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Coordinator considerations Coping with the changing face of the homelessness and social exclusion in time of economic crisis Author Joan Uribe i Vilarrodona.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinator considerations Coping with the changing face of the homelessness and social exclusion in time of economic crisis Author Joan Uribe i Vilarrodona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinator considerations Coping with the changing face of the homelessness and social exclusion in time of economic crisis Author Joan Uribe i Vilarrodona Daniel Ibarz Pérez 15/01/2014

2 Index Grundtvig project Index  Product definition (what we want to achieve)  Description of mobilities and other activities (way to the product)  Seminar calendar  Organizational issues To determine the product and the results we want to achieve will help us to prepare the mobilities and other activities according to it

3 Product definition Grundtvig project Product definition  Diagnosis + Intervention + Evaluation  Useful handbook for all the educators and operators of this sector.  The seminars should allow us to gather all the information to write the handbook  How to spread the knowledge: website, DVD, handbook, Rome congress. Way to the most suitable intervention model. The appropriate itinerary to each profile based on a deep means and profiles analysis.

4 Product definition Grundtvig project Product definition  Claim of the website: Way to the most suitable intervention model. A website based on the accompaniment experience of homeless people.  Website structure:  Seminars conclusions  Homeless people experiences according to different profiles and means (videos, all of the with the same format and questions)  Handbook and DVD free download European projects consider very positively to create a website

5 Description of mobilities and other activities Grundtvig project Description of mobilities and other activities 1st Seminar: definition of the approach and targets of the project, in line with the different contexts (ie: agreement on the terminology and categories to be used, objectives to be reached by the work of the operators, etc.); definition of the project communication and evaluation strategy To produce the handbook we should focus the seminars pre-work, work and post-work on it. Pre-Work: intervention model definition of each participant. Fill-up the document. 1 st Seminar: - Grundtvig goals and liabilities introduction - Explanation of all the intervention models. - Intervention models workshop Post-Work: write the conclusions of the seminar

6 Description of mobilities and other activities Grundtvig project Description of mobilities and other activities 2nd Seminar: identification of common needs in the operators’ work (such as capacities of designing/managing integration programmes, skills required in dealing with the socially dependent people, etc.) through analysis of case studies/practices of action in the different countries (ie: methodologies of coaching, reintegration programmes, etc.). We want to listen beneficiaries experience Pre-Work: recording beneficiaries experiences of different profiles and different means. 2nd st Seminar: - Define different profiles. - Define different means and assess them from the beneficiaries experience point of view. Post-Work: write the conclusions of the seminar

7 Description of mobilities and other activities Grundtvig project Description of mobilities and other activities 3rd Seminar: identification of instruments to be used by the operators to design and manage educational and integration programmes for socially dependent people; definition of a toolbox and training material for the operators Itinerary definition: matching work of profiles and means. Pre-Work: all the participants should read the previous conclusions. 3 rd Seminar: - Itinerary Workshops. Each group will define for each profile the best intervention model or itinerary based on the previous knowledge. - Define new intervention models Post-Work: write the conclusions of the seminar

8 Description of mobilities and other activities Grundtvig project Description of mobilities and other activities 4th Seminar: Final evaluation of the activities and results achieved; assessment of the developed material and definition of the content of the project final handbook; discussion on the dissemination and follow-up Conclusions and dissemination Pre-Work: all the participants should read the previous conclusions. 4 th Seminar: - To finish the work of the 3 rd seminar in case it is not finished. - To share the conclusions - Dissemination of results Post-Work: write the conclusions of the seminar

9 Description of mobilities and other activities Grundtvig project Description of mobilities and other activities Final Seminar: Final seminar for the presentation of the results and of the handbook to the public; discussion on the lesson learnt and follow-up activities Conclusions and dissemination

10 Seminar calendar Grundtvig project Seminar calendar 1 st Seminar - 03/2014 Shall we define the exact dates? 2 nd Seminar - 09/2014 3 rd Seminar - 02/2015 4 th Seminar - 05/2015 Final Seminar 07/20515

11 Organizational issues Grundtvig project Organizational issues To be considered  We don’t need to justify financially the project in the interim and final report. It is just an assessment of the objectives. Just a 10% of the projects are chosen to be financially audited.  It’s important to keep the boarding pass and the attendance certificate. Also we can keep transport, accommodation, travel insurances and feeding expenses. Moreover, translation costs can be included, and the costs to produce the product.  People from mobilities should be direct involved with the granted organizations (not allowed to bring people from Murcia as an example). Otherwise, if we perform the minimum mobilities we can use the rest of the money to invite people.  Each organization should take care of their financial control.

12 Organizational issues Grundtvig project Organizational issues To be considered  Each hosting center will have to estimate the cost per person (as an example 300€), including accommodation, food, workshop materials, translating services, etc... And will create a receipt.  Try to save expenses in accommodation to be used on the product. We will have to share expenses (website, handbook printing, dvd, final seminar in Rome, etc).  Before 30 th of June 2014 – interim report  Before 30 th of September 2015 – final report  Dissemination: blogs, websites, facebook, banners, news, emails, etc… We need to save and share each publication or dissemination. Can we create a Dropbox?

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