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Please do not talk at this timeMarch 17 HW: Quiz on Chpt. 17.1, Korea, Vietnam and your map so far on Tuesday. I will collect 17.1 Cornell Notes, Your.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not talk at this timeMarch 17 HW: Quiz on Chpt. 17.1, Korea, Vietnam and your map so far on Tuesday. I will collect 17.1 Cornell Notes, Your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please do not talk at this timeMarch 17 HW: Quiz on Chpt. 17.1, Korea, Vietnam and your map so far on Tuesday. I will collect 17.1 Cornell Notes, Your Korean War DBQ and your Vietnam Question on Tuesday as well. Please get out Cold War Personal Interview. Share what you found out with your partner.

2 Please get out your Cold War Map Notes and the binder paper that goes with it…

3 Examples of Proxy Wars and the Cold War The USA and USSR never actually went to war with each other. Instead, They often fought each other by supporting the enemies of the other side. The superpowers sometimes clashed in the most bizarre ways, such as the World Chess Championships! Mostly they looked for unstable governments and tried to give enough support to make their favourite side win. The Vietnam War Civil War in Nicaragua Revolution in Afghanistan Cold War Lecture Notes: For each event record lecture notes on the Vietnam War, the Civil War in Nicaragua and the Revolution in Afghanistan. Underline each title in your notes.

4 Vietnam War: 1965-1973 Americans followed a policy of Containment and sided with the South Vietnamese to promote Capitalism and stop the spread of Communism. Unfortunately, the People of Vietnam wished to be Communist. They fought a dirty, guerrilla style war against superior technology and numbers, but they won because the American people turned against the failed war, the suicide missions and the determination of the Vietnamese.

5 Vietnam War Video As you watch this Video, answer this question: Why were the North Vietnamese able to win the Vietnam War against the Militarily superior United states? –Consider: Goals of the Vietnamese Experience of the Vietnamese under the French Strategies of the North Vietnamese Opposition in the US

6 Causes of the Vietnam War What concept from the Cold War is this cartoon illustrating? Still in your Class Notes…

7 Find Vietnam on your map and color it the same color you did for the USSR Make a notation on your map that the Vietnam War happened here.

8 Please do not talk at this timeMarch 18 HW: Please finish your Cuba Reading and complete the question strategy. Please get out the following: Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes Korean War DBQ (chart and 3 questions) Vietnam Question



11 Causes of the Vietnam War Pg 41A: Why did the US get involved in Vietnam? You may also use the link below to watch an excellent video to help you answer this question. Use: Spread of Communism, rivalry, containment and Domino Theory in your answer.

12 Early Cold War Quiz Please get out a piece of paper and label it Early Cold War Quiz. This quiz is multiple choice and short answer.

13 Please Get pg. 42A/B- Background on the Cuban Revolution. You may start this now. Whatever you don’t finish is for Homework.

14 Please do not talk at this timeMarch 19/20 HW: Finish the Cuban Missile Crisis DBQ Please get a Cuban Missile Crisis Reading (class Set) and a Pg 43A- Cuban Missile Crisis Handout

15 Review Containment My Definition: USA attempts to limit Soviet power during the Cold War and prevent other countries from becoming communist. Related Words: Surround Contain Isolate Box up Eliminate- removing a piece from the playing board Examples: Roach Motel USA Vs. USSR- cold war Glossary Definition: U.S. policy directed at blocking Soviet influence and stopping the expansion of communism. Versions: Container Picture:

16 Look at your Cuba Close reading… What did you learn about the History of Cuba? Tell your partner! What is Bautista like? Who are the Castro brothers? What do they do? Are they successful?

17 Background on Cuban American Relations The US was once very friendly with Cuba. We owned sugar plantations and sugar processing plants there. Americans vacationed in Cuba the way we go to Disneyland today. Cubans often did not benefit from the money the US made in the country. The US supported Batista, a corrupt dictator, because he let the US do what they wanted. Castro overthrows Batista and takes over the country. He tries to work with the US, but eventually throws them out of Cuba and takes their land and factories for the Cuban people under communism. The US retaliates by ending all trade and visitation rights. No more tourists! The USSR steps in, buying Cuban sugar and sending Soviets to vacation there. Castro and Khrushchev work together closely. President Kennedy also backs the Bay of Pigs Invasion where Cuban rebels were trained by the US military and assisted in invading Cuba to overthrow Castro. They are defeated and captured when the US backs out of the invasion at the last minute.

18 To place or not to place? Please look at the first side of your Cuban Missile Crisis assignment. Imagine that you are advising Nikita Khrushchev about placing nuclear missiles in Cuba.

19 Using the info provided, what do you tell him? Choose one person in your pair to argue FOR putting missiles in Cuba. Choose the other person to argue AGAINST putting missiles in Cuba. Use the information in the reading to provide evidence for each argument. What to consider: –The reputation of the USSR as a super power. How can you protect this? –The ability of the USSR to protect itself from American aggression. What is the best threat to keep USA in line? –Winning- What will make the USSR seem like a winner?

20 Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above.

21 Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above.

22 Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above.

23 Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above.

24 Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above.

25 Using your answers in the chart, Consider the facts that the Russian have in 1962… Should they put Missiles in Cuba? You decide! Should the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba? Yes! Say why using evidence from above. No! Say why using evidence from above. Sentence Frame Help: The USSR should/should not put missiles in Cuba because _________________.

26 Look over the top of side 2 of the Cuban Missile Crisis Reading… This section reveals the steps of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Read each number out loud with your partner. Trade off reading. Give an example of Containment from step 3. Where are the OTHER missiles that are part of this crisis?

27 Find the Bottom Chart on Pg. 42A Pro (argument and evidence for…) Con (argument and evidence against…) Attack the Cuban missile sites with airstrikes. Attack the missile sites and invade Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey and pledge never to attack Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to never invade Cuba, but secretly agree to withdraw missiles from Turkey.

28 Now read End Game: What should the USA do? This section covers the information available to President Kennedy.

29 Using the info provided, what do you tell him? Choose one person in your pair to argue FOR each suggestion. Choose the other person to argue AGAINST each suggestion. Use the information in the reading to provide evidence for each argument. What to consider: –The reputation of the USA as a super power. How can you protect this? –The ability of the USA to protect itself from Soviet aggression. What is the best threat to keep USSR in line? –Winning- What will make the USA seem like a winner?

30 Once you know what side you will be arguing… Use it to fill out your half of the second chart.

31 Please set up the back of pg. 44 like this: Pro (argument and evidence for…) Con (argument and evidence against…) Attack the Cuban missile sites with airstrikes. Attack the missile sites and invade Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey and pledge never to attack Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey but secretly agree to never invade Cuba.

32 Please set up the back of pg. 44 like this: Pro (argument and evidence for…) Con (argument and evidence against…) Attack the Cuban missile sites with airstrikes. Attack the missile sites and invade Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey and pledge never to attack Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey but secretly agree to never invade Cuba.

33 Please set up the back of pg. 44 like this: Pro (argument and evidence for…) Con (argument and evidence against…) Attack the Cuban missile sites with airstrikes. Attack the missile sites and invade Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey and pledge never to attack Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey but secretly agree to never invade Cuba.

34 Please set up the back of pg. 44 like this: Pro (argument and evidence for…) Con (argument and evidence against…) Attack the Cuban missile sites with airstrikes. Attack the missile sites and invade Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey and pledge never to attack Cuba. Give in to Soviet demands to withdraw missiles from Turkey but secretly agree to never invade Cuba.

35 Then on the back of this handout, write a persuasive argument for what YOU think Kennedy should do. Sentence Frame Help: The Action Kennedy should take is _________________ because _________________.

36 Persuasive Words and Phrases I am writing to... I am speaking to you today because... This needs to be dealt with because We can do without this... It will ruin our How unfair! Only the uninformed will believe that... Now... Surely... Obviously... Of course... We can solve this by... I believe that... This will mean that... This will cause... Another thing... Just think about... If these plans go ahead... How could you (we) possibly… Do you really think….. What would happen if… Is it really worth… Do you want to be part of…

37 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)‏ The confrontation began on October 14, 1962, when U.S. reconnaissance photographs taken by an American U-2 spy plane revealed missile bases being built in Cuba, in response to similar U.S. bases built at the Turkish-Soviet border. After a tense confrontation on October 28, 1962, both U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, with the intercession of U.N. Secretary-General U Thant, agreed to remove their respective nuclear missiles. This is as close as we have ever come to nuclear war. Video: United Streaming: Cuban Missile Crisis


39 Please do not talk at this timeMarch 14 Please get out your Cold War Notes and your Cuban Missile Crisis paper. You will add to your Cold War Notes. HW: Read your Handout on either the Russian Soldier or the Afghan Peasant and fill out your half of the chart (Afghan Revolution Comparison Chart, Pg 45A). Be ready to share your information on the Monday.

40 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)‏

41 Examples of Proxy Wars and the Cold War The USA and USSR never actually went to war with each other. Instead, They often fought each other by supporting the enemies of the other side. The superpowers sometimes clashed in the most bizarre ways, such as the World Chess Championships! Mostly they looked for unstable governments and tried to give enough support to make their favourite side win. The Vietnam War Civil War in Nicaragua Revolution in Afghanistan Remember this?

42 More Proxy Wars! Please continue to take notes…

43 Americans supported the unpopular dictator Samoza. When Communist Sandinista leader Ortega took control of Nicaragua with Russian support, Americans funded the Anti Communist Contras to fight him in Nicaragua and other communists in El Salvador. Because of Foreign support, this war raged for 10 years killing thousands and ruining the Nicaraguan economy. Civil War in Nicaragua (1979)‏

44 Revolution in Afghanistan 1979 - 1996 Soviets back a communist military coup that seizes the government of Afghanistan. Americans give weapons and aid to the Mujahedeen forces (Islamist peasants who opposed the non religious people in power) challenging the Soviet backed government. The Soviets step up involvement and eventually invade when the Afghani leader, President Takari, begins a reign of terror. Meanwhile, Americans channel more and more aid through Pakistan (secretly) and demand the Soviets stop their involvement at the UN (publicly). With both sides of the Conflict well armed by the USA and USSR respectively, Afghanistan falls into civil war. The Russians, experiencing their own Vietnam, pull out Civil war and infighting between extremist factions continued until the Mujahedeen’s Taliban seized power in 1996.

45 Find Afghanistan and color it the same color you did for the USSR Make a notation on your map that the Revolution in Afghanistan happened here.

46 Please label countries in the Middle East. Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Non Religious Muslim Hindu

47 Compare and Contrast Mini Essay We will be practicing a social studies compare/contrast writing technique in a very short essay on the experience of these two people from the Invasion of Afghanistan. Social Studies Compare and Contrast is a little different than English Compare and Contrast.

48 Please add this Directive Word to Pg.45A in your notebook: Compare(Compare/Contrast)- Show how two things are alike and different. Practice: Compare your English teacher to your History teacher. Say how they are alike and how they are different. Start by filling out this chart. SimilaritiesDifferences English teacher History teacher

49 Compare and Contrast Language Compare language Again Also Similarly Likewise In the same way Same Identical Equal Equivalent Contrast Language Although But However On the other hand Yet Even though While Despite In contrast instead

50 Compare and Contrast essay writing… There are several ways to organize a compare and contrast essay. We are going to be doing it one specific way. –Start with a Thesis that states how two things are similar and how they are different. –Then present evidence for how they are similar. Explain how your evidence Proves they are similar. –Then present evidence for how they are different and Explain how they are different.

51 Try it with your teacher comparison…Use the compare and contrast language you copied and these sentence stems Thesis: My English teacher and my history teacher are similar because they both _______________ while they are different because____________. Both my English teacher and my history teacher……. This shows they are same because…… While my English teacher… history teacher…….. This shows they are different because….. Write it out!

52 See handout: Afghan Interviews in the documents folder Take notes on your Interview in the correct boxes on this chart. Make sure you organize by topic!

53 Korean War DBQ- Pg 40A/B Vietnam Question: Pg. 41A Background: the Cuban Revolution- Pg 42A/B Cuban Missile Crisis Mini DBQ- Pg 43A/B Compare/Contrast- Pg 44A Afghan Comparison Chart- Pg 45A

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