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Differentiation on the Spot LISA MILLARD (CCHS SCIENCE)

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiation on the Spot LISA MILLARD (CCHS SCIENCE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiation on the Spot LISA MILLARD (CCHS SCIENCE)

2 Differentiation  Not always the same children that need support/challenge.  Disheartening if they are given an obviously differentiated task.  Sometimes they exceed expectations.

3 Challenge and Support Cards.

4 Blank Cards  Write a challenge question on the spot  Key word spellings  Formulae  Sentence starter  Student write a challenge question and swap.

5 Benefits  Students keep their independence  Collect in at the end - Mark after the lesson  Reward vivo’s – Prize draw  No child is left unsupported/challenged.

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