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1 Information on the UNDP project "Strengthening of Administrative Capacity of Police Units in Poland, the Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad Region)"

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Presentation on theme: "1 Information on the UNDP project "Strengthening of Administrative Capacity of Police Units in Poland, the Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad Region)""— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Information on the UNDP project "Strengthening of Administrative Capacity of Police Units in Poland, the Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad Region)" and main information on the quality management models used during the implementation of the Project Vilnius Vilnius, Lietuva, April 24-25, 2008 Grzegorz Kazimierski, UNDP project leader

2 Management of the Project 2 Steering Committee. Progress of work was regularly discussed by the Steering Committee. Member of the committee – representative of Member of the committee – representative of: Police Headquarters UNDP MATRA Dutch Embassy Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3 3 Main goals of the Project Strengthening of the administrative capacity of the Polish police forces, Strengthening of cross-border cooperation and experience exchange between the police forces of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine

4 4 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

5 5 Web-trainings were prepared in co-operation with Police Academy in Szczytno Subjects of modules: Module 1 „Philosophy and basis of QMS” Module 2 „Interpretation of requirement of ISO 9001:2001 standard” Module 3 „Preparation, implementation and improvement QMS in police units” Duration of every module – 1 month, Trainings were evaluated by tests Organization of Polish web-training

6 6 Participated more than 1000 policemen, Good assessement by participants

7 7 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

8 Quality-management training of Polish police officers 6 workshops for project’s consultants were organized Subjects of workshops (among other things): strategy of implementation of QMS in police units, project management, methods and tools of accelerated learning, risk management

9 Quality-management training of Polish police officers One-day training for high commands of police units participated in project, One-days trainings for middle level management and two-day trainings for implementation teams, 7 courses for QMS internal auditors, 2 IRCA accredited courses for QMS lead auditors, 3 EFQM/INK model assessors courses ca. 1400 officers and civil office workers got training in the scope of QMS

10 10 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

11 7 steps methodology of ISO 9001:2000 implementation 11 12 3 4 5 6 Diagnosis Middle level management and implementation teams trainings Preparation of QMS documents QMS Internal auditor training Implementation of QMS Final audit 7 Certification process

12 12 Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units KMP Gdynia KMP Sopot KMP Suwałki KPP Pińczów KMP Biała-Podlaska KPP Garwolin KPP Włodawa KWP Kielce KPP Kłodzko KWP Rzeszów KWP Lublin KPP Sokółka KWP Olsztyn KPP Braniewo KPP Iława Municipal Police Command District Police Command Province Police Command

13 13 Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Methodology of implementation ISO 9001:2000 in police units Preparation of training materials, example of documents, guidelines for consultants Preparation documents: QMS Implementation procedure in police units P-1 Providing training procedure P-2 Methods of diagnosis and final audit

14 14 Already 6 commands have obtained certificate of ISO 9001:2000

15 15 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Methodology of Methodology of EFQM/INK model application 16 Workshop – summary of self-assessment Carry out of self- assessment Training of self- assessment team Training of high command Second self-assessment Implementation projects Workshop – planning of improvements projects Training of implementation teams Workshop – selection improvement projects

17 17 Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units KWP Gdańsk KMP Elbląg KSP Warszawa KMP Poznań KWP Białystok KWP Wrocław WSPol Szczytno Komisariat Metra Warszawskiego Full self-assessment Single self-assessment

18 18 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

19 Implementation of ISO 9000 in Lithuanian police units Participated police stations: District Police Station in Panevezys Provincial Police Station in Marianpol Lazdijai District Police Station in Lazdijai Training of management Police Station in Panevezys and Marianpol, March 2006, 4 day training for QMS Internal auditors, Novemeber 2006

20 20 Implementation of ISO 9000 in Lithuanian Police units Participation in: International Semminar in Vilnius - April 2007 Training for high command of Lithuanian Police units in Trakai - June 2007

21 21 Implementation of ISO 9000 in Ukrainian Police units Training for Commanders of selected police units –October 2006 Diagnostic audit in police units – November 2006 Trainings of management and implementation teams January – March 2007 QMS Internal auditors training – May 2007 Final audits – December 2007 Participated police stations: Provincial Włodzimierz Wołyński Provincial Police Station in Włodzimierz Wołyński Jawor District Police Station in Jawor Żółkiew District Police Station in Żółkiew Luboml District Police Station in Luboml

22 22 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

23 23 Organization of International conference I International conference „The Role of the Quality Management Systems in assurance of public security”, October 2005, II International conference „Directions of improvement and development management systems in police organizations”, November 2006, III International conference „Quality management – tool for improvement of police work effectiveness”, October 2007

24 24 Main Activities Organization of Polish web-training Quality-management training Polish of police officers Implementation of ISO 9000 in 12 Polish police units Application of EFQM/INK model in 8 Polish police units Implementation of ISO 9000 in 8 trans-border police units Organization of International conferenceSummary

25 25Summary Model used for implementation of QMS in police units: P D C A Basis: Implementation of QMS according to ISO 9001:2000 Improvement: by using EFQM/INK model for self- assessment

26 Summary „There is no effective or ineffective organization. There are only organizations managed in a better or worse way” „There is no effective or ineffective organization. There are only organizations managed in a better or worse way ”P.Drucker 26

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