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Collaboration: to work jointly with others towards a common goal Or the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Lisa B. German Library Faculty Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration: to work jointly with others towards a common goal Or the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Lisa B. German Library Faculty Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration: to work jointly with others towards a common goal Or the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Lisa B. German Library Faculty Organization Forensic April 26, 2012

2 Highlighted Collaborations Association of Research Libraries Center for Research Libraries OCLC Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortia (PALCI) Lyrasis Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) HathiTrust OhioLINK/CARLI

3 ARL is a nonprofit organization of 126 research libraries at comprehensive, research-extensive institutions in the US and Canada that share similar research missions, aspirations, and achievements.126 research libraries The Association's importance and distinction is born from its membership and the nature of the institutions represented. ARL member libraries make up a large portion of the academic and research library marketplace, spending more than $1.4 billion every year on library materials

4 ARL Strategic Directions Influence public policy Reshape scholarly communications Transform research libraries

5 ARL Programs ARL E-Science Initiative LibQUAL+® -solicit, track, understand, and act upon users’ opinions of service quality SPARC (SPARC®, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) CNI

6 Collections – Law and Government – working with Law Libraries Microform Consortia – History and Economics of Agriculture – collaborating with Linda Hall Library – History of Science – News

7 Benefits for Penn State Access to materials for our researchers Joint licensing initiatives (NCCO for example) Digital Preservation audits for initiatives such as HathiTrust

8 Grandmother of bibliographic utilities Revolutionized cataloging Illiad for ILL Ezproxy for authentication Contentdm for digital collection management Questionpoint for virtual reference Webscale management system

9 Evolution from old OCLC network model. Combination of several former OCLC networks (Palinet, Solinet, Nelinet, etc.) Now has more than 1700 members. Inspired by the constellation of “Lyra,” one of the galaxy's brightest stars and guiding lights, and the suffix, “sis” which denotes a process of change, our name reflects our objective to provide guidance to information professionals and support them and their institutions as they serve their communities through the ever-changing library landscape.

10 What do we get from Lyrasis Databases and ejournals OCLC services Digitization collaboration with Internet Archive

11 It’s all about resource sharing 76 libraries in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and West Virginia Baby steps in shared responsibility for preservation of print collections


13 Very important partnership for Penn State 6B research dollars across the 12 Universities Courseshare – partnership with Deans of Arts and Sciences – distance education Traveling scholars Leadership development Center for Library Initiatives


15 Joint Licensing - $6,529,839 in savings on library licensing last fiscal year; average of $485,169 per institution – Kim Armstrong Digital Initiatives Scholarly Communications initiatives -

16 HathiTrust Mission To contribute to the common good by collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge

17 Partnerships Arizona State University Baylor University Boston College Boston University California Digital Library Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Emory University Florida State University Getty Research Institute Harvard University Library Indiana University Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Library of Congress Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University` Michigan State University New York Public Library New York University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University Northwestern University The Ohio State University The Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Purdue University Stanford University Texas A&M University Universidad Complutense de Madrid University of Arizona University of Calgary University of California Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz The University of Chicago University of Connecticut University of Florida University of Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago The University of Iowa University of Maryland University of Miami University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Missouri University of Nebraska-Lincoln The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Utah University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison Utah State University Washington University Yale University Library

18 Digital Repository Launched 2008 Initial focus on digitized book and journal content  10,204,139 total volumes  5,419,777 book titles  268,881 serial titles  2,888,837 public domain (~28%)

19 Collections and Collaboration Comprehensive collection  Preservation…with Access Shared strategies  Copyright  Collection management, development  Preservation  Discovery / Use  Bibliographic Indeterminacy  Efficient user services Public Good

20 Penn State’s Participation Penn State started scanning with Google in 2009 Materials pulled and sent to Google every month Items out of copyright went to HathiTrust Items in copyright discoverable though not viewable in Google Book Search

21 Future Directions More partners Additional types of data Expanded research capacity Continued rights clearance expansion

22 Begun in the early 1990’s through mandate from the Ohio Board of Regents Began with a shared library catalog and a couple of databases Now

23 49.5 million books and other library materials Millions of electronic articles 17,000 electronic journals 140 electronic research databases 68,000 e-books Thousands of images, videos and sounds 35,000 theses and dissertations from Ohio students

24 Why Successful? Strong consortial leader with a vision Shared financial benefit and costs Pride – proud to say, “I’m from OhioLINK” Demonstrated value to faculty and students at all OhioLINK schools

25 CARLI serves over 94% of Illinois higher education students, faculty and staff at 154 member institutions. All for one and one for all mentality

26 Common catalog E-resources brokering Resource Sharing offering 24 hour delivery Digital Collections using Contentdm Book Digitization initiative with the Open Content Alliance Parnership on Rochester’s xtensible cataloging

27 Common Threads All together do more than one alone Strong leadership and mission Shared governance and participation of members Dedication to their audience Demonstrated value

28 Could have talked about…. CLIR DLF CNI AAUP SSP EDUCAUSE

29 Future in Pennsylvania ARLs in Pennsylvania Shared print storage initiatives State Resource Library initiatives Disciplinary, print and digital cooperative collection development

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