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TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Ammonia emissions from fertilisers Nick Hutchings Dept of Agroecology 1.

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Presentation on theme: "TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Ammonia emissions from fertilisers Nick Hutchings Dept of Agroecology 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 TATION AARHUS UNIVERSITY Ammonia emissions from fertilisers Nick Hutchings Dept of Agroecology 1

2 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Background  The Guidebook revision in 2008/9  Ammonia emission dependent on fertiliser type, soil pH and temperature  Documentation for the methodology could not be found.  EEA funded the Dept of Environmental Sciences, Aarhus University to update the chapter.  Collated published measurement data  Found effect of fertiliser type, application method and soil pH but not temperature.  Current method means emission increases for some Parties

3 AARHUS UNIVERSITY  Assessment of the current methodology (Sebastian)  Detailed analysis of the collated data (Nick)

4 AARHUS UNIVERSITY  Sebastian’s presentation here

5 AARHUS UNIVERSITY New analysis  Aarhus University has used own resources to undertake a more detailed analysis  Found significant effects of:  fertiliser type  application method  soil pH (+ve)  crop type (bare soil, grassland, cereal) (-ve)  clay content (+ve)  rainfall after application (-ve) +ve = increases emission, -ve = decreases

6 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Potential methodologies  Tier 2 (a ctivity data need to be widely available):  fertiliser type (FAO)  soil pH, clay content (national/European soils databases)  Tier 3:  fertiliser type, soil pH, clay content  crop type (EUROSTAT)  application method (survey)  rainfall after application (survey + meteorology)

7 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Tier 3 - urea 7

8 AARHUS UNIVERSITY  The data collated have inadequacies  Some fertilisers are poorly represented  Some situations are poorly represented  Differences in measurement methodologies  Need a coordinated measurement campaign  Focus on main fertilisers or main groups  Climates and soils representative of European ranges  Standardised measurement methods However….


10 AARHUS UNIVERSITY Current emission factors v new analysis 10

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