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Unidad 4.1 ¿Quién te inspira?. In this lesson you will learn to:  To describe people  To tell others what to do  To express wishes and desires  To.

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Presentation on theme: "Unidad 4.1 ¿Quién te inspira?. In this lesson you will learn to:  To describe people  To tell others what to do  To express wishes and desires  To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unidad 4.1 ¿Quién te inspira?

2 In this lesson you will learn to:  To describe people  To tell others what to do  To express wishes and desires  To use the subjunctive with ojalá and verbs of hope  To use the subjunctive with verbs of influence

3 Who? What does she do?

4  In Spanish: You can express all three with the subjunctive. Yo quiero Yo esperoque John llegue Yo deseo -You must have a different subject. If it is the same subject you use the infinitive. Yo quiero llegar temprano. Formula: verbs of hope in the present tense + que+ verb in the subjunctive (must be different subject)

5  In English: -You express what you want someone to do with an infinitive. I want John to arrive -You express what you hope someone does with the present tense. I hope John arrives. -You express what you wish someone would do with the conditional. I wish John would arrive.

6 Ojalá-Hopefully  Ojalá also expresses hope. It has only one form and cannot be conjugated.  Ojalá means hopefully. It is an expression.  You must use the subjunctive. Ojalá que no llueva. Ojalá que ella haga la tarea. Pg. 218 activity 6-8

7 Subjunctive with verbs of Influence  In English, you can use the infinitive or the subjunctive after verbs that are used to influence the actions of others. In Spanish, you must use the subjunctive.  His parents allow him to drive.  Sus padres premiten que conduzca.  They demand that we be on time.  Ellos nos exigen que estemos a tiempo.

8 Subjunctive with verbs of Influence  Use the subjunctive after verbs used to influence the actions of others by, for example, suggesting or prohibiting an action.  Yo te sugiero que vayas al cine.  Ella me pide que diga la verdad.

9  Verbs of Influence: *Aconsejar *Exigir Insistir *Mandar Dejar *usually takes IOP -Verb of influence + que +different subject +subjunctive -Yo te prohibo que________(hablar) a Juan. - The indicative is used for the 1 st verb because it states a fact. -The subjunctive is used for th 2 nd verb because it expresses a possibility. *Prohibir *Recomendar (e-ie) *Sugerir (e-ie) *Pedir(e=i)

10 1. Yo insito que ella_______(ir) al cine. 2. Mi hermano me prohibe que_______(venir) a la fiesta. 3. Usted nos exige que_________(hablar)en español. 4. Ella te aconseja que ________(sacar) buenas notas. 5. Nosotros les mandamos a ellos que _______(jugar) deportes. 6. Mi madre le pide a mi hermano que________(ser) bueno. 7. La profesora os sugiere que_______(hacer) la tarea.

11 Translate 1. I suggest you eat all your food. 2. We ask them to work eight hours. 3. You advise her to talk to the teacher. 4. The teacher prohibits you to write on the test. 5. We demand you be good. 6. He insists you all run a lot. 7. They recommend we ride bikes to school.

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