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Break-out session 1: Group 1 Chair: Ayieko, Monica Rapporteur: Karimanzira, Rungano Transition Team member: Wilson, Steven Participants:  Agboola, Julius.

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Presentation on theme: "Break-out session 1: Group 1 Chair: Ayieko, Monica Rapporteur: Karimanzira, Rungano Transition Team member: Wilson, Steven Participants:  Agboola, Julius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Break-out session 1: Group 1 Chair: Ayieko, Monica Rapporteur: Karimanzira, Rungano Transition Team member: Wilson, Steven Participants:  Agboola, Julius Ibukun  Akeem, Ayofe Akinwale  Biggs, Oonsie  Brand, Kobie  Ekosse, Georges-Ivo  Martin, Orla  Matondo, Jonathan  Midgley, Guy  Moloney, Coleen  Swilling, Mark

2 Future Earth Research Theme: Dynamic Planet Observing, explaining, projecting Earth and societal system trends, drivers and processes, and their interactions; anticipating global thresholds.

3 1. Research priorities relevant for Africa that can be linked to / integrated within the Future Earth research framework  Bridge the gap and fragments in the governance systems in Africa  Energy – develop affordable renewable sources  Relationship to FE – reduce environmental degradation, sustainability,…  Understanding of African marine ecosystems – behavior of ocean currents and the impact on marine environment –deep water and shallow water systems… (FE Dynamic Planet); marine resource management (natural and human resource management for food securities and income generation). Fisheries – regulated at national level or policed at broader level

4 Cont…  Management of water resources  Global development and its relationship to African development – address R&D for Sustainable development in Africa; Technology transfer N/S, adaptation, adoption, diffusion and extension services. Technology development by Africans, sustainability of development projects through development of capacity building (organizational issues);  Environmental tipping points – for Sustainable Development and human wellbeing and poverty alleviation;  Alternative development trajectories – lessons learnt from experiences from other regions;  Developmental analysis… (Chair);  Targeted research consistent with national priorities and community needs;  Optimal use of available knowledge for common good;  Co-design research projects and effectively communicate these in the implementation process ;

5 Cont…  Connection between ecosystems services (benefits – provisioning & regulating services (water, food, energy); processes (climate regulation); cultural services(recreation, spiritual and tradition) and human wellbeing and poverty alleviation;

6 2. On-going regional activities / programmes, already dealing with these priorities. Gaps not being addressed  ECA/CLIMDEV – Climate for Development in Africa  Large Marine ecosystems programmes – link between basic science and policy  SAPECS- Southern African Prog on Ecosystem Change and Society;  Wild Coast Project ;  AHEAD – Animal Health and Environment – veterinary (livestock and wildlife management)  ILRI – livestock management  IITA – International Institute of Tropical Agriculture  VICRES – Lake Victoria Research Initiatives (trans-boundary – East Africa)- Energy,  Major River Basin Studies – (Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambezi  IWMI – International Water Management Institute (food production)  UNU INRA (Ghana) Institute for Natural Resources in Africa – Sustainability and low carbon /green economies

7 Research GAPS  Linkages amongst the sectors. (Management of trade-offs.); Energy – renewable/appropriate/alternative energy research initiatives. Competition with food security. Optimal use of available land for exploitation of renewable energy Water – harvesting technologies, waste water management and sanitation programmes; development and management of emerging water treatment technologies Animal/Human Health- disease transmission, drug discovery and management using emerging technologies; Agriculture and food/feed security- new and disease resistant varieties; broaden the application of processed products  Sustainable approaches – conservation/optimal/efficient use  Governance (environment)  African-led approaches to Leadership  Capacity Building initiatives in existing programmes ( region specific)

8 Research Gaps Cont…  Preservation ---- sustainable use continuum with socio-cultural-political implications. Which management approach is applicable in Africa?????

9 3. Opportunities for collaboration between Future Earth and existing regional activities  Identify opportunities (global/regional, etc)  Comparative management approaches to identify commonalities in ecological, social systems etc. {African approaches; lessons learnt from pitfalls of developed nations related to global change challenges; how were the challenges addressed; regional diversity, dynamism, cultural differences, top-down/bottom-up approaches used in various areas]  Developing and sharing knowledge and exchanging of best practices.  Assist regional research activities in a way that better contribute to social challenges – trans-disciplinary approach and addressing the questions being posed;  Downscaling and upscaling of research opportunities;  Effective and efficient transfer of sector-based research outcomes for development;  Establish financing framework for development linkages between and amongst research initiatives;

10 Future Earth Research Theme: Global Development Providing the knowledge for sustainable, secure and fair stewardship of food, water, health, energy, materials and other ecosystem services.

11 Future Earth Research Theme: Transformation towards Sustainability Understanding and evaluating strategies for governing and managing the global environment across scales and sectors, to move towards a sustainable Future Earth.

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