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Preparing for the NYCDOE Student Perception Survey Aaron FeuerEric Weisman CEO - PanoramaPartnerships Director- Panorama.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the NYCDOE Student Perception Survey Aaron FeuerEric Weisman CEO - PanoramaPartnerships Director- Panorama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the NYCDOE Student Perception Survey Aaron FeuerEric Weisman CEO - PanoramaPartnerships Director- Panorama

2 Agenda for Today’s Session Objectives and Purpose Overview of the Student Perception Survey Sharing Knowledge with Your Staff Coordinating Survey Logistics Communicating Questions

3 7 Objectives and Purpose PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -

4 Today’s Objectives Participants will:  Become well-versed in the Student Perception Survey  Feel confident in their ability to share knowledge with teachers and staff members  Learn how to coordinate a smooth survey administration  Receive resources for engaging the school community and building excitement about feedback data

5 Purpose of the Student Perception Survey The survey is intended to collect valid and reliable feedback data from students, and to present teachers with formative data and strategies they can use to guide their practice. The survey is not being administered as a component of Advance.

6 7 Student Perception Survey Overview PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -

7 About Panorama Education  A team of 50 former teachers, developers, and others dedicated to improving education  Developing tools used by 6,500 schools to improve with data  Building a community of best practices to share effective classroom and school leadership strategies

8 Who: Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate What: The Student Perception Survey asks students about their experiences in the classroom with one specific teacher When: May 2 – June 17 Where: At school during one class period – 3 rd period recommended (as the most common attendance period) Why: To provide teachers and schools with formative feedback data to inform classroom practice The Student Perception Survey will be used for formative purposes only and replaces the Tripod Student Survey, previously piloted for use with Advance, NYCDOE's teacher development and evaluation system. Survey Overview

9 1.To share knowledge with staff about the the Student Perception Survey: the purpose, the instrument, and next steps 2.To build excitement and help your survey coordinator lead a smooth survey administration 3.To communicate questions and concerns to NYCDOE’s support team: 4.To help teachers use student feedback as a tool for improving their practice Your Leadership Role

10 7 The Survey Instrument PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -

11 NYCDOE will administer the Panorama Student Survey Developed by a research team at Harvard led by Dr. Hunter Gehlbach Used in diverse districts and cities across the country, with student populations that mirror NYCDOE Piloted at 35 NYCDOE schools in 2014-2015 Number of questions: 28 15-20 minutes of survey-taking time, excluding logistics The Survey Instrument

12 Survey focuses on five important topics, or “scales,” that students are equipped to provide feedback on: Rigorous Expectations – How much students feel that a specific teacher holds them to high expectations around effort, understanding, persistence, and performance in class Classroom Engagement – How attentive and invested students are in class Classroom Climate – Perceptions about the overall social and learning climate of the classroom Teacher-Student Relationships – How strong the social connection is between teachers and students Pedagogical Effectiveness – Perceptions about the quality of teaching and amount of learning students experience from a particular teacher The Survey Instrument

13 Example questions: The Survey Instrument

14 6 Rigorous Development Process Gehlbach, Hunter, and Maureen E. Brinkworth. Measure twice,cut down error: A process for enhancing the validity of survey scales. Review of General Psychology 15, no. 4: 380-387. Visit: PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY - 1. Literature Reviews 2. Focus Groups / Interviews 3. Synthesis of Research 4. Item Development 5. Expert Feedback 6. Cognitive Interviews with Students 7. Piloting and Refinement

15 7 Survey Logistics PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -

16 6 Key Administration Details PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -  Schools should make every effort possible to ensure that an individual other than the teacher who is the subject of the survey proctors the administration  Surveys will be available in English. Schools will receive translated survey guides in the 9 DOE supported languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.  Principals have pre-selected whether a school will administer the survey online or on paper.  Principals and survey coordinator will pick dates for scheduling and course periods. A Scheduling Helper will be available online. The tool can be accessed on the Student Perception Survey website at

17 6 Survey Logistics PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY - In April, each school's survey coordinator will have the opportunity to attend a training to learn more about the background and administration of the Student Perception Survey. Trainings will be hosted by the NYCDOE in all five boroughs. Shipment Arrival: April 18 – April 22 Each Box Contains:  Shrink-wrapped survey packs for every teacher that include the surveys (paper administration) or access code letters (online administration)  Administration guidance  A survey coordinator welcome letter  For schools administering on paper only, 1 pack of translation guides


19 Results will be available in summer 2016 Superintendents and principals will have access to teacher and school-wide reports Schools should only use survey results for internal planning purposes and professional development. Results should not be shared otherwise. Survey Results

20 Teachers will have access to individual reports and Playbook, where they can browse personalized strategies for acting on feedback data Survey Results and Playbook

21 Playbook Teachers can read, save, and implement relevant, bite-sized strategies in their classroom Teachers can submit their strategies to Playbook too

22 Keys to Success  Establish a collaborative tone and emphasize the importance of using student feedback for professional growth  Remember that teachers care deeply about their students and getting feedback from them can be emotionally taxing  Remind teachers that the survey is formative and not part of Advance  Lead school-wide PD around student feedback data  Use feedback results as part of one-on-one coaching  And as a principal, use school-wide results for planning and strategy  This is just a preview: More support and resources will be available later this spring 22

23 7 Resources and Next Steps PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -

24 9 Introducing the Survey at Your School PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY -  Why are we administering the Student Perception Survey?  What are survey scales?  What will survey results look like?  What can I do with the data I receive?

25 Resources Case Studies: Webinars: Our top picks: ●Whiteboard session: Preparing for Data InquiryPreparing for Data Inquiry ●Uplift Education: Creating a Culture of Data-Driven ImprovementCreating a Culture of Data-Driven Improvement ●Adaptable Meetings Agendas and FrameworksAdaptable Meetings Agendas and Frameworks ●Strategies for Building Community InvestmentStrategies for Building Community Investment

26 9 Next Steps PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY - 1.Share relevant slides with your staff in your next PD or morning meeting 2.Encourage planning teams to review this information 3.Communicate and submit questions to 4.Encourage survey coordinators to sign up for and attend a training 5.Stay up-to-date on new information and resources by visiting

27 Thank You Questions?

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