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GroupWise  Exchange Migration March, 2011. Reason for the change  The GroupWise email system has been with WSD over 9 years  It has been a great system.

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Presentation on theme: "GroupWise  Exchange Migration March, 2011. Reason for the change  The GroupWise email system has been with WSD over 9 years  It has been a great system."— Presentation transcript:

1 GroupWise  Exchange Migration March, 2011

2 Reason for the change  The GroupWise email system has been with WSD over 9 years  It has been a great system and performed well  Licensing issues, smart phones and other factors dictate that it is time to look at better and more robust tools to fit into the overall licensing scheme  Lack of Novell support and software updates  User demand for better features  Lack of centralized platform  Third party software implemention

3 Why?  Why is the district doing this? Can’t we just leave it as is? No. Costs, licensing and the overall Network Operating System requires that we change. This change will mean better use of email between systems at home, as well as Smartphones and Android devices. Novell has moved away from us as customers, and we cannot keep the GroupWise system on its own. Getting rid of Novell means getting rid of GroupWise and GroupWise Messenger. Moving to Microsoft means reliable support, bleeding edge technology and world wide used applications.

4 Outline January 18, 2011  Meeting with administrators and discussion of the migration January 19, 2011  1 st e-mail to WSD staff with GroupWise to Exchange announcement February 2, 2011  2 nd e-mail to WSD staff with GroupWise to Exchange announcement February 16, 2011  3 rd e-mail to WSD staff with GroupWise to Exchange announcement February 23, 2011  4 th e-mail to WSD staff with GroupWise to Exchange announcement February 28, 2011  5 th LAST e-mail to WSD staff

5 Outline March 1, 2011  GO LIVE date for Exchange Outlook and Lync (messenger)  becomes available, routes to Exchange  GroupWise webmail becomes READ ONLY, no IN or OUT email to GroupWise  Outlook WebApp is primary e-mail for all staff until the changeover is complete, at that time all district users should be using the outlook client.  Junior and Elementary can use Outlook client after the uninstall of GW  GW client will no longer work.

6 Outline March 1, 2011 – March 15, 2011  District/School Technicians move High School, Maint, DO, Transport, Two Rivers and Canyon to Active Directory and Outlook client.  Lync (messenger) client is installed  GroupWise client, GroupWise Messenger and Zenworks uninstall  replaces iFolder, iFolder goes offline, data stays on user computer

7 Outline June 15 th, 2011  GroupWise webmail goes offline permanently  No access to old e-mail

8 What this means to you?  New Outlook client  New Web e-mail client  New Messenger client  GroupWise and GroupWise messenger is going away  Cleaner mailbox (new retention policy) 49,000,000 msgs in archive  New shorter e-mail domain (old e-mail will still work)  Single user account for network and mail (single password)  MUCH easier smart phone synchronization (iPhone, Android, Microsoft)

9 Key Notes  Old e-mail will NOT be moved over to the new mailbox  Old cabinet will NOT be moved to the new mailbox  You will NOT receive e-mail in GroupWise past March 1 st, 2011  You will have access to your old e-mail via old webmail  GroupWise Messenger contacts will NOT be moved to the new client  GroupWise Address book will NOT be moved to the new client

10 New Changes  New e-mail,  will still work  New retention policy  Your new live mailbox will only contain e-mail for the last 14 months, after that it will be deleted automatically. It can be archived to save the e-mails.  Microsoft LYNC will act as the district instant messenger client  replaces iFolder

11 Questions:  What happens to my old e-mail? The decision has been made not to migrate old e-mail to the new Exchange system. However, to help with transition, the old GroupWise webmail will be available to users to access via a web browser. The old e-mail can be copy/pasted or printed out and can be accessed by going to: The GroupWise webmail will stay online until June 15 th, 2011. The e-mail will not be routed to or from GroupWise webmail, it will only act as a media storage. After March 1, 2011, no email can be sent or received from the GroupWise client. It is only for storage.  What happens to my old Cabinet? Cabinet is just a storage folder in your mailbox. All e-mails/files in Cabinet will need to be saved, printed, or copied.

12 Questions:  What happens to my old Cabinet? Cabinet is just a storage folder in your mailbox. All e-mails/files in Cabinet will need to be saved, printed, or copied.  What about my Archive? Since the GroupWise client is going away, the old archived e-mails need to be opened in GroupWise client prior to March 2 nd, 2011 then printed or saved to a hard disk. You MUST deal with your ARCHIVED MAIL before March 1, 2011.  But I have over 4GB of e-mail I need saved! The new district policy will only allow for 14 months of e-mail to be stored on Exchange system. The Exchange won’t accommodate that much data on the live server. So you will have to save your 4gb email in another format and method.

13 Questions:  Can someone just move/copy/print my mail for me? Unfortunately not. Techs are overloaded with the new lease, Win7, removal of Novell products, and migration to exchange/Active Directory. Printing/saving/copying e-mail from your old account prior to June 15, 2011 is user’s responsibility. We will provide some online documents that can help, but ultimately the responsibility belongs to the user.  What happens to my district smart phone calendar and email synchronization? The e-mail, contacts and calendar items will stay on the phone and will not be deleted. The synchronization can be re-established with new e-mail system with district purchased devices (iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile)

14 Questions:  Isn’t there an easier way of doing this upgrade? Our upgrade plan allows us to have 0% downtime. The user will simply switch from one client to the other without any loss of e-mail or an instant message. Even though the complications of upgrading to Windows 7 and switching to a completely new and different network infrastructure (Microsoft Active Directory) at the same time of Exchange migration, the use of a web client for a month is a small price to pay. Granite School District is going through a similar transition. However, their plan for migration requires 1 whole week of downtime. No e-mail, no internet, no instant messaging, no calendaring, nothing electronically for 1 work week.

15 Questions:  What happens to any mail left on the GroupWise system after June 15, 2011? GONE PERMENTANTLY!!

16 Conclusion Due to rising support cost, licensing and outdate technology we are forced to seek other solution to ongoing demand on electronic mail and instant communication. The upgrade to Microsoft will open new exciting ways to bring technology to classrooms, prepare our staff, teachers and students for the internet world of today demanding economy. New tools will allow us to have much better hold on security, uptime, availability and ease of use for our staff and students. The upgrade this March will be a small bump in the new and exciting ways we can all together explore the new way of communication, collaboration, team building and education.

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