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Welcome to Poznan University of Economics Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu.

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1 Welcome to Poznan University of Economics Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

2 Poznań


4 City of Poznań  Capital of the province of ”Great Poland” (Wielkopolska)  Population: 550, 000 inhabitants  Location: north-western Poland, half way between Berlin and Warsaw  Historical city - 750th anniversary of receiving civic rights  Business centre (Alcatel, Bridgestone, GlaxoSmithKline, Ikea, Nestle, Nivea, Reemtsma, Sab Miller, Unilever, Volkswagen, Wrigley and many others)  Academic atmosphere - over 140 000 students  Cultural scene  Green city

5 Old Market Square

6 Town Hall

7 Academic Park and Great Theater „Zamek” Culture Centre „Zamek” Culture Centre „Zamek” Culture Centre

8 Poznań Cathedral

9 The Old Brewery The Old Brewery The Old Brewery

10 Poznan University of Economics Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

11 Location Six buildings in the centre of Poznan

12 University  founded in 1926  provides education in the field of economics, management, international relations, information technology and commodity science  runs 11 degree courses with around 54 specialisations /majors  offers BA and MA graduate studies, post-master studies including 4 MBA’s and doctoral studies  carries out research  uses ECTS  offeres courses in taught in English and other foreign languages

13 Faculties  Faculty of Commodity Science  Faculty of Economics  Faculty of International Business and Economics  Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy  Faculty of Management

14 University in figures  12,100 students (I & II level)  546 academics  530 research projects  2nd in rankings of Polish business schools

15 Structure of studies

16 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes  Commodity Science  Computer Science and Econometrics  Economics  Finance and Accounting  International Trade Relations  Management  Production Management and Engineering  Social Policy  Spatial Economics  Technical Applications of the Internet* * only Master level

17 Course units in English – inter-departmental Autumn Semester 1.Corporate Finance 2.Cultural differences in international marketing 3.E-Governance 4.Electronic commerce and business 5.Foreign Direct Investment forms and its influence on company’s performance – Example of Poland 6.International negotiation and contracting 7.Internationalisation of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises 8.Marketing and management of services 9.Marketing Strategies - Polish Cases and Experience 10.Methods and Instruments of Marketing Communication 11.Organizational Behaviour

18 Course units in English – departmental Autumn Semester 1.Advanced internet technologies 2.Banking Systems in Poland and CEECs 3.Cultural Differences in Business Organizations 4.Employment and Migration in Europe 5.Human and Social Capital 6.International Public Relations 7.Investment and Wealth Mangement 8.Process management 9.Public relations 10.Tax systems in the EU member states 11.Team working improvement and quality management methods.

19 Course units in English – inter-departmental Spring Semester 1.Banking systems in Poland and Central and Eastern European countries 2.Databases and Applications 3.Economic transformation in central and eastern Europe 4.E-Negotiations 5.Information technologies for business processes 6.Integration of Polish banking and financial institutions 7.Internal communication in business organizations 8.International Marketing: How to Enter and Win Central European Markets? 9.Knowledge management in service organisations 10.Polish foreign economic policy and integration with the EU

20 Course units in English – departmental Spring Semester - 1 1.Alternative investments 2.Artificial Intelligence Systems 3.Business correspondence in international trade 4.Business Processes in Organization 5.Business Valuation 6.Digital Content Management 7.Electronic economy 8.Integrated Management Systems 9.International Capital Markets with a Special Focus on Poland 10.International Negotiation and Contracting 11.Investment funds on real estate market 12.Leadership

21 Course units in English – departmental Spring Semester - 2 13.Lobbing 14.Logistics Management 15.Management techniques 16.Marketing principles 17.Public Relations 18.Real-estate market analysis 19.Retail Management 20.Standardized management systems-new trends 21.Strategic technology alliances - technological co-operation in International Business 22.Team Management 23.Tourism management 24.Visual Communication and Interfaces for e-Business

22 Course units for exchange students Autumn and Spring semesters 1.Corporate Finance (based on case studies from Polish economy) 2.Economical aspects of quality - Polish cases 3.Exchange rates in Poland: the context of international financial relations 4.History and Culture of Poland 5.Polish language course for beginners 6.Polish language course for beginners (II semester) 7.Strategic Management in Polish Business Environment

23 New programme in English  Bachelor level Course: International Trade Relations Specialisation: International Business Started in 2008/2009  Master level Course: International Trade Relations Specialisation: International Business Planned in 2010/2011

24 Language courses  Business English, French, German, Russian and Spanish (beginner and advanced levels)  Business language certifications - special preparatory courses and official examination  Business English (EFB and SEFIC – LCCI)  French for Business (DFA, CFJ, CFP)  German for Business (PWD)  Russian for Business  Beginners Polish language course for exchange students

25 International Activity  Student exchange  Bilateral agreements  Erasmus programme  Double diploma  ESCP-Europe  TU Freiberg  Teacher exchange  International conferences  MBA programmes  ESCP-EAP Berlin  Université de Rennes 1  Georgia State University, Atlanta  The Nottingham Trent University  Research projects

26 International partners  21 - Germany  16 - France  11 – Spain  8 - The Netherlands  6 – Finland, UK  5 – Portugal  4 – Austria, Belgium, Russia, Sweden  3 - Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Turkey, Ukraine, Latvia, Italy, USA  2 - China, Romania  1 - Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Macau, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand

27 Erasmus exchange

28 Student facilities   Halls of residence   Library   Computer labs   Sports centre

29 Student organisations  78 student associations  Mentoring system  Erasmus Student Network  welcome events  trips to other Polish cities and tourist sites  theme parties  sport activities  community programme

30 Academic Calendar  Autumn semester  Deadline for application: 15.06  Orientation Day: 25.09  Lectures: 28.09 – 26.01  Examination period: 27.01 – 09.02  Spring semester  Deadline for application: 15.11  Orientation Day: 12.02  Lectures: 15.02 – 07.06  Examination period: 12.06 – 25.06

31 Application procedure 1.Application form (online & printed) 2.Learning agreement (online & printed) 3.Transcript of records 4.Copy of the passport 5.2 passport size photos

32 Additional information

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