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Preterm Labor and Bleeding in Pregnancy

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1 Preterm Labor and Bleeding in Pregnancy

2 Patient Patient: 25 y.o G3P1011 at 27+5
Vaginal spotting after wiping with urination x 1 day Lower abdominal cramps every 10 minutes x 12 hours, improving ROS: +FM, - LOF, - Ctx, - dysuria

3 History Ob/Gyn History
Past gyn history Menarche at 13 Period was regular No abnormal pap smear Past Ob history 1st preg: CS at 36 wk for pre-e 1 SAB s/p D/C Prenatal care No complications so far PMH: none Soc hx: denies use of alcohol, tobacco Surg: cholecystectomy Meds: PNV Allergy: latex

4 Differentials for 3rd trimester bleeding and cramping
Pre-term labor Bloody show (cervical insufficiency or labor) Placenta previa Vasa previa Placental abruption Uterine rupture Cervical/vaginal/uterine pathology (polyp, inflammation/infection, trophoplastic disease) UTI

5 Objective findings Vitals T 97.9 P 82 BP 119/64 R 16 O2 97 PE NAD
Lung – CTAB Heart – RRR Abd – gravid, soft, NT LE – warm, NT Cervical exam closed/thick/high Pelvic exam no pooling no blood negative ferning

6 Additional workup Transvaginal ultrasound FHT Tocometer UA
Cervix closed 32mm, no change in Valsalva FHT Baseline 135 Moderate variability Accelerations + Tocometer Quiet UA Negative for infection

7 Assessment and Plan A: 25 y.o G3P1001 at 27+5 with cramping and spotting P: Maternal well being: Low suspicion for premature labor, CL reassuring, cervix closed, no bleeding on exam UA negative Fetal well being: Category I, reassuring for 27 weeks Discharge home pending Bleeding/pre-term labor precautions Pre-term labor precaution Contractions like mild menstrual cramps lasting 20s-1.5 minutes Occasional contractions are normal after weeks esp if standing a lot or dehydrated If have 4+ in a hr – rest and drink water; if persist call your doctor

8 General approach to bleeding in pregnancy
Differential based gestational age and characteristic of bleeding T1 = wk 1-14 T2 = wk 14-28 T3 = wk 28-40 First trimester (T1) bleeding -r/o ectopic pregnancy Second, third trimester (T2, T3) – avoid digital examination of cervix light/heavy, painful/painless, intermittent/, constant), lab and images used to confirm/revise differential. Will go into specifics of T1 and T2/3 bleeding in later slides b/c ruptured ectopic can result in severe hemorrhage Placental previa need to be excluded b/c digital exam can cause immediate and severe hemorrhage T1 wk 1-12 T2 wk 13-27 T3 wk 28-40

9 T2, T3 Bleed Less common than T1 bleeding (3-4% of pregnancies) Causes
Ob causes Miscarriage (< 20wk) Cervical insufficiency or labor Placenta previa Fetal vessel rupture- velamenous cord insertion, vasa previa Placental abruption Uterine rupture Non ob causes Cervical, vaginal, uterine pathology – eg. cervicitis, genital laceration, cancer Hemorrhoid, bleeding disorder, abd/pelvic trauma, hematuria Avoid digital examination of cervix Rh (-) + bleeding  give anti-D immunoglobulin to protect against isoimmunization

10 Placenta previa 20% Complete, incomplete, marginal, low lying
Placental migration, Trophotropism Complications Vasa previa – vessel run thru membrane over cervix Placental accreta – abnl attachment to myometrium Increta vs percreta (bladder, rectum) Associated w/ premature delivery, PPROM, IUGR, peripartum hysterectomy Low lying – implanted in the lower uterine segment close to but not extending into internal os Placental migration – 90% previa detected early will appear to have move away later in pregnancy Trophotropism – placenta preferentially grow toward better vascularized area; less vascularized area atrophy Increta – invade myometrium, Percreta – invade through myo to serosa Bleeding cause more uterine contraction, further stimulate placental separation and bleeding

