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Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Middle East Iran  Type of Government: Islamic theocracy  President Hassan Rouhani and a religious council (past president.

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Presentation on theme: "Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Middle East Iran  Type of Government: Islamic theocracy  President Hassan Rouhani and a religious council (past president."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan

2 The Middle East

3 Iran  Type of Government: Islamic theocracy  President Hassan Rouhani and a religious council (past president was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)  The council is the real authority  US has a history of internal involvement dating back to WWII  Most significant event in US/Iran relations is in 1979 the “Overthrow of the Shah”(Islamic Revolution) and “The Iranian Hostage Crisis

4 Overthrow of the Shah and the Iranian Hostage Crisis

5 Examples of issues that continue the conflict  Iran/US relationship has had ups and downs but mostly downs…  US downing of Iran airliner in mid 1980’s  Iran’s nuclear program (US supports a limited extension of technology for electrical power generation) (there is a new proposed treaty)  US/UN long-term economic sanctions (but these may drop with the new treaty)  Iran’s past support of terrorism  Iran’s continued opposition to Israel  Recent election of Pres. Rouhani seem to show more moderate views  Iran extension of power into Iraq

6 Iraq

7 Saddam Hussein  Came to power in 1979  Involved Iraq in a war with Iran (Because the US had bad feelings towards Iran we initially give Hussein some support) Iran/Iraq War

8 Saddam Hussein cont.  After the Iran Iraq War ends, Hussein invades neighboring Kuwait in 1990  This is a threat to oil supplies (Kuwait and Saudi Arabia)  The US builds a coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait (Operation Desert Storm)  After being defeated, but allowed to remain in power, Hussein violates numerous UN mandates throughout the 1990’s

9 Operation Iraqi Freedom to the Present  2003- The US forms a small coalition to invade Iraq and remove Hussein from power.  Justification: We said Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, had violated UN agreements, was a threat to US security (WMD’s never found)  2004- Hussein captured and is put on trial and executed by Iraq for crimes against the Iraqi people.  US withdrawal Jan 2012

10 Iraq’s Current Government  Government- parliamentary system  Federal system with shared power between…  Kurds, Shiites, Sunnis

11 Current Issues  Approx, 300,000 Iraqi civilians have died since the 2003 US invasion.  Struggle between Shiite majority and Sunni minority (reversal of power since Hussein is gone)  Government instability  Training ground for terrorists wanting to wage war (Al Qaeda and others) US military in a “non- combat” advisory role  We withdrew combat forces in Jan 2012  ISIS forces invasion into northern Iraq

12 Afghanistan

13  Government – parliamentary system  Prime Minister Hamid Kharzai  (Mullah Omar is the Taliban leader)

14 War With USSR and Aftermath  1979-1988- Afghans rebelled against the Soviet Union which had invaded their nation.  Muhjaheddin Warriors (holy warriors/ (we called them freedom fighters) (Osama bin Laden was one of them) fought against Soviet troops  1988-89- The USSR withdraws and the nation falls into even more chaos. Many flee the country as warlords fight for control

15 The Taliban  Many Afghan citizens fled the country for Pakistan during the civil war.  In Pakistan young men attended madrass schools (most of these schools are fundamentalist Islamic)  They returned to Afghanistan as The Taliban (The Students)  Many initially view them as liberators

16 US Invasion and Results  2001- The US launches an invasion of Afghanistan because they refuse to turn over bin Laden.  By 2009-Taliban regained power in about 60+% of the country (less now)  Critics say this was because the US concentrated more on Iraq  US plans to w/draw by 2014 ( presidential elections in April 2014)  Other problems:  Increased drug trafficking  Continued need to rely on the old warlords  Pakistan border and Taliban

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