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DC-NET: a European Network for Digital Cultural Heritage Research Rossella CAFFO Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Istituto centrale per il.

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Presentation on theme: "DC-NET: a European Network for Digital Cultural Heritage Research Rossella CAFFO Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Istituto centrale per il."— Presentation transcript:

1 DC-NET: a European Network for Digital Cultural Heritage Research Rossella CAFFO Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane Eva Florence 2010

2 Content overview The starting point Scope and objectives The concept of the initiative Impacts Rossella CAFFO, ICCU2

3 The current scenario The cultural sector has a strong interest and capacity to engage with ICT: –Digitisation, producing large volumes of data –Preservation, need of storage capacity –Access services, demand for computing and networking power –etc. However: –The technology which is in use is often limited and limiting –There is little or no use of e-Infrastructures 3 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

4 The state of the art MINERVA: platform of shared recommendations and guidelines MICHAEL: multilingual access service to European digital cultural collections - network and organisation model IST technological components (DELOS, BRICKS, IMAGINATION, MULTIMATCH, DPE, …) e-Infrastructure software platforms (DRIVER, …) e-Infrastructure providers (NREN, GRID, …) 4 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

5 Networking in Europe The legacy of the NRG: a network of Ministries of Culture working at strategic and political levels –(e.g. Lund Action Plan and Dynamic Action Plan) The legacy of MINERVA and ATHENA: a network of cultural institutions working at technical level –(recommendations and guidelines) The legacy of MICHAEL: a network of competence centres working on surveying cataloguing and access Stakeholders of national/thematic portals Links (still “fragmented”) between culture and ICT –(e.g. SBN/GARR, CulturaItalia/SNS, etc.) 5 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

6 DC-NET Partners Italy: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (coordinator) Belgium: Politique scientifique fédéral/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid - STIS Estonia: Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium France