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Migratory Bird Conservation Training For Federal Partners Training Addresses Multiple Topics, including: Migratory Bird Treaty Act Incidental Take DoD.

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Presentation on theme: "Migratory Bird Conservation Training For Federal Partners Training Addresses Multiple Topics, including: Migratory Bird Treaty Act Incidental Take DoD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migratory Bird Conservation Training For Federal Partners Training Addresses Multiple Topics, including: Migratory Bird Treaty Act Incidental Take DoD Migratory Bird “Readiness Rule” Improving INRMP’s for Bird Conservation and Mission Support Jacksonville, FL (April 2015) San Diego, CA (August 2015) Honolulu, HI (December 2015) Norfolk, VA (April 2016) Seattle, WA (August 2016)

2 Military Natural Resources Managers Support the military mission by ensuring sustained access to land, air, and sea resources while: Protecting important natural and cultural resources Meeting all legal requirements Promoting compatible multiple uses Managing in a cost-effective manner Photo by Jeff Bolsinger

3 Department of Defense Bird Conservation Program Richard Fischer, PhD National Program Coordinator U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center Vicksburg, Mississippi DoD Partners in Flight Program DoD Internal Migratory Bird Working Group DoD/USFWS Migratory Bird Working Group Installation Natural Resources Management Peter Boice Natural Resources Lead Office of Secretary of Defense

4 Department of Defense Partners in Flight Program Richard Fischer, PhD National Program Coordinator U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center Vicksburg, Mississippi

5 DoD Partners in Flight History  1989-91: DoDPIF was initiated under the vision of Joe Hautzenroder, DoD PIF Coordinator, U.S. Navy.  Jacqueline Schafer, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, I&E, signed the MOA to participate in a Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Committee for the Navy, on behalf of DoD. This MOA is referred to as the PIF Federal Agency MOA. Ms. Schafer appointed Joe as the liaison for the Navy and DoD to the MOA.  1997: Under Joe’s direction, Chris Eberly was hired as the DoD PIF Program Manager, with annual funding from the DoD Legacy Resource Management Program. Peter Boice, OSD, has provided program support from the DoD HQ level.

6 DoD Partners in Flight Mission Statement  To sustain and enhance the military testing, training, and safety mission through proactive, habitat-based management strategies that maintain healthy landscapes and training lands. This mission support is conducted while working simultaneously to develop cooperative programs and projects with PIF partner organizations ensuring a focused and coordinated approach for the conservation of resident and migratory birds and their habitats.

7 DoDPIF A Focus on the Mission and Military Preparedness

8 DoD Partners in Flight – WG Leadership National Program Coordinator Rich Fischer ( National Program Representative Joe Hautzenroder DoD Conservation/Natural Resources Peter Boice, Alyson Dalsimer

9 DoD Bird Conservation Priorities Mission Support  Partnerships/Cooperation  Communication of Guidance and Policies  Habitat and Species Management  Bird/Animal Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH)  Monitoring  Research  Information and Education  Stewardship

10  Develop and Provide Technical and Subject Matter Expertise to the Services and installations  Implement the Strategic Plan  Coordinate Representative Activities and request assistance for various tasks, projects, SME, etc.  Review and rank bird-related Legacy pre- and full- proposals  Plan and implement the annual DoD PIF meeting  Lead the DoD Internal Migratory Bird Working Group  Lead the DoD/USFWS Mig Bird Working Group  Facilitate the transfer of information, tools, technology, and other deliverables to the field  Develop a Strategic Monitoring Plan for DoD  Assist with developing Statements of Need for Legacy, SERDP, and ESTCP National Program Coordinator Activities

11 DoD PIF Representatives (per the Strategic Plan) As part of DoD’s Natural Resources Program, DoD has established an ad hoc network of subject matter experts who provide technical information in support of migratory bird management on DoD lands

12 DoDPIF Representatives (per the Strategic Plan)  Provide Military Service natural resources managers with information and tools to address the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats in support of INRMP development and implementation both by responding to NRM queries and by providing relevant information (e.g., webinars, articles, reports, studies) via listserv.  Provide proactive, science-based conservation and management strategies and subject matter expertise to appropriate stakeholders when called upon.

13 DoD Partners in Flight - Representatives Northeast Region Jeff Bolsinger (NY, VT) Dave McNaughton (PA, OH, IN) John Joyce (NJ, DE, MA, CT, RI, ME, NH) Southeast Region Kyle Rambo (MD, WV, KY) Michael Wright (VA) Alan Schultz (NC, SC, TN) Greg Fleming (GA, FL, AL, MS) VACANT (TX, OK, AR, LA) Midwest Region Vacant (MO, IL, WI, MI) Jeff Keating (KS, NE, SD, ND, MN, IA)

14 DoD Partners in Flight - Representatives Western Region John Haddix (AK) Vacant (WA, OR) Vacant (CO, WY, MT) Tiffany Shepherd (CA) Gary Cottle (NV, ID) John Arnett (AZ) Robbie Knight (UT) Frans Juola (HI) Trish Cutler (NM, w. TX)

15 Haddix Juola Fleming Vacant Wright Schultz Fleming Schultz Keating Vacant Shepherd Arnett Cutler Keating Vacant Knight Cottle Vacant Cottle Vacant Bolsinger Joyce Rambo Joyce Rambo Bolsinger McNaughton Joyce Rambo Schultz Vacant Keating Joyce Vacant McNaughton

16 DoD Partners in Flight – SC Representatives HQ U.S. Marine Corps Jacque Rice HQ U.S. Navy Tammy Conkle HQ U.S. Army Maj. James Caldwell HQ U.S. Air Force Julie Jeter

17 DoD Partners in Flight – USFWS Contacts National/MBTA Lesley Kordella Eric Kershner Endangered Species Lew Gorman Sikes Act Jarry Kosa

18 DoD Partners in Flight – Working Groups Research and Monitoring Rich Fischer BASH Paul Block Education and Outreach Bob Schallmann Renewable Energy Working Group Trish Cutler NEPA Template Working Group Greg Fleming Invasive Species Dana Bradshaw

19 DoD Partners in Flight – Working Groups DoD Mission-sensitive Priority Species Greg Fleming NMFWA Liaison John Haddix, David McNaughton Seabirds/West Coast WG Bob Schallmann INRMP Update WG Tiffany Shepherd DoD PIF Rep Emeritus Tim Burr DoD PIF Photo Librarian Paul Block

20 Web Site – Webinar Series - facilitate presentations Listserve (DODPIF-L) Photo Library Shutterfly account coordinated by: Paul Block, NAVFAC LANT, Tim Burr Birds of North America Online (BNA) Education/Outreach Materials DoD PIF Resources

21 DoD Partners In Flight Program

22 Conclusion

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