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CHECK IT OUT! Resources for Student Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "CHECK IT OUT! Resources for Student Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHECK IT OUT! Resources for Student Organizations

2 The Office of Campus Activities has a wide range of resources that student organizations can check out. Student Organizations must be recognized by the Office of Campus Activities in order to check out items. Most items are free, but a few have a nominal fee. You can find these resources at The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC). In this presentation, you will learn about many of the resources available for you to use. We recommend you reserve all items at least one week in advance. Please contact: SORC Secretary, at the SORC Front Desk to provide your reservation information. (215) 895-1328

3 The popcorn machine is for student orgs to check out for events or meetings. We supply the popcorn kernels. Everything must be thoroughly cleaned before it is returned.

4 These are game buzzers that student orgs often use for game nights. We have three different kinds of buzzers for your events.

5 We also have a Wii game system available for student organizations to check out! This comes complete with a Wii game console, component cable, power cable, sensor bar with plastic holder, four “Wiimotes,” two nunchucks, four AA batteries, and WiiSports. Everything listed must be returned in good condition! Enjoy!

6 We also have an Xbox game system available for student organizations to check out! This comes complete with an xbox, one component cable, power cable, two xbox controllers, and one NBA 2K12. Everything listed must be returned in good condition! Enjoy!

7 The helium tank is a resource available for blowing up balloons. You may bring your own balloons, but we do supply balloons and string to tie them with, if you wish to use them. Using our balloons/helium tank is free, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this resource! Just go to the front desk to have them let you in to the closet where it is kept.

8 The button maker is available for student orgs to use/check-out to create buttons for promotional purposes or to use as a simple, yet fun activity for your group. We also provide the supplies/materials for the button maker.

9 The full color poster printer is available for student organizations to use for advertising. Each student group receives one free poster per term, and is charged only $5 for any additional posters. Your poster must be 24”x36” in size and in PDF format. To print, send the file to the SORC Secretary at and we will send it to the printer for you. You can typically pick up your poster in the SORC within the same day as the

10 This is the SORC black and white/color printer, copier, scanner and fax machine. To print directly from one of the SORC computers, send your work to the “Canon” printer. You will then enter your group’s copy code (provided to your group’s president) into the ID and password areas. If you forget it, the SORC Secretary can give it to you. To copy or fax, go to the machine itself and enter this same code into the ID and password areas. Each student org is allotted 50 free black and white copies per term, then charged only 3 cents per additional copy. Color copies are also available for only 8 cents per sheet. Your SAFAC account is charged for copies.

11 Want to make your brochures/ flyers more presentable? You can use the laminator to do so. Simply ask the secretary for the plastic.

12 We have a polaroid camera for student orgs to check out. It does not come with polaroid film. You can order the polaroid film via a purchase request form, if you do not already have some.

13 We also have an SRD Nikon Digital Camera available for student organizations to check out. Prior to being able to taking this camera out for use the student must undergo training with the Photography Club, to ensure he or she knows how to use the camera correctly and responsibly. For more information on trainings, contact the Photography Club at

14 The assortment of colored paper and die cutter are available for everyone to use at no cost! The die cutter cuts shapes and letters into paper. It is a great way to save time when making a banner/poster. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from the front desk when using this.

15 The large rolls of colored paper come in handy when making signs and banners for events and information tables. Take as you need, but please be considerate to others and keep the rack clean, tidy and organized after each use!

16 The white-boards can be used to enhance meetings or events. Dry erase markers and erasers are provided. Please make sure to ONLY use dry erase markers on these boards!

17 The white-board arrows are used to give directions to an event or meeting. These are dry erase boards, so you can specialize them. Dry erase markers and erasers are provided. Please make sure to ONLY use dry erase markers on these boards!

18 The A-Frames are great ways to promote organizations/events. There are two A-Frame locations available for student orgs to reserve spaces: the bookstore lobby, and Creese lobby. Follow the poster printer procedure if it needs to be printed. You may have up to two weeks to keep your poster up depending on availability. You may reserve more than one space at a time.

19 The large easel is also a great way to promote your organizations/events. The main difference between this board and the a-frames are that you can take the easel anywhere you’d like to use it however it meets your need. Pictionary, anyone?

20 The leadership library in the SORC is complete with a variety of books, videos, icebreakers, team builder games, and curriculum for leadership development. Each item has been donated by a person who it has positively impacted. You may check any of these out or donate any from your personal collection that you feel others could benefit from. If donating supplies, you may wish to include a personal excerpt in the front of the book on how it has influenced you and your leadership development.

21 Student organizations are able to sing along to 100+ songs with the karaoke machine. Have fun jamming away to some great hits!

22 Student organizations are able to have hot water at their fingertips! Best for tea ceremonies or ramen noodle study sessions.

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