11 Placenta previa Risk factor: things that prevent normal migration/implantation of placenta Prior previa, uterine surgery, C-section, multiple gestation, multiparity, advanced maternal age, smoking Classic: sudden profuse PAINLESS vaginal bleeding in T3, usually no contraction “sentinel bleed” – usually after 28 weeks when lower uterine segment develops and thins, disrupting placental attachment Accreta – hematuria, rectal bleeding; suspect if previa + prior C-sec Workup: Transvaginal U/S (95% sensitivity). NO VAGINAL EXAM

12 Placenta previa Mgmt: Stabilize, continuous fetal monitoring
Labs: H&H, type & cross, coagulation labs, D-dimer, fibrininogen, Kleihauer- Betke test Between wk: steroid, +/- blood transfusion, +/- tocolytics Schedule delivery at weeks C-section if unstoppable preterm labor, large hemorrhage, non-reassuring fetal test, or at 36 weeks w/ mature lung indices Plan for hysterectomy Vaginal delivery if low lying placenta or marginal previa and stable Kleihauer-Betke test - estimate degree of fetal-maternal transfusion to dose RhoGAM for RH (-) mother Prematurity is primary cause of perinatal mortality, want to prolong pregnancy as much as possible, as long as mom and fetus are stable

13 Fetal vessel rupture Associated w/ perinatal mortality up to 60%
Cause: Velamentous cord insertion, +/- vasa previa Loss of FETAL blood Risk factor: multiple gestation, abnormal placentation, IVF esp in twin pregnancy Sx: vaginal bleeding + sinusoidal FHR pattern Diagnosis: often posthumously; U/S finding membranous cord insertion ; Apt test, Kleihauer- Betke test Mgmt: VUC: start FHR monitor at 36 wk VP: Start semiweekly NST wk; admn betamethasone 28-30; hospitalize 30-32; deliver 35 Emergent C-section Immediate transfusion umbilical cord inserts into the fetal membranes (choriamniotic membranes), then travels within the membranes to the placenta (between the amnion and the chorion). The exposed vessels are not protected by Wharton's jelly and hence are vulnerable to rupture. Rupture is especially likely if the vessels are near thecervix, Apt test – diluting blood, collect supernatant, combine w/ 1% NaOH (pink = fetal blood, yellow-brown = maternal)

14 Placental abruption 30% Risk factors: cHTN, preeclampsia, cocaine/methamphetamine, hx of abruption, multiple gestation mechanism? Abnl placental vasculature, thrombosis, reduced perfusion Classic: T3 vaginal bleeding, severe PAIN, CONTRACTION, uterine tenderness; 20% concealed hemorrhage Complication: hypovolemic shock, DIC, premature delivery Diagnosis: clinical, U/S poor sensitivity (retroplacental clot) Smoking, alcohol, advanced maternal age, multiple gestation, multiparity

15 Placental abruption Mgmt: Stabilize
Prepare for transfusion with FFP and cryoprecipitate Betamethasone for lung maturity Labs similar to placenta previa Deliver if life threatening / non reassuring FHT Stable, bleeding controlled – vaginal delivery Unstable pt – C-section FFP – fibrinogen, VIII, V Cyroprecipitate – fibrinogen, VIII, vW

16 Uterine rupture Rare ob catastrophe, but seen in 1/200 in laboring women w/ prior C- section Risk factors: prior C-sec, uterine surgery, abdominal trauma, grand multiparity, aggressive oxytocin use, abnormal placentation Sx: sudden intense abdominal pain, vag bleeding, non-reassuring FHT, abnl abdl contour, (-) contraction, (-) fetal heart tone Mgmt: Immediate laparotomy Delivery of fetus repair/ of rupture or hysterectomy

17 Reference Blueprints Chp 5 Antepartum Hemorrhage
UpToDate Overview of the etiology and evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnant woman Medscape First Aid for OB/Gyn

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