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 Welcome to CJ443: Security Management and Administration  I’ll be right back…  The seminar will begin at 9:00pm Eastern Time  8:00pm Central Time.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome to CJ443: Security Management and Administration  I’ll be right back…  The seminar will begin at 9:00pm Eastern Time  8:00pm Central Time."— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome to CJ443: Security Management and Administration  I’ll be right back…  The seminar will begin at 9:00pm Eastern Time  8:00pm Central Time CJ 443 Security Management

2 Unit 1 Seminar Jonathan Dorriety Adjunct Professor

3  CJ443: Security Management and Administration  Course Instructor ◦ Jonathan Dorriety, M.S.C.J. ◦ Please call me “Jon”  Teaching @ Kaplan since 2004  Law enforcement for 28 years (Retired) ◦ PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor, Crisis Negotiator, ◦ Firearms Instructor, K-9 Trainer & Handler among other things. CJ 443 Security Management

4  My email address is:  My AIM name is: John6325 – Office hours are Mondays 9:00pm – 11:00pm ET. (8pm – 10pm Central Time)  Phone conferences can also be accommodated.  In an emergency my cell in 205-764-3310 (Afternoons and Evenings) CJ 443 Security Management

5  Majority of seminar tonight will be used to cover class expectations for all assignment groups: ◦ Discussion board ◦ Seminars ◦ Assignments/Projects  Tonight’s goal: You should leave seminar knowing EXACTLY what is expected and required for an “A” CJ 443 Security Management

6  This course will cover topics in Security Management / Leadership principles  There are numerous Learning Activities throughout the course  This is an upper level course (400) and your participation is expected at a higher level CJ 443 Security Management

7  Doc Sharing  Webliography  Drop box  Unit 1 ◦ Announcements ◦ Complete your Introductions ◦ Student Lounge CJ 443 Security Management

8  In order to receive credit for the discussion boards (DB) you must post an initial response as well as a response to at least one other classmate.  The DB rubric (grading guidelines) are in the syllabus. Be sure to look it over carefully.  Multiple DB questions each week (2-3) CJ 443 Security Management

9  We meet each Thursday at 9pm ET  Make up work for missed Seminars  Conduct during seminars ◦ Stay on topic ◦ Avoid side chatter in main chat area ◦ Use Private messaging if necessary CJ 443 Security Management

10  Numerous, but most are short  Week 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9  None in Week 4 or 10  Late work – If you have a problem get in touch with me  Week 5 ◦ No seminar ◦ No late work accepted from previous weeks without my expressed approval CJ 443 Security Management

11  Important to get work in on time  Each unit’s work is due by midnight on Tuesday  Late work will be penalized 5%  Week 5 ◦ No late work accepted from previous weeks without my expressed approval CJ 443 Security Management

12  Paraphrasing is very important  Short Quotes should have very limited use  Long Quotes should be avoided like the plague  Reference Page  Rules for Writers  Kaplan Writing Center CJ 443 Security Management

13  General Principles of Organization  Organizational Structure  Security’s Role in the Organization CJ 443 Security Management

14  Division of work (5 ways) ◦ Purpose ◦ Process or Method ◦ Clientele ◦ Time ◦ Geography  Span of Control  Unity of Command CJ 443 Security Management

15  Formal  Informal  Subunit  Corporate Culture CJ 443 Security Management

16 “The singularly most conspicuous role of the Security Department in any organization is that of protector or guardian—protecting the company’s property, product or merchandise, assets, equipment, reputation, and employees” (Sennewald, 2003, p. 33). CJ 443 Security Management

17  Businesses and companies exist to make money for their owners or shareholders. In most cases whether or not a company face a loss or profit depends on attention to details.  Security and loss prevention departments can often be a major factor in reducing these losses. CJ 443 Security Management

18  How does the security department contribute to the profitability of the company through its prevention efforts?  Give some examples. CJ 443 Security Management

19  Investigates possible employee theft of product or services  Controls access to facility  Establishes a control of loss program  Conducts pre-employment background checks  Monitors control of classified or proprietary information CJ 443 Security Management

20  Course Overview  General Principles of Organization  Organizational Structure  Security’s Role in the Organization  Next Week - Unit 2 - Director and Security Supervisor's Roles CJ 443 Security Management

21  Sennewald, C. A. (2003). Effective security management (4 th ed.). New York: Butterworth- Heinemann. CJ 443 Security Management


23  Thanks for a great seminar, everyone!  If you don’t have any questions, you are free to leave.  I will stay online to answer questions if you have any.  Have a great night, and great week!  Good night! CJ 443 Security Management

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