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TIPS FOR ANSWERING LONGER ANSWER QUESTIONS Which command word is used? These tell you what to do. Explain, Describe, Discuss, Compare Check you know what.

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Presentation on theme: "TIPS FOR ANSWERING LONGER ANSWER QUESTIONS Which command word is used? These tell you what to do. Explain, Describe, Discuss, Compare Check you know what."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIPS FOR ANSWERING LONGER ANSWER QUESTIONS Which command word is used? These tell you what to do. Explain, Describe, Discuss, Compare Check you know what they all mean. Underline or circle key words Explain why the amount of fertiliser used is increasing, and describe the damage that fertilisers can cause to life in rivers and lakes. What key words might be needed to answer the question? Write them down. Make sure you know what they mean. Organise them, either in groups, or in an order. How many marks is it worth? Have you written enough?

2 More KEY WORDS! Check your answer... Level 3 5-6 marks 1.Have you used any of the key words? 2.Have you made some key points? Level 0 0 marks No Yes 1.Have you used lots of the key words? 2.Have you fully described any of the key points? 3.Is there a logical order? Level 1 1-2 marks No Yes 1.Have you used all the key words correctly? 2.Have you justified your conclusion using correct science? 3.Is your spelling faultless and your report logical? Level 2 3-4 marks No Yes More KEY WORDS? Check the ORDER? Think more SCIENCE! More DETAIL! Check your SPELLING!

3 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Explain what clues geologists can use to explain the earths history. 6 marks Key words Tectonic plates Mantle Magnetised Climate Fossils Sediment Ripples minerals Hints Discuss the structure of the earth. Explain magnetic clues in rocks. Explain fossil evidence Explain patterns found in sedimentary rocks _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

4 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Salt is extremely important in the food industry. It can be collected/extracted in three different ways. Underground mining, solution mining and from the sea. Discuss which method of salt extraction has the least impact on the environment. 6 marks Key words Extraction Rock salt Solution mining Deposits Dissolve Brine Evaporate Subsidence Pollution Purity Hints Explain each type of extraction Discuss environmental impacts Provide evidence to support your opinion Give an opinion on which impacts the environment the least _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

5 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Discuss the risks and benefits of using salt in the food industry. What can be done about those risks? 6 marks Key words Preservative Stroke Heart attack High blood pressure Processed Food Standards Agency GDA Risk Choice Advice Hints List reasons for the use of salt in the food industry List health implications of eating too much salt Suggest what the government can do to reduce risk Discuss choices that people can make to reduce risk. _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

6 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Electrolysis is a method used to produce some very useful chemicals from salt solution. Discuss the products from the electrolysis of brine and their uses. 6 marks Key words Electrolysis Brine Salt solution Chlorine Disinfectants Hydrogen Fuel Ammonia Hydrogenation Sodium hydroxide Soap bleach Hints _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

7 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks The data shows information from a river next to an electrolysis plant. Use the data to describe the change in the levels of mercury from 1956 to 1970 and suggest a reason for this. Discuss other environmental impact caused by electrolysis. 6 marks Key words Electrolysis Pollution Environment Impact Energy Toxic Resources Hints _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar Year19561958196019621964196619681970 Mercury level (ppm) 0.20.1

8 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Chlorine is used in water treatment. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using chlorine to treat water. 6 marks Key words Chlorination Drinking Safe Treatment WHO Life expectancy Carcinogenic Respiratory Burn Risk Hints _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

9 Level 3 - 5to 6 marks Level 2 – 3 to 4 marks Level 1 – 1 to 2 marks Alkalis have been produced for hundreds of years. Explain how alkalis are useful and reasons why the methods of production has changed over the years. 6 marks Key words Neutralising soil Dyes Soaps Glass Sources Stale urine Burnt wood Manufacturing Cost Pollution Waste Toxic Efficiency Hints _____________________________________________ QWC - Bubbles Complex answer Extensive key words Logical order Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar Detailed answer Many key words Clear order Good spelling, punctuation and grammar Simple answer Few key words No order Poor spelling, punctuation and grammar

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