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CEE 970 Colloquium Final Presentation Khalid Aljuhani Veronica Asare-Yeboah Ethan Frost Issam Kayssi Hannah Silber.

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Presentation on theme: "CEE 970 Colloquium Final Presentation Khalid Aljuhani Veronica Asare-Yeboah Ethan Frost Issam Kayssi Hannah Silber."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEE 970 Colloquium Final Presentation Khalid Aljuhani Veronica Asare-Yeboah Ethan Frost Issam Kayssi Hannah Silber

2 Bus Rapid Transit in Madison: An Abbreviated Health Impact Assessment

3 BRT in Madison

4 BRT Components  Service  Every 15 minutes or better  Runningways  Dedicated lanes  Preferential lanes  Fare Collections  Electronic pre-pay fare cards  Route Structure  Stations spaced further apart to provide express service  ITS  Signal preemption  Real-time arrival signs

5 BRT Components  Vehicles  Distinct articulated design  Hybrid – diesel engine  Stations  Upgraded stations  Amenities (ticket booths)  Travel information

6 Proposed BRT Route

7 Goals 1. Reduce travel times 2. Attract new transit riders 3. Improve connections between low income/transit dependent areas and centers of employment/activity 4. Provide expanded carrying capacity 5. Improve operational efficiencies 6. Provide enhanced image for transit service 7. Improve comfort/convenience 8. Integrate with existing and planned transit 9. Enhance opportunities for transit-oriented development (TOD)

8 Population Density

9 Average Household Income


11 BRT Public Health Stakeholders  Sponsors (Government)  Gov’t: local, regional, county, state, national  Builders (Contractors)  Contracted Agencies  Owners  City of Madison  Public, Madison residents  Operators  Madison Metro  Users  Riders  Other transportation service providers  Other Drivers  Businesses  Homeowners

12 Stakeholder Analysis Level of Interest Level of Influence Government Users Owner/Operator Contractors Other Transportation Service Providers Businesses Private Citizens

13 Stakeholder Roles GovernmentContractorsOwner Operator UserOther ResponsibleXX AccountableXXX ConsultedXX InformedXX

14 HIA Sponsor  Government  Resources to leverage  Internal  Contractor  Owner/Operator  What is important to this sponsor?  Maximizing public benefit  Actionable policies/programs  Policy/Program effectiveness

15 Objectives  Objectives (stated & evaluated in report):  Reduce Travel Times  Attract New Transit Riders  Improve Connections Between Low Income and/or Transit Dependent Neighborhoods and Centers of Employment/Activity  Provide Expanded Carrying Capacity  Improve Operational Efficiencies  Provide An Enhanced Image for Transit Service  Improve the Comfort and Convenience of the Transit Experience  Integrate Well with the Existing and Planned Transit System  Enhance Opportunities for Transit Oriented Development

16 HIA Objectives/Criteria Community safety Education Family & social support Employment Built environment Environmental quality Income Unsafe sex Alcohol use Diet & exercise Tobacco use Access to care Quality of care Physical environment (10%) Social & economic factors (40%) Health behaviors (30%) Clinical care (20%) Health Factors Programs and Policies Health Outcomes Mortality (length of life): 50% Morbidity (quality of life): 50%

17 HIA Objectives/Criteria Community safety Education Family & social support Employment Built environment Environmental quality Income Unsafe sex Alcohol use Diet & exercise Tobacco use Access to care Quality of care Physical environment (10%) Social & economic factors (40%) Health behaviors (30%) Clinical care (20%) Health Factors Programs and Policies Health Outcomes Mortality (length of life): 50% Morbidity (quality of life): 50%

18 Requirements  Evaluate Social and Economic impacts  Investigate effectiveness of achieving stated objective(s)  Evaluate Environmental impacts  Compare to current  Compare to next-best alternative

19 Transit Dependent Areas


21 Why HIA?  Objectives (stated & evaluated in report):  Improve Connections Between Low Income and/or Transit Dependent Neighborhoods and Centers of Employment/Activity  Evaluate actual effectiveness in improving economic well being  Improve Operational Efficiencies  Provide other means of calculating/defining operational efficiency  Provide An Enhanced Image for Transit Service  Capture impacts BRT system would have to ensure decisions enhance the image  Improve the Comfort and Convenience of the Transit Experience  Ensure BRT system does not impose costs or inconveniences in other ways  Other  Document and discover benefits  Avoid costs

22 HIA Breakdown Structure HIASocioeconomicEducationMetric(s)Technique(s)EmploymentIncomeSupportSafetyEnvironmental Environmental Quality Built Environment Metric(s)Technique(s)


24 Processes  Initiate  Sponsor  HIA Proposing party  Plan  Sponsor  Responsible/Accountable/Consulted teams  Execute  HIA team  Monitor/Control  Responsible/Accountable/Consulted teams  Close

25 Constraints  Aims & Objectives  Reduce Travel Times  Improve connections between low income and/or transit dependent neighborhoods and centers of employment  Provide enhanced image for transit service  Improve comfort and convenience of transit experience  Community Concerns  Cost  Accessibility

26 Extent &Boundaries  What is to be included?  Current transit system in the City of Madison  When will the assessment be done?  May 2014  How much time will it take?  1 month  What is the geographic scope of the HIA?  City of Madison  What is the temporal scope of the HIA?  Current and future impacts over a 10 year period  What is the source of funding for the HIA?  Madison Area Transportation Planning Board

27 Methods  Census data collection to estimate where people might benefit from BRT  Demographic characteristics  Economic status  Community surveys  Cost/benefit analysis  Model current and predicted air pollutant concentrations of particulate matter to gauge impact of BRT

28 Community Participation  Diverse viewpoints from technical experts  Viewpoints from stakeholders  Identify locally important concerns and health issues

29 Health Indicator Categories  Safe and sustainable transportation  Environmental stewardship  Public infrastructure  Healthy economy

30 Health Indicators  Average vehicle miles traveled per bus per day  Average vehicle time traveled per bus per day  Average number of overcrowded buses per route per day  Proportion of commute trips made by public transit  Proportion of average income spent on transportation  Proportion of households with ¼ mile access to local bus  Air pollution exposure  Respiratory disease

31 Conclusion  BRT:  Components  Goals  Routes  Screening:  Stakeholders  HIA objectives  Scoping:  Process  Methods and Indicators

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