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Internal Communication 101 Jonathan Champ Research & Content Director APAC Melcrum.

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Presentation on theme: "Internal Communication 101 Jonathan Champ Research & Content Director APAC Melcrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal Communication 101 Jonathan Champ Research & Content Director APAC Melcrum

2 72000

3 Definitions and standards are variable

4 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication At one time, communication was viewed as…

5 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication Or this…

6 Or even this…

7 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication Types of communication Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Group Communication Communication in organisations Mass Communication

8 Craft Experts ENTERTAINING INFORMING PERSUADING ENGAGING MANAGING CHANGE DRIVING DIALOGUE SOCIAL MEDIA UNDERSTANDING EMPLOYEES Strategic PartnersOrganizational Connectors 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 …. COMMUNITIES & NETWORKS COLLABORATION 8 The role of IC has changed over time

9 Drivers of communication practice

10 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication What’s in a name? Internal Employee Staff Change Corporate Marketing Benefit communication (s) Context/Content ‘Ownership’ Process, skills, tools, practicesOutput V Outcome

11 Seven practices for effective communication – Watson Wyatt 2012 Watson Wyatt Helping employees understand the business Providing information on organisational performance and financial objectives to employees Educating employees about organisational culture and values Integrating new employees into the organisation Communicating to employees how their actions affect the customer Providing individuals with information about the true value of their compensation package Asking for rapid feedback from employees about their opinions on the company Towers Watson 2011-2012 Change and Communication ROI Study Report

12 Internal Communication has significant impact… Source: Melcrum Internal Communication Diagnostic

13 Goal of IC: Simpler version Think Feel Do Head Heart Hands We communicate for an outcome…

14 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication The value 57% better return from good communication Percentage higher shareholder return in companies with effective communication compared to norm over 5 year period (Watson Wyatt 2006 Study - now Towers Watson )

15 Co-coordinating central channels Editing newsletters etc Managing the intranet Dealing with printers/suppliers Managing events Managing distribution channels How to focus on the right activity Source: Melcrum: Adapted from Melcrum Blackbelt & Synopsis Consulting Tactics Strategy AdviseImplement Review business plan and develop communication strategy Manage research Business partnering Help people deliver the strategy Forward plan communication Coaching other communicators Sponsoring training Act as communication champion Coaching leaders Providing consulting support Developing toolkits & templates Channel advice Manging internal campaigns Applying common standards Technical advice

16 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication Value in organisational context We demonstrate the value of internal communication by being valuable

17 Seven steps to a communication plan 1State the business needs 2Define the communication objectives 3Set out the measures 4Understand and segment audiences 5Develop key messages 6Develop approaches and tactics 7Define roles and responsibilities © Sue Dewhurst, 2009

18 (c) Sue Dewhurst Aim Reality Roadblocks Opportunities Who and when What’s the business need? The ARROW Model

19 (c) Jonathan Champ & Melcrum 2011 - Introdcution to Internal Communication The value of face to face* 15:35:50 Tactics account for 15% Percentage contribution made to communication effectiveness by the three factors Internal tactics: Structure, System, Symbols : Leadership & Management Style (Towers Perrin, now Towers Watson) 7:38:55 Words convey only 7% Percent contribution of words, tone and facial expression towards conveying the meaning of message (Mehrabian) *for engagement, but each channel has strengths

20 Awareness - E-mails - Memos One size doesn’t fit all Commitment Understanding - Discussions - Meetings Support - Consultation - Debate - Feedback Involvement - Early incorporation - Show compromise - Share confidences - Collective problem -solving Source: Quirke

21 Questions

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