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Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2014 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence.

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Presentation on theme: "Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2014 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2014 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.

2 www. pdst. ie PDST Updates & Support for TY Brendan Waldron

3 www. pdst. ie What we are Teachers and school leaders Teacher Educators Facilitators/Enablers Purveyors of lifelong learning What we are not Evaluators Policy makers Curriculum developers

4 www. pdst. ie TY Planning – TY core team and school leadership – Whole staff sessions New TY schools – 7 in 2016/2017 – New schools starting Senior Cycle In-School Support

5 www. pdst. ie In-school support School roll number schoolsupport2015 It is essential to fill out the on-line application form in order for your application to be considered

6 www. pdst. ie

7 - Free PDFs To order p rint copies at cost price + P & P PDST Publications & Resources

8 www. pdst. ie - Free PDFs To order p rint copies at cost price + P & P PDST Active Learning Toolkit

9 www. pdst. ie Registration process PDST On-line Booking

10 www. pdst. ie Ongoing Assessment using ePortfolios for TY. 30 schools involved 3 days training for link teacher Further in-school support Evaluation of Pilot by DCU Implementation 2015/2016 - 2016/2017 ePortfolio Pilot for TY

11 www. pdst. ie Day 1: ICT for teaching & learning – Finding and selecting information – Creating and Using Digital Resources Day 2: Opening the door to e-Portfolios – Understanding Assessment – ePortfolios as product and process – ePortfolios as showcase – Considerations on the use of ePortfolios in a school environment ePortfolio Pilot CPD

12 www. pdst. ie To enhance participants understanding of assessment and ePortfolios, five online modules were provided in the following areas: 1.Module 1: Introduction to Assessment 2.Module 2: ePortfolio as product 3.Module 3: ePortfolios as process 4.Module 4: ePortfolios as showcase 5.Module 5: considerations on the use of ePortfolios ePortfolio Pilot CPD

13 www. pdst. ie Day 3: Implementation of ePortfolios 1.Assessment using ePortfolios- Key messages 2.ePortfolio in a TY context 3.ePortfolios for storage, workspace and showcase. – Microsoft 365 – Google Apps for Education or other alternatives 4.ePortfolio implementation and next steps ePortfolio Pilot CPD

14 www. pdst. ie In-school CPD and support from PDST TY assessment policy – ongoing assessment & final assessment Technical issues – E.g. GAFE & 365 Platforms School Policies & Plans – Acceptable usage policy – TY Plan – Assessment policy Eportfolio Pilot

15 www. pdst. ie ePortfolio Template Google GAFE - Sites

16 www. pdst. ie Microsoft 365 - OneNote Eportfolio Template

17 www. pdst. ie TY Planning Guidelines Writing the TY Plan TY subject/module planning template Work Experience booklet Resource sharing and collation

18 www. pdst. ie Resource Sharing

19 www. pdst. ie Get up and Go

20 www. pdst. ie TY Co-ordinator Induction 5 th May 2016 Laois Education Centre TY PICNIC 7 th September 2016 Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone TY CPD Events

21 www. pdst. ie Contact

22 www. pdst. ie The PDST is funded by the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and is managed by Dublin West Education Centre Fís Foghlaim Forbairt This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence. © PDST 2014

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