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Golden Bell Quiz Show Golden Bell Rules Zinna teacher will read the question and answer choices. Students have ten seconds to choose and write the answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Golden Bell Quiz Show Golden Bell Rules Zinna teacher will read the question and answer choices. Students have ten seconds to choose and write the answers."— Presentation transcript:


2 Golden Bell Quiz Show

3 Golden Bell Rules Zinna teacher will read the question and answer choices. Students have ten seconds to choose and write the answers on your whiteboard. (So think fast!) Remember to cover your answers when you are finished writing. After the buzzer, students will lift up their whiteboards and show the answers to a teacher. If your answer is wrong, you are out. You must go and sit with your homeroom class. DO NOT SAY THE ANSWER!!!

4 문제풀 때 유의점 1. 진행은 영어로 이루어집니다 2. 문제에 대한 안내는 한글로 화면에 나 타납니다 3. 답을 영어로 써야하는 지 한글로 써야 하는지 또는, 숫자를 써야 하는 지 안내 화면을 잘 봅니다.

5 객관식 Quiz

6 1.What is the missing word? ① robot ② rain ③ rose ④ rice I want a ( ) 난 로봇을 갖고 싶어요. 10 Seconds

7 1

8 2.What number do you call in a fire emergency? ① 911 ② 119 ③ 112 ④ 114 10 Seconds

9 2

10 3.How’s the weather? ① Today is Monday. ② I'm fine, thank you. ③ It's cloudy. ④ It's 3 dollars. 10 Seconds

11 3

12 4. Guess What? ① rabbit ② cat ③ mouse This animal has long ears. It can run very fast. It likes to eat carrots and clovers. What is it? 10 Seconds

13 1

14 a Surprise Quiz for audience Q. What’s our principal’s name? 정병 10 Seconds

15 5. Which country’s flag is this?  USA  Canada  Japan 10 Seconds

16 2

17 6.What is this? ① arms ② nose ③ eyes This is a part of the face that is above the mouth. We use this for breathing and smelling things. What is this? 10 Seconds

18 2

19 7. Who am I?  Cinderella  Aladdin  Peter Pan I can fly, and I’m living in Neverland. My best friend is Tinkerbelle. Who am I? 10 Seconds

20 3

21 8. Who am I?  apple  watermelon  pear I'm green outside and red inside. I have stripes. I have black seeds inside. I’m more popular in summer. What am I? 10 Seconds

22 2

23 9. What is it?  umbrella  rainbow  schoolbag It is raining outside. What do you bring with you if you don't want to be wet? 10 Seconds

24 1

25 10. Choose the color not in the rainbow.  red  pink  orange 10 Seconds

26 2

27 a Surprise Quiz for audience Q. What’s your native teacher’s name? Kiyo 10 Seconds

28 주관식 Quiz

29 11. one - two – ( ) - four – five 10 Seconds

30 three

31 12. Write in Capital letters. jump 10 Seconds


33 13. What is your favorite fruit, Chess? Chess: I like _rapes. 10 Seconds

34 g

35 14.What month is it now? 10 Seconds

36 November

37 15. Make a word and write. payhp 10 Seconds

38 happy

39 a Surprise Quiz for audience Q. What season is it now? Winter 10 Seconds

40 16. Who am I? Write in English. 10 Seconds

41 snowman

42 17.Translate in korean. I like sunny days. 10 Seconds

43 나는 맑은날을 좋아합니다.

44 18. Choose wrong word and write correctly. It’s too smell. 너무 작아. 10 Seconds

45 small

46 19. What is it? When we look up, we can see this. There are clouds, the sun, the moon and stars here. 10 Seconds

47 sky

48 a Surprise Quiz for audience Q. What’s English for ‘ 어제 ’? yesterday 10 Seconds

49 20. What is it? This is the hottest season between spring and fall. We have a vacation during this season. What season is this? 10 Seconds

50 summer

51 21. How many balls do you have? Write in English. 10 Seconds

52 fifteen

53 22. What’s this? 10 Seconds

54 monkey

55 a Surprise Quiz for audience Q. What is the missing letter? b_nana, _pple or_nge a 10 Seconds

56 23. Who am I? I carry a heavy bag full of gifts. I visit your house at night only on Christmas eve. My clothes are red with white fur. Who am I ? 10 Seconds

57 Santa (Claus)

58 24. Write the sentence in English. 춤출 수 있니 ? 10 Seconds

59 Can you dance?

60 25. Who am I? I'm a wild animal that looks like a horse with a black and white striped coat. 10 Seconds

61 zebra

62 26. Listen and write answer in English. The capital of America is Washington, D.C. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of China is Beijing. What is the capital of Korea? 10 Seconds

63 Seoul

64 27. Who is he? Listen and write in Korean. 10 Seconds

65 흥부

66 28. Listen, and write what this is about. Mouse, enter, shift, space bar, internet, download 10 Seconds

67 computer

68 29. What is it? 10 Seconds

69 rose


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