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FISHERS OF MEN Sabbath welcome Friday sunset. 6:30pm -7:30pm Witnessing 1hr. 15 mins. Friday night. 7:45-9:00 pm Visitation. 2 hours. Sabbath am 9:30-11:30.

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Presentation on theme: "FISHERS OF MEN Sabbath welcome Friday sunset. 6:30pm -7:30pm Witnessing 1hr. 15 mins. Friday night. 7:45-9:00 pm Visitation. 2 hours. Sabbath am 9:30-11:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 FISHERS OF MEN Sabbath welcome Friday sunset. 6:30pm -7:30pm Witnessing 1hr. 15 mins. Friday night. 7:45-9:00 pm Visitation. 2 hours. Sabbath am 9:30-11:30. 11:40-1:00 pm divine service. Bible study. 2 hours. Sabbath pm. 3-5. 5-6:30 group activities. Decisions. 2 hours. Sunday. am 9:00-11:00. 11:15 - 12:30 group activities Review thanks and close. before lunch or after lunch.

2 FISHERS OF MEN. Fishers of men is a Bible based, Christ centered,blessings gain oriented program to train church members to STOP being supporters or spectators to members who win souls. This program shows the members how to lead people directly to Jesus being enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

3 OBJECTIVE. Every member becoming a soul winner. The fruit of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men–he gathers and receives them for eternity]. [Matt. 4:19; I Cor. 9:19; James 5:20.] (Proverbs 11:30 AMP) How? That's what this training program is all about. It is a HOW training program,bringing the techniques of successful winners of souls to the doorsteps of willing laymen.

4 WHEN ARE WE TO WIN SOULS? Now, not then. Work now " while it is day" ( the day of opportunity). We must work the works of Him Who sent Me and be busy with His business while it is daylight; night is coming on, when no man can work. (John 9:4 AMP) Now is the day of salvation. I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2 NIV)

5 WHERE ARE WE TO WIN SOULS? Right here. "" all over the world ( that's where; right here). There are many who are reading the Scriptures who cannot understand their true import. All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven. Prayers and tears and inquiries go up from souls longing for light, for grace, for the Holy Spirit. Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only to be gathered in. – {AA 109.1}

6 YES ! EVERY MEMBER A SOUL WINNER. WHO'S THAT? THAT'S YOU. In visions of the night representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God’s people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other miracles were wrought.... Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families, and opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On every side doors were thrown open to the proclamation of the truth. The world seemed to be lightened with the heavenly influence. Great blessings were received by the true and humble people of God.—Testimonies for the Church 9:126. – {ChS 42.4}

7 THE PROCESS OF WITNESSING! THE GREATEST AND NOBLEST WORK The conversion of souls to God is the greatest, the noblest work in which human beings can have a part. In this work are revealed God’s power, His holiness, His forbearance, and His unbounded love. Every true conversion glorifies Him and causes the angels to break forth into singing. – {7T 52.1}

8 All worldly enterprises are of trifling importance compared with the work of saving souls. Earthly things are not enduring, although they cost so much. But one soul saved will shine in the kingdom of heaven throughout eternal ages. – {2T 336.1}

9 One soul is of more value to heaven than a whole world of property, houses, lands, money. For the conversion of one soul we should tax our resources to the utmost. One soul won to Christ will flash heaven’s light all around him, penetrating the moral darkness and saving other souls. – {2TT 375.1}

10 JESUS USED FIVE STEPS IN WITNESSING 1. He mingled with the people as one who desired their good. 2. He showed sympathy 3. He ministered to their needs 4. He won their confidence. 5. He bade people " follow me"

11 MINGLING MEANS DOING THINGS TOGETHER. BY MINGLING WE DISCOVER PEOPLE'S NEEDS. Sympathy means an attitude of personal concern. Sympathy does not wait until the person asks for help. It is always expressed by some kind of action that communicates an honest concern for someone who has a need. Ministered to their needs means meeting the needs of people,wether physical, mental, social, or spiritual. Won their confidence is the result of meeting people' need. Follow me is the appeal to follow Christ and become a member of the kingdom of God.

12 JESUS IDENTIFIED AND WORKED WITH FELT NEEDS. ( ACTS 10:38) Wedding feast experience: the felt need was to avoid social embarrassment. (John 2: 1-11). Nicodemus experience: felt need was for genuine spirituality. (John 3: 1-5). Man at the pool experience : felt need was for divine healing. (John 5: 1-14) The hungry multitude experience : felt need was for physical food. ( John 6: 1-15).

13 EXAMPLES OF PERSONAL EVANGELISM PRINCIPLES Jesus and the Samaritan woman. John 4: 1-26 Contact others socially Establish common ground Arouse interest Don't condemn Stay with the main issue Confront the person directly.

14 WHEN TALKING WITH PEOPLE 1. Start the conversation on a point of interest 2. Share some of yourself first, then ask a suitable question. 3.Positively affirm what people say 4.Share a part of your spiritual self

15 IF YOU FEEL LED BY THE SPIRIT Ask them about their spiritual standing. Wait for their reaction If they answer with an enthusiastic yes: continue a friendly conversation. Give them a gospel leaflet. Arrange to meet again. If they are not interested : drop it. God will not give up on them, but this is not the right moment.

16 IF THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE YOUR FAITH ARISES Begin by speaking about world conditions. Give a testimony of what God has done for you Some of those interested may require further visitation.

17 WAYS AND MEANS OF PRESENTING THE GOSPEL. The FORT principle. Family: talk about family first. People are interested in talking about family. Occupation : then ask about occupation. Religion : Then ask what church they presently attend. Testimony: finally share a personal testimony. ( my life before accepting Christ, how I became a Christian, my life since I became a Christian.) a consistent Christian life is a tremendous witness.

18 HOW TO FIND INTERESTS The oikos principle: the Greek word oikos means house, but in the bible it is often used in the broader sense of the household,or extended family. According to some studies, 75-90% of people have join the church because of friends or relatives. This indicates that the oikos system is still valid now. Mark 2:14-15: the phrase was having dinner at levi' house, " tax collectors and sinners" represents Matthew's oikos, his social network of friends, and work acquaintances.

19 MORE WAYS TO FIND INTERESTS. People who visit church or participate in some church activity. Visitors who attend Sabbath school Individuals who have completed a bible correspondence course. Parents of children who attend vacation bible school, and children' sabbath school. Friends from ingathering program Non sda students studying in Adventists school. Those who attended evangelistic meetings and have not yet decided for Jesus.

20 SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY 1. Describe and discuss the five things Jesus did when He witnessed to people. 2. What are four things you should do when you initiate a conversation in witnessing.? 3. If people are not interested, what are two things you should do? 4. If you are led by the Spirit to witness, discuss the six things you should do? 5. Develop an oikos list. Develop a personality profile for one oikos member. 6. Make a list of typical adventist expressions that should be avoided.

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