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Published byAsher Terry Modified over 8 years ago
A “snapshot” of our School. On 23 rd April 1958 Kuratau School was formally opened by local MP at the time Mr D Seath, and the Paramount Chief of Ngati-Tuwharetoa - Sir Hepi Te Heuheu. We are a Decile 2 School – with a roll of 93 pupils across Years 1-8. We have introduced an enrolment scheme to ensure we preserve the special character of our school. We have a mixture of cultures attending our school, and welcome students from Turangi subject to our enrolment scheme. The grounds encompass a playing field and playground. We are also fortunate to have a swimming pool, and added solar heating. Our school environment is constantly developing with an Orchard, Vegetable Garden, Beehive, and our own Kuratau Wetland.
Mission statement: Together we will provide quality education to create confident, life long learners. VALUES: COMMITMENT - to commit to my learning, and to my attendance at school RESPECT - to have respect for one’s self, staff, fellow students and my surroundings IMAGINATION – to have the freedom to try new things and be creative PERSEVERANCE – to display a determined attitude towards completing tasks STRATEGIC AIMS: 1. To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success. 2. To provide a positive environment where staff, and BOT support our students to achieve to their full potential. 3. To nurture relationships with our school community and the wider whanau to instil a sense of inclusiveness at all times.
KURATAU SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 – 2018 Mission statement: Together we will provide quality education to create confident, life long learners.
STRATEGIC AIM 1 - To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success. 201620172018 All students shall benefit from the New Zealand Curriculum and will show progress in the key learning areas of literacy and mathematics. Our school will strive to enable all children to achieve to their full potential. The priority groups are tracked and reported to the Board of Trustees. Students, whanau and teachers demonstrate an understanding of students educational journey. An inquiring, holistic curriculum will be developed that extends to culture / art / science / environments / technology / health and physical education. Whanau community is involved through learning opportunities, resources and information to enable support for children at home to accelerate success. Whanau actively involved in our Writing Programme to increase success. All students shall benefit from the New Zealand Curriculum and will show progress in the key learning areas of literacy and mathematics. Our school will strive to enable all children to achieve to their full potential. The priority groups are tracked and reported to the Board of Trustees. Students are actively involved in their educational journey and school processes engage whanau. Students experience diverse learning opportunities and experiences. Increased whanau involvement in all school activities. All students shall benefit from the New Zealand Curriculum and will show progress in the key learning areas of literacy and mathematics. Our school will strive to enable all children to achieve to their full potential The priority groups are tracked and reported to the Board of Trustees. Students own their educational journey, which is understood and readily accessible by whanau through a variety of media. Holistic educational approach integrated into the school curriculum. Increased whanau involvement in all school activities.
STRATEGIC AIM 2 - To provide a positive environment where staff, and BOT support our students to achieve to their full potential. 201620172018 Staff professional development plans designed to support the strategic aims and annual targets. Board receives periodic reports on professional development, readily identifying investment at an individual staff, team and school level. School organisational structure reviewed to facilitate a learning community and efficiencies of the size of the school. Performance appraisal document identifies and monitors consistent teaching practice across the school. Performance appraisal, performance management and leadership development are key focus areas for leadership team PD plans. Board capability assessed and professional development plan formed and linked to BOT review process. Professional development identified and linked to individual performance appraisal process – identified, budgeted, delivered and evaluated. Board evaluates investment in learning, and reports on professional development as part of the Annual Report. Board reviews and evaluates effectiveness of organisational structure. All staff are confident leaders and self- appraisers in our school, and role model this exceptionally to our learners. The Board is confident in its cycle of self- review and improvement. Professional Development plans at all levels are reviewed and challenged for their effectiveness and contribution to achieving the strategic plan. Board evaluates investment in learning, and reports on professional development as part of the Annual Report. Positive feedback from ERO regarding effective school structure. Positive feedback from ERO to indicate consistent teaching practice across the school. The Board has embedded processes for continuous learning, self-review and improvement. Positive feedback from ERO regarding increased Board capability.
