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Active Learning Approach using Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Nghean Medical College, Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning Approach using Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Nghean Medical College, Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning Approach using Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Nghean Medical College, Vietnam

2 Background PBL (Project Based Learning): ” a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning essential knowledge and life-enhancing skills through an extended, student-influenced inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks” (Buck insti.). PBL in Vietnam -PBL has applied in the medical schools in Vietnam lately, but not in Nghe An Province. - Health Education and Communication is selected subject to apply PBL in the Nghe An Province Medical College

3 Background - Health Education and Promotion is the core program among 10 Primary Health Care programs in VietNam. -Health Education and Communication (HEC) is the obligated subject at any Medical Schools in VietNam. -In NgheAn Medical College, before 2006, this subject was lectured and practised in the lecture rooms.

4 The limitation of the former teaching method: -The main methods used for the subject were: Lecture, role plays. Limitations: skills gained is not fulfill, not in the ”real –world”. -Students also practice HEC during the practicum at hospitals and community sites. However, there was not many follow- ups and statistics of their practices. -(Other Medical subjects: case study methods, real- world practise). Background

5 1.To build and maintain an active learning model in the school. 2.Pilot the model and assess the advantages and challenges. Study objectives

6 Study Design and Subjects 1. Study design : Intervention study, experiment the active learning approach. - Medical field: Child health care, follows the recomendations of the Intergrated Management of the Childhood Illness (IMCI). 2. Study subjects : - Medical college students on the third year; - Lecturers and supervisors: At the NgheAn Medical College and its practised sites. -Aimed subjects at community: under 5 - child caretakers. -Health education & communication curriculum, manual book, supervising intruments…

7 3. Sample: - 446 third year students. - 400 under5 child – caretakers. - 150 students and supervisors for end- evaluations, 4. Data colections: - Evaluation forms from students, lecturers and supervisors. - Under5 child – caretakers interviewing forms (baseline and final survey). 5. Data analysed: Excel and SPSS. 6. Timing: 1 st Period: 2006 – 2007; 2 rd period: 2007-2008 Study Design and Subjects

8 Study results 1.Ebstablish an active learning model: 1. Lecturers Students 2. Supervisors 3. Practised sites 4. Information 5. Management 6. Evalua- tion

9 Student group management Class Student groups Surpervisors Active learning approach Using PBL Health Edu.& Communi. subject 1 ST Class ~ 50 students 4 th Class 3 rd Class 01 surpervisor 01 Lecturer 01 surpervisor 01 surpervisor 01 Lecturer 01 surpervisor

10 Study results Grou pped, topic selecti on Instructioned and supervised by lecturers and supervisors Theory Planni ng appro ved Final report Implementation Community or hospitals: 2 weeks Student steps forwarded: Make plan

11 Planning step. Project proposals: -Background -Aimed Subjects. -Health edu. method will be used -Health edu. Instruments (including theory and practice); - Health edu. contents -Evaluation checklist

12 Study results IndicatorsQuan. Number of lecturers and supervisors - From: NgheAn M.College Practised sites - Qualification: M.D. Nurse - Location: Vinh city 64 34 30 33 31 64 2. Ebstablish manpower network using PBL

13 Study results 3. Material revised and produced: -Subject curriculum was adjusted (including theory and practice); -Health Education and Communication manual book was revised; - PBL guideline was internally published -Supervising instruments produced (checklist..) -Health education for the community was revised (more skill introduced).

14 3. Students and Health education projects/compare to former method IndicatorsAccount Former method Students Participated PBL446 Number of Projects680 Drammar performances200 Home visits17760 Face to face health education445 No statistics Group health education sessions/number of people 102/1580 No statistics In total2721 No statistics Study results

15 4. Health education topics provided Study results

16 Evaluation questions -students 1-8: PBL is an actively method, more interesting, learn more skills, study at realworld. 9 -16: practiced communication and health education skills 17 -18: These skills are useful for this subjects and others. 19: I would like to continue learning by PBL

17 5. Students evaluated PBL Study results

18 Evaluation questions -students 1-2: Practiced sites cooperated and supported students well. 3 - 7: Supervisors were willing to help, are skillful, support in time 8 - 9: projects met peoples‘ need at community and hospitals.

19 6. Students evaluated the practiced sites & supervisors Study results

20 7. Knowlegde, skills of child care takers improved

21 Discussion Compare former method and PBL INDICATORFORMER METHODPBL Number of students and projects 50 students, in class study. No projects. Role plays and on paper exercise. 50 SV students per class. Grouped students. 6-8 projects /class Place for practicing, evaluate student work. In class practicing. Evaluate by writing papers and role plays. In class, community and hospital. Check list evaluation for practicing and final presentation. How student interested in Not so much.Actively participated. Develop more skills, discover internal powers…etc Benefit to the community. no statisticsNumber of projects and people were provided health education.

22 PBL Benefits to: -Students - Praticing sites - Patients, clients -Schools - lecturers, surpervisors. Discussion

23 To apply PBL successfully, the school needs more resources, timing and others: - More supervisors and management. - At least 2 weeks more for implement student projects. -Students learn actively completed works, use their internal power and resources. - Students actively ask for the supports. - Prepare manual, teaching & supervising material and instrument. -Good cooperation between the medical schools and practiced sites. Discussion

24 - PBL is an active learning approach can be comparable implemented on Public Health subjects. - Helps students to combine theory learning and practicing learning in the real environment for the future job foundation after graduation - Students can practice other essential skills - Support labor force for the practicing organizations. Customers are benefit from student projects. - Project based learning application is feasible which can improve the training quality. Conclusion

25 - PBL is regularly approach for Health Education and Communication subject. - Expand PBL to other Public Health subjects in NgheAn Medical College. - Develop teaching, supervising and learning instrument. - Synchronous combination to have effective practicing for studens at the hospital, in community, and others - Teachers, supervisors pay attention on communicative skills and health education when instructing students. - NgheAn Medical College cooperate with the practicing sites to make the plan in advance. Current and future trends in NgheAn Medical College.








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