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New Workflow Manager Katarzyna Bylec PSNC. Agenda Introduction WLIN Workflows DEMO KIWI Design Workflow Manager System Components descripton ▫ KIWI Portal.

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Presentation on theme: "New Workflow Manager Katarzyna Bylec PSNC. Agenda Introduction WLIN Workflows DEMO KIWI Design Workflow Manager System Components descripton ▫ KIWI Portal."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Workflow Manager Katarzyna Bylec PSNC

2 Agenda Introduction WLIN Workflows DEMO KIWI Design Workflow Manager System Components descripton ▫ KIWI Portal ▫ KIWI Workflows ▫ Workflow Manager ▫ KIWI Instrumentation WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

3 Introduction KIWI Platform History: ▫ VLab (2002)  Virtual labratory – virtualisation of resources ▫ EXPReS (2006)  Visualisation of observation and correlation processes ▫ DORII (2008) & WLIN (2010) (KIWI)  Remote instrumentation  Workflow – automated execution of tasks sequences, customised by user ▫ NeXPRES  Remote access to observation-related tools  Notification-based workflows for correlation  Monitoring facilities WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

4 WLIN Workflows DEMO WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

5 Architecture - design WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

6 Workflow Manager Workflow Manager = ▫ KIWI Portal (CLIENT) + Workflow Manager Service(WfMS, SERVER) WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011 Web-based interfaceServer-side components Liferay/WebsphereProxy between client and infrastructure Flex Role-oriented access Central component – containing all logic and persistence User colaborationAccess to infrastructure components through well-defined interfaces (OGC) INFRASTRUCTURE

7 Components: KIWI Portal Liferay/Websphere Role-based functionalities ▫ Principal Investigator ▫ Telescope Operator ▫ Correlation Operator Plugin-based content: ▫ My observations/schedules (alternative to vlbeer FTP) ▫ Pre-correlation tools (vlbeer access, drudg, …) ▫ Observation structure visualization (VEX file) ▫ Notifications on observation events ▫ Experiment monitoring (high level – telescopes and correlation statuses, low level – baselines, fringe plots) ▫ User collaboration WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

8 KIWI Workflows Differences from WLIN Workflows: ▫ Strong user interaction (confirmation after each step) ▫ Not so easy to automate ▫ Not to be run periodically – one-off event KIWI Portal will guide user through workflow Workflow will be be covered by Portal’s forms and notifications e.g. Pre-correlation WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011 Poroposal submission VEX generation VEX verification Telescope files generation North Star form PC accepts proposal NRAO SCHED Vlbeer FTP Schedule time met drudg tool run by WfMS JIVE staff notified Manual verification Vlbeer FTP

9 Workflows: MoML MoML = Modeling Markup Language Developed at University of Berkley (1996 – 2011: Ptolemy II v. 8.0.1) Ptolemy II = parser + engine + GUI (Vergil) Ptolemy II Adapted by Kepler = PtolemyII + actors + directors + Swing appKepler Widely used in many scientist communities XML, de facto standrard Semantics-less ▫ Interconnections and graph structure ▫ Java classes mapping (actors) ▫ Directors – logic of workflow semantics WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011

10 Workflow Manager WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011 KIWI Workflows Job Updater DAEMON Persistence KIWI Instrumentation Workflow Manager Grid Job Instrument job e-VLBI Job

11 KIWI Instrumentation OGC Sensor Planning Service (SPS) standard 52 North SPS implementation Web Service access XML requests communication WP7 Meeting – Poznan – 19-04-2011 OGC SPS KIWI Instrumentation OGCJavaAPIOGCJavaAPI Legacy codeLegacy code XML Java

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