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Mobile Quiz/Test Application Design Results Aida Syrkett ITEC4130-01.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Quiz/Test Application Design Results Aida Syrkett ITEC4130-01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Quiz/Test Application Design Results Aida Syrkett ITEC4130-01

2 Prompt : You have just downloaded a mobile quiz/testing application and clicked on the icon to open it. This is what you see on your screen. What do you do next?

3 Prompt : You want to add a class to your class list.

4 Adding a Class

5 Prompt : You want to take a test.

6 Mock Test

7 Prompt : You want to submit and view your test results.

8 Questionnaire Demographics

9 Questionnaire Likert Scale Results The app has clearly marked way- finding buttons (home, back, exit, etc.) The button symbols are recognizable. Navigating through a test was simple. The written instructions were helpful. I found the app unnecessarily complex. I am able to easily view my test results. The language in the app is easily understood. 5555155 5455155 4555155 4444344 5555255 4.6 4.8 1.64.8 Strongly Agree / Agree Strongly Disagree / Disagree Strongly Agree / Agree 5 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Neutral, 1 = Strongly Disagree

10 Menu Bar Symbols/Icons

11 Open Ended Questions  Did anything about the app confuse you (purpose, content, layout, design, etc.)?  Nope.  The only thing I didn’t recognize was the home button, but other than that, everything was clear and easy to understand.  No.  The home button needs to look like a house.  Straight forward.

12 Open Ended Questions  The most difficult part of the app was:  Nothing, it was simple.  Nothing was difficult because everything was formatted well.  Easy to use. Nothing difficult.  Adding classes.  Pretty straight forward. I can see people signing up for classes with the wrong section number, but that’s human error.

13 Open Ended Questions  Comments, opinions, suggestions (how to improve, added features, etc.)?  No.  The only thing I would change would be the drawing of the home button, and maybe not have it filled in.  I would add a “save” button to use when inside of a test/quiz.  Put a (+) symbol next to the add buttons. Put a (-) symbol next to the delete (remove) buttons.  Add a calendar view mode. What happens if the phone shuts off/crashes/loses connection during a test. Make sure users have the right section # for classes.

14 Suggestions from Classmates’ Demos  A feature to track your progress and grades with the app  Allowing certain tests or quizzes to be completed at a later time after it was started  Showing percentage completion of the test  Push message feature when tests are available  Include the school the student belongs to during registration of an account rather than searching for a school on a separate screen

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