STRATEGIC AIM 3 - To nurture relationships with our school community and the wider whanau to instil a sense of inclusiveness at all times. 201620172018 The ‘wairua’ – spirit and wellbeing of our school – incorporates all of the school values. Our community prioritises the safety of our students. We have a zero tolerance to bullying. The Board work together to clearly define fundraising objectives to enhance the educational opportunities and resources available to students that sit outside the operational grant. Community feedback drives our Charter review and development processes. The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and their role in our school is evident and embraced. Kuratau School is a culturally inclusive school that demonstrates its diversity through teaching and celebration. Our community understands and experiences our ‘wairua’ – the school values are evident across the school in a variety of media, practice and experiences. Our community prioritises the safety of our students. We have a zero tolerance to bullying. The Board, staff and community groups demonstrate strong relationships, and work together to deliver fundraising objectives. Our school community proactively contributes to our school’s development and are actively engaged in school. Our community comes together to learn about each other’s cultures. Treaty of Waitangi principles are embedded in our practices. Our wairua permeates all aspects of our school experience. Our community prioritises the safety of our students. We have a zero tolerance to bullying. The Board, staff and community groups demonstrate strong relationships. School and whanau relationships are strong and a sense of belonging is evident. Integration of multi-cultural learning and celebration is part of our school. Students, staff and community accept cultural diversity without bias and celebrate the different cultures that make up our school.
Our inclusive culture at Kuratau School MANAAKITANGA - Knowing our responsibility to act in a manner that uplifts and enhances the mana of those around us. It demands a positive attitude and a high level of respect in our behaviour towards one another. It is through upholding the mana of others that our own mana remains intact. WHANAUNGATANGA - Whakapapa (genealogy) is acknowledged and utilised as the way in which people connect to each other, to past and future generations and to the environment. Whänaungatanga reminds us of our responsibilities to one another, and allows us to reach out to those around us and to embrace them within the kaupapa of our School. KAITIAKITANGA - Our obligation to care for one another and our natural environment – our Kuratau Wetland. It includes the duty to protect and enhance the kaupapa of our School. RANGATIRATANGA - We are the decision-makers and navigators of our own journey. We are responsible for the well-being, health and education of ourselves and our whanau. “Our School takes all reasonable steps to provide instruction in Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori for all students”.
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016 Mission statement: Together we will provide quality education to create confident, life long learners.
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016 STRATEGIC AIM 1 - To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success. GOALS All students shall benefit from the New Zealand Curriculum and will show progress in the key learning area of Writing. Our school will strive to improve the standard of written literacy across the whole school, and enable all children to achieve to their full potential. The priority groups are tracked and reported to the Board of Trustees. Students, whanau and teachers demonstrate an understanding of students educational journey. Develop and implement Careers and Technology Programme for Yrs 7 & 8 students. Whanau community is involved to address truancy issues in our school, and to enable support for children at home to accelerate success. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Review current pedagogy to be more effective. Regularly monitor and assess lessons and targets. Incorporate the use of Literacy Advisor Ros Thompson. Utilise in-service courses, and advice by Literacy Team Leader Bronwyn Hunt. School Review to be undertaken in August. Identify priority groups of learners. Provide professional learning in teaching styles for diverse learners. Focus on priority learners in staff meetings. Embed fully the process for students to outline their “educational journey”. Integrate aspects of Maori learning into the curriculum delivery, and identify what pedagogy works. Review and assess what is effective, and make changes if necessary, Investigate funding opportunities with MOE to support programme. Review In Term One, Prepare programme in Term Two, and implement Term Three. A formal process and reporting procedures will be implemented to eliminate truancy as a major barrier to learning. EXPECTED OUTCOME All students make progress in Writing. Students are engaged in meaningful learning and take increasing ownership for their own progress. Students in the Government priority groups show progress in their learning. Learning programmes are differentiated and inclusive. Teachers, whanau and students will understand their “educational journey”, and strategies introduced will accelerate success. Senior students will be prepared for start of College, and have a good understanding of career opportunities to work toward. High attendance of students on a regular basis.
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016 STRATEGIC AIM 2 - To provide a positive environment where staff, and BOT support our students to achieve to their full potential. GOALS Staff professional development plans designed to support the strategic aims and annual targets. Board receives periodic reports on professional development, readily identifying investment at an individual staff, team and school level. Provide an attractive and stimulating learning environment for our students. Performance appraisal document identifies and monitors consistent teaching practice across the school. Performance appraisal, performance management and leadership development are key focus areas for leadership team PD plans. Board capability assessed and professional development plan formed and linked to BOT review process. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Performance plans in place for all staff showing the alignment to the strategic aims. Teachers to provide regular feedback to the Board at monthly meetings on professional development and student progress. Develop breakout spaces in Rooms 1, 3 and 4. Prepare and complete a mural on the western end of our court area. Complete work on the waharoa entranceway and the Garden area around our tree carving. Leadership opportunities are made available. Teachers are supported to accept learning challenges and further their leadership practice. BOT members attend regular workshops throughout the year. EXPECTED OUTCOME Professional Development plans are aligned with the strategic aims and annual targets. Confident teachers. The Board is informed about the professional development of staff and students. Children will take pride in their surroundings, and a sense of ownership and belonging will be evident in their daily interactions at school. Coaching practices focus on areas identified for development. Leadership opportunities are made available. Teachers are supported to accept learning challenges and further their leadership practice. Increase in Board capability, strategic aims and annual targets achieved.
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016 STRATEGIC AIM 3 - To nurture relationships with our school community and the wider whanau to instil a sense of inclusiveness at all times. GOALS The ‘wairua’ – spirit and wellbeing of our school – incorporates all of the school values. Our community prioritises the safety of our students. We have a zero tolerance to bullying. The Board work closely with the wider school community to accelerate whanau engagement, and ensure consultation and communication is transparent. A communication strategy is accelerated to ensure our community is involved, consulted and engaged. Kuratau School is a culturally inclusive school that demonstrates its diversity through teaching and celebration. The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and their role in our school is evident and embraced. SPECIFIC ACTIONS Consult with our Maori teachers, community and Whanau Ora ki Tuwharetoa to ensure we enact this every day. Bullying will not be tolerated at Kuratau School. Meetings are held between delegated board members and whanau to share information, policies, procedures, standards and expectations. Our School Website, Facebook and Welcome to School Pack updated to ensure current information is available. Kapa Haka Tutor is contracted to provide a regular programme through Terms 1, 2 and 3. Maintain and enhance Te Reo, Tikanga and Kapa Haka Programmes within the school. EXPECTED OUTCOME Whanau, staff and students understand and know how to be a part of the ‘wairua’ at Kuratau School. We practice “manaakitanga” by taking care of each other. We practice “kotahitanga” by working together to achieve success for our students, and success in our operational activities at Kuratau School. The community is consulted about appropriate issues, and have clarity and understanding on information being shared. Children will develop skills and knowledge in Kapa Haka, and represent their school with enthusiasm and pride. The Board and Staff understand their obligations to the Treaty of Waitangi and are able to implement it.
ANALYSIS OF 2015 ACHIEVEMENT DATA - MATHS MathsBelowAtAboveTotal NumberProportionNumberProportionNumberProportionNumber All students 2023.3%3743.0%2933.7%86 Maori 1630.2%2343.4%1426.4%53 Pasifika Asian 1100.0%1 European/Other 412.5%1443.8%1443.8%32 Male 1224.5%2244.9%1530.6%49 Female 821.6%1540.5%1437.8%37
ANALYSIS OF 2015 ACHIEVEMENT DATA - READING ReadingBelowAtAboveTotal NumberProportionNumberProportionNumberProportionNumber All students 1922.1%3338.4%3439.5%86 Maori 1630.2%2037.7%1732.1%53 Pasifika Asian 1100.0%1 European/Other 39.4%1340.6%1650.0%32 Male 1530.6%1428.6%2040.8%49 Female 410.8%1951.4%1437.8%37
ANALYSIS OF 2015 ACHIEVEMENT DATA - WRITING WritingBelowAtAboveTotal NumberProportionNumberProportionNumberProportionNumber All students 2225.9%3338.8%3035.3%85 Maori 1936.5%1528.8%1834.6%52 Pasifika Asian 1100.0%1 European/Other 39.4%1856.3%1134.4%32 Male 1836.7%1632.7%1530.6%49 Female 411.1%1747.2%1541.7%36
ACHIEVEMENT TARGETS 2016 - MATHEMATICS STRATEGIC AIM: To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success in mathematics. ANNUAL AIM: That 80% of students will be achieving at or above the National Standards for Mathematics. BASELINE DATA: Analysis of school wide data shows that 76.7% of all students are achieving at or above national standards. Of the 77 children tested, 69.8% are Maori, and 75.5% are boys. We have had a roll increase of 27%??, and initial assessment shows the achievement level across some of this group is not high. Absenteeism also contributes to 18% ??of our below total. TARGETS FOR MATHEMATICS: Numpa (Numeracy) assessment for years 0-3. This test is more relevant to the age level, and will replace Jam testing. Our school will strive to enable all students to achieve to their full potential in Mathematics. ACTIONS TO ACHIEVE TARGETS: A term by term overview showing coverage of all the Maths strands and integration of Mathletics in to the programme Teachers’ planning is to be guided by the PAT item report for each year level. Focus on coverage of all Maths strands. A daily Maths programme of at least one hour per day. Family of Facts (division). Focus on areas that are relevant to year level.
ACHIEVEMENT TARGETS 2016 - READING STRATEGIC AIM: To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success in reading. ANNUAL AIM: That 80% of students will be achieving at or above the National Standards for Reading. BASELINE DATA: Analysis of school wide data shows that 77.9% of all students are achieving at or above national standards. Of those 77 children tested, 69.8% are Maori, and 69.4% are boys. We have had a roll increase of 27%, and initial assessment shows the achievement level across some of this group is not high. Absenteeism also contributes to 18% of our below total. TARGETS FOR READING: Focus groups for reading Years 1, 2 and 4. Our school will strive to enable all students to achieve to their full potential in Reading. ACTIONS TO ACHIEVE TARGETS: Focus on students reading a variety of text forms at all levels. Students should be grouped for reading according to their level and small group teaching should be part of a daily reading rotation. Teachers reading daily to classes, and using a variety of genre. Whanau Reading Programme to be implemented this year.
ACHIEVEMENT TARGETS 2016 - WRITING STRATEGIC AIM: To ensure student achievement is the main focus of our school – so that all our students will experience success in writing. ANNUAL AIM: That 80% of students will be achieving at or above the National Standards for Writing. BASELINE DATA: Analysis of school wide data shows that 74.1% of all students are achieving at or above national standards. Of those 63 children tested, 63.4% are Maori, and 63.3% are boys. We have had a roll increase of 27%, and initial assessment shows the achievement level across some of this group is not high. Absenteeism also contributes to 18% of our below total. TARGETS FOR WRITING: Supplementary Spelling Assessments (SSPA) for Years 4-8. Our school will strive to enable all students to achieve to their full potential in Writing. ACTIONS TO ACHIEVE TARGETS: Develop systems to help students identify their next steps in learning. Focus on students being able to write a variety of text forms at all levels. The writing programme will contain modelled writing, shared writing, guided writing and independent writing.
POLICY REVIEW CALENDAR FOR 2016 FEB Meeting procedures Financial Planning MAR Emergency Plans Gift and Koha MAY Health and Safety Principal Performance Appraisal JUNE Relationship between board and Principal Board Review of Governance Chairperson’s Role Staff Trustee Role AUG Responsibilities of the Principal Curriculum delivery Meeting Agenda Personnel SEPT Complaints Communications Principal Professional expenses OCT Relationship between Chairperson and Principal Reporting to the Board Medicine NOV Pandemic Planning Healthy Food in School Legal Responsibilities
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