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Civil War Vocabulary Unit 9. Words to define FugitiveArsenalEmancipation Proclamation SecedeTributaries Border ruffiansState’s RightsHabeas Corpus Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War Vocabulary Unit 9. Words to define FugitiveArsenalEmancipation Proclamation SecedeTributaries Border ruffiansState’s RightsHabeas Corpus Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War Vocabulary Unit 9

2 Words to define FugitiveArsenalEmancipation Proclamation SecedeTributaries Border ruffiansState’s RightsHabeas Corpus Civil WarBorder StatesGreenbacks ConfederacyEmancipate

3 Fugitive A person who is running away from legal authority

4 secede To officially leave an organization

5 Border ruffians An armed pro-slavery supporter who crossed the border from Missouri to vote in Kansas

6 Civil War A conflict between citizens of the same country

7 confederacy the states that separated from the United States during the Civil War made up the Confederacy

8 Arsenal A place to store weapons and military equipment

9 State's rights The idea that states should have all power that the Constitution does not give to the Federal government or forbid to the states

10 Border states A state on the border between the North and the South. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.

11 emancipate To free

12 Emancipation Proclamation The decree issued by President Lincoln freeing enslaved people in those parts of the Confederacy still in the rebellion on January 1, 1863

13 Tributaries A stream or smaller river that feeds into a larger river

14 Habeas Corpus A legal writ, or order, that guarantees a prisoner the right to be heard in court

15 Greenbacks Paper money issued by the United States government

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