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7.1 How have cities grown and what challenges do they face? 7.1b Cities face a number of SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES resulting from RAPID GROWTH.

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Presentation on theme: "7.1 How have cities grown and what challenges do they face? 7.1b Cities face a number of SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES resulting from RAPID GROWTH."— Presentation transcript:

1 7.1 How have cities grown and what challenges do they face? 7.1b Cities face a number of SOCIAL and ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES resulting from RAPID GROWTH and RESOURCE DEMANDS. Lesson 4- Today we will EXAMINE the URBAN CHALLENGES in the DEVELOPING world.

2 EXAM SKILLS PRACTIC E 1) Describe the growth of Lagos since 1950 (2) Give reasons for this pattern (2) What are the challenges DEVELOPING WORLD CITIES face because of rapid growth?

3 Why are DEVELOPING WORLD CITIES growing so rapidly? 1) NATURAL INCREASE is high in DEVELOPING WORLD CITIES like LAGOA, NIGERIA The residents of cities like Lagos are young and therefore have children of their own increasing the population further naturally- natural increase

4 Why are DEVELOPING WORLD CITIES growing so rapidly? 2) RURAL to URBAN MIGRATION The movement of people from the countryside to the city

5 PUSH-PULL MODEL People move because they think life will be better in Urban areas. There will be factors which PUSH them from where they live now (RURAL ORIGIN), and PULL them to a new place (URBAN DESTINATION)

6 Rural PUSH or Urban PULL? Rural Population Pressure Low Agricultural production/income Lack of Health & Education Work is hard and lbour intensive Rural unrest/safety concerns/other… Employment Prospects are improved Meeting Social Needs – education / health Quality of housing and social amenities Security / being with relatives Other reasons…

7 The push from the countryside (RURAL): Lack of jobs other than poorly paid farm work Lack of services such as doctors Lack of opportunity for life to be better for your children The pull of the cities ( URBAN ): Chances of regular paid work Chances of better health services and schools. Chances of a more interesting life Better prospects for children to survive and thrive Desperation to avoid starvation in the rural areas.

8 What are the CHALLENGES caused by this RAPID CITY GROWTH? Transport and congestion Water security High levels Of pollution The INFORMAL ECONOMY Energy security

9 Due to large numbers of people entering the cities, the city planners cannot keep pace and build enough houses…. illegally SQUATTER SETTLEMENT S

10 Once one illegal SQUATTER SETTLEMENT is built, other people follow and build their own creating SHANTY TOWNS (large collections of illegal housing) These houses are SLUM housing as they lack all or some basic necessities like…

11 Life in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya Watch the video and make notes on life in Kibera SLUM


13 DEVELOPING WORLD cities like Lagos face heavy CONGESTION on their roads as car numbers increase as more residents arrive. Other reasons for CONGESTION are lax road laws and insurance which means people drive with less care and order. Lack of money means it takes time to tarmac roads and add traffic lights to control traffic Lack of money also means a lack of investment in public transport which leads to more cars on the roads as there are fewer alternatives

14 China’s most polluted city Describe the scene in the city? What social impacts does this have on the people of the city?

15 High levels of air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels and increasing numbers of cars…. …..create health issues such as asthma and bronchitis. This shortens the lives of cities residents and puts a strain on healthcare services It also can lead to lost working hours as people cannot go out due to the high levels of air pollution and smog.

16 The United Nations estimates that 1 billion people do not have access to adequate supplies of water and 2 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. Dhaka is a major city of 9 million people in Bangladesh. The city is not able to supply enough safe water, so people have to drink from pools of water on the ground. This water is often polluted, and drinking this type of water is responsible for 2 million deaths worldwide each year. Open water attracts mosquitoes which may transmit malaria. It is also a breeding ground for snails, which can carry diseases such as schistosomiasis, a disease which affects the intestines.

17 The Buriganga River, Dhaka, Bangladesh heavy polluted from sources such as waste flowing into the river, oil spills from boats and building structures appearing on the river banks. foul smells and rotting fish, the stench is unbelievable, according to the Environment Department, up to 40,000 tons of tannery waste flows into the river daily, along with sewage from Dhaka, a city of more than 10 million.

18 from 1.55 What is life like in the Olesosun dump and slum? Describe the jobs people do there What are the benefits of these jobs? Costs? What happens a lot in Lagos? What are the impacts of these things happening?

19 Black outs in cities like Lagos are very common. They happen a lot Sometimes multiple times a day Power Outages Paralyse Lagos Airport 05 Mar 2013 Nationwide Blackout? 24 Hours And Counting May 25 th 2013 Small businesses hit by blackout in Lagos 10/7/2012 Power generation remains poor, blackout persists in Lagos 1/5/12 This is due to the lack of wealth to develop a consistent, reliable power source 24 hours a day

20 from 1.55 In spite of their belief when they migrate, reality in slums in the DEVELOPING WORLD’S URBAN AREAS for rural to urban migrants is often very different. Often what happens is that jobs are only available in the INFORMAL SECTOR. This means the jobs are temporary, seasonal and not regular. These people do not have a regular wage coming in which makes getting a home difficult (often impossible) It also means they do not pay tax to the city, so city planners have less money to build legal homes for migrants

21 Task- Produce a piece of work to highlight the challenges that the growth of DEVELOPING WORLD cities create, include the following information within your piece of work- 2 EXPLAINED reasons why DEVELOPING WORLD cities are experiencing RAPID GROWTH. 4 CHALLENGES faced by DEVELOPING WORLD CITIES Name actual cities in your work

22 Homework- EXAM PRACTICE Using named examples, compare the challenges facing cities in the DEVELOPED and DEVELOPING worlds (8) The quality of your written work is assessed in this answer- you need to think about- Clear use of valid sentences throughout- no bullet points Actual named places in your answer (1 or many)

23 Level 1 1–3 The response describes a number of urban problems but these are not specifically linked to developed/developing–world cities or focus on one only. No attempt at a comparison and examples are of named cities only. Some structure to answer and some relevant use of geographical terminology. Level 2 4–6 The response explains a range of problems in both types of city, with some use of examples and some details; likely to be two separate accounts with some attempt to compare at the top of the level. Clear structure, clearly communicated, with relevant use of geographical terminology. Level 3 7–8 Response uses detailed and appropriate examples to directly compare the challenges facing both types of city. Differences/similarities between the two types of city are outlined. Clear structure, well communicated with excellent use of geographical terminology.

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