.O.R.C.H.) By Zaria Silvia

23 What is T.O.R.C.H.? T.O.R.C.H. is NSBE’s community service initiative. We aim to use our technical backgrounds to positively impact the community and achieve the following objectives: – To provide science, engineering, technology and mathematics exposure opportunities within African American communities. – To stimulate enthusiasm about science, engineering, technology and mathematics within African American communities. – To provide introductory training in the community in the areas of modern technology, computer and technical skills. – To promote the value of STEM education at all levels. – To increase African American participation in STEM. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION

24 STEM Community Training (Example: Adult class in Microsoft Office or Resume Workshops; Youth class in Bridges Design; Formal classroom style education in STEM fields aimed at both youth and adults. Informal Science and Engineering Education (Example: NSBE Takeover at Fall Regional Conference. Outreach activities, targeted at youth, to show how science & engineering can be fun.) A Walk for Education (Example: A single day any time of year to have an outreach activity aimed at encouraging youth to be better prepared for higher educational opportunities in STEM fields and in general.) Technical Expertise Services (Example: Tutoring at local high schools, SAT Prep, GED Prep; using our technical skills to provide a direct service to the community.) Traditional Community Service Activities (Example: Any other type of community service: food/clothing drives, volunteering at a shelter, etc.) SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION T.O.R.C.H. Programs

25 10 chapters from each region participate in AWFE during TORCH Month (October) Each chapter reaches 50 families with an overall goal of reaching 3,000 families Establish database of contact information for continued engagement. Market your Chapter, FRC, NC, and NSBE Make AWFE more effective and measurable SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION National T.O.R.C.H. Goals

26 Develop yearlong TORCH programming and STEM education to improve the quality of life in our communities. Develop a collaborative, leadership, STEM outreach and community help training initiative for NSBE members. Implement a voting registration campaign on STEM education and policy to be delivered at FRC. Have regions implement a TORCH Festival at their FRC. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION National T.O.R.C.H. Goals

27 TORCH Festival in Boston, MA for 42 nd Annual Convention Cultural celebration of blacks in STEM Positively engage the community through STEM and NSBE exposure Get media and government officials involved Serves as the climax of the TORCH year Also, establish a TORCH Center in Boston for year long programming SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION National T.O.R.C.H. Goals

28 8 chapters from each region participate in AWFE during TORCH Month (October) Reach more people in our community - Be a part of the schools in the communities - Help the community members who aren’t in school. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION Region III T.O.R.C.H. Goals

29 T.O.R.C.H. Hours will be sent in monthly on the 25 th of each month. Hours will only be counted if they fall in the 5 branches. Hours will be used to help gauge effectiveness of TORCH TORCH Awards and scholarships will be given out at National Convention SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION T.O.R.C.H. Hours

30 Event Detail: Purpose: To build and promote engineering exposure post-secondary education, STEM majors, and NSBE to high school students. Date: November 6, 2015 Location: White Station High School in Memphis, Tennessee (TBA) Time: TBA More information will be provide soon. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION NSBE Takeover 2015

31 I would like our Walk for Education to be in October since it is T.O.R.C.H. Month. Planning starts now!!! Get your starter kit from me afterward. SYNERGISTIC LEADERSHIP: STRENGTHENING OUR FOUNDATION THROUGH COLLABORATION A Walk for Education 2015

32 Group Activity Using the 2-3 goals you stated in the Programs Zone functional, take that information and develop an outline using the OGSM model. You may also want to highlight any potential “roadblocks” you may foresee in your goals. We can discuss how to overcome those “barriers.” *OGSM Model: – Objectives – Goals – Strategies – Measures Remember effective planning is key.

33 Activity Outcome Understand the importance and scope of work to be done during your term Create time oriented and measureable solutions Learn who else it will take to achieve your goals

34 Key Takeaways

35 What are we doing, why are we doing it, how are we doing it, and how do we know if we are successful? Key Takeaways

36 Things to Remember

37 Important Contacts and Resources Region III Executive Board Programs Zone Contacts Zaria Silvia, Region III TORCH Chair ( Valerie C. Thomas, Region III Programs Advisor ( National Executive Board (NEB) Programs Zone Contacts Noral Walker, Programs Chair ( ) Kendall Belcher, TORCH Chair ( Tiffany Sithiphone, Leadership Institute Chair ( Jacarri Tollette, Business Diversity ( NSBE World Head Quarters (WHQ) Programs Staff Tom Price, Sr. Director of External and Government Affairs ( Greg Meeropol, Sr. Director of Programs ( Katrina Hill, Programs Coordinator ( Danielle Blunt, Collegiate Programs Coordinator ( Franklin Moore, Director of SEEK (

38 Apply to the be the next Region III Programs Chair You got Question, We go Answers

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