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Community Ecology Community concepts Niche concepts

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1 Community Ecology Community concepts Niche concepts
Emergent properties of communities Species richness, evenness, diversity Species interactions Consequences of competition Factors that influence biodiversity Succession

2 Community Definition All populations within a defined geographic area
Most people only study a small subset of the community they study, often focusing on a small number of obviously interacting species

3 Community concepts Clements viewed species in a community as interdependent superorganism with distinct ecotones Gleason viewed species as responding idiosyncratically to environmental gradients Most research supports Gleason’s individualistic model

4 Niche concepts An organism’s role in the environment
E.g., The “woodpecker niche” G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s N-dimensional hypervolume Many one-dimensional niche axes combined

5 A single niche axis e.g., pH, temperature, or soil moisture

6 Number of seeds consumed
Figure 55.2a Another axis might include food eaten. Number of seeds consumed Figure 55.2a Niche Overlap Leads to Competition. Seed size 6

7 Multiple axes can then be combined…
In two dimensions…


9 …or three … or more!

10 Emergent Properties of Communities
Species interactions, e.g., Competition, predation Species richness - how many species are present? Evenness - relative abundances of commonest to rarest species Evenness and richness often combined into an index of species diversity

11 Species Evenness and Diversity
Top: diversity is high because evenness is high Bottom: diversity is lower because one species dominates

12 Indices of Biodiversity
Simpson’s Index: D = 1/∑pi2 pi= proportion of sample composed of ith species Result is on an arithmetic scale (Dmax=S) Shannon’s Index H´ = ∑piln(pi) Result is on a logarithmic scale [Hmax= ln(S)] Take eH to get back to units of number of spp Evenness: ED = D/Dmax , EH´ = H´/Hmax A measure of how equally abundant species are

13 Interpretation fuzzy – something like “what you might encounter in a small sample”

14 Species diversity (Shannon index):
Problem with interpretation: there can be many ways to arrive at similar index value Community 1 Community 2 Community 3 A B C Species D Figure Species Diversity Can Be Quantified. E F Species richness: More species 6 Fewer species Evenness: with lower evenness 1 with greater evenness Species diversity (Shannon index): =lower index 1.794 = higher index 14

15 Relative abundances of species
Sample any community and you will learn that most species are rare. And a few abundant species account for most individuals in sample

16 Most abundant Species Rank Least abundant
Rank-abundance curve Few common Many rare Most abundant Species Rank Least abundant

17 Species Interactions Competition -- Each species harms (has a negative effect on the per capita vital rates of) the other (-/-) Predation -- One species benefits, while the other is harmed (+/-) Mutualism -- Both species benefit (+/+) Commensalism -- One species benefits, other is unaffected (+/0) Can modify exponential or logistic equation to model these interactions

18 “Red Queens” Important difference between adaptation to the abiotic and the biotic environment Abiotic environment does not respond to an organism’s adaptation to it (e.g., polar bear and cold) Organisms, however, can adapt to changes in other organisms they interact with (e.g., cheetah and gazelle, host and pathogen, males and females)

19 Competition: What happens when two species niches overlap?
Resource use (e.g., seed size eaten)

20 Competitive Exclusion
Species reared alone tend to follow logistic growth pattern But when reared together, one displaces the other through interspecific competition for shared limiting resources.

21 (a) Observation: asymmetric competition
Figure 55.3 (a) Observation: asymmetric competition Paramecium aurelia Number of individuals Paramecium caudatum Time (days) (b) Explanation: competitive exclusion due to complete niche overlap Figure 55.3 Competitive Exclusion in Paramecium. Species 1: Strong competitor Number of individuals using resource Species 2: Weak competitor, driven to extinction Niche (range of resources used) 21

22 But what if niches overlap less?
Resource use (e.g., seed size eaten)

23 What if niches overlap less?
Joe Connell (Tepper’s undergrad ecology prof!) Observed young Chthamalus barnacles (an arthropod – remember?) settle throughout intertidal But adults only found in upper intertidal

24 Figure Why is the distribution of adult Chthamalus restricted to the upper intertidal zone? Adult Chthamalus are outcompeted in the lower intertidal zone. Adult Chthamalus do not thrive in the physical conditions of the lower intertidal zone. Chthamalus in upper intertidal zone 1. Transplant rocks containing young Chthamalus to lower intertidal zone. Mean tide level Semibalanus in lower intertidal zone 2. Let Semibalanus colonize the rocks. Figure Experimental Evidence of Competition. 3. Remove Semibalanus from half of each rock. Monitor survival of Chthamalus on both sides. Chthamalus Chthamalus Semibalanus 24

25 Percent survival of Chthamalus Competitor present Competitor absent
Figure Chthamalus will survive better in the absence of Semibalanus. Chthamalus survival will be low and the same in the presence or absence of Semibalanus. Percent survival of Chthamalus Competitor present Competitor absent Figure Experimental Evidence of Competition. Chthamalus do not occur in the lower intertidal zone because they are outcompeted by Semibalanus. Fundamental Niche: Niche a species COULD use, based on abiotic environment Realized Niche: Niche a species DOES use in the presence of other species 25

26 Number of individuals using resource Niche (range of resources used)
Figure 55.4 Species 1 (strong competitor) Species 2 (weak competitor) Fundamental niche Number of individuals using resource Realized niche Figure 55.4 Fundamental Niches Are Broader than Realized Niches. Niche (range of resources used) 26

27 Alternatively, species may coexist, but evolve to differ in resource use
Character displacement – a shift in phenotype of two species when they coexist (compared to regions of allopatry) Competition results in divergent selection

28 Evidence for Character Displacement (Peter & Rosemary Grant)
Galapagos Finches Islands where  sympatric Islands where allopatric {

29 Resource partitioning: the ghost of competition past?
Robert MacArthur − Congeneric warblers forage in different parts of trees

30 Gradients in species richness
Given problem with diversity indices, most unequivocal measure of diversity is richness Why do we find many species in some places and few species in others? Still not well understood, but some general patterns and mechanisms

31 Latitude In general, more species in the tropics
Is this because environment is more benign? Primary causal factor must be abiotic


33 Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography
Robert MacArthur and E. O. Wilson Number of species on islands reflects a balance between colonization (immigration) and extinction

34 Both colonization and extinction vary with
Island size Distance from source of colonists

35 The Distance Effect Richness tends to be low on islands and other isolated regions As distance from the mainland increases, richness decreases

36 Species-area curves S=cAz Or: log S = log c+z log A

37 Habitat diversity This example begs the question (why is there more complex vegetation?) But similar pattern with abiotic (topographic or climatic) diversity

38 Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (Joe Connell-again!)
Moderate intensity or frequency of disturbance results in maximum richness

39 Intermediate disturbance mechanism related to succesion
Succession = change in species composition at a site over time Members of late successional stages eventually displace members of earlier stages until “climax” is achieved Primary succession – on bare rock Secondary succession – on existing soil

40 Succession and intermediate disturbance
So when disturbance is moderate in frequency or intensity, either: Creates mosaic of different successional stages (different ages since disturbance) Or Maintains an intermediate successional stage, in which pioneers not all gone, mid-successional species established, and climax species arriving

41 Prescribed burns: disturbance as a management tool
Tallgrass prairie, savanna, some coniferous forests persist because of fire Fires from lightning common in dry seasons, but humans have intentionally burned for millennia European settlers historically prevented fire Fires release nutrients, remove shade, stimulate release and germination of seeds Question: how are animals impacted by fire?

42 Community Ecology Community concepts Niche concepts
Emergent properties of communities Species interactions Consequences of competition Factors that influence biodiversity Succession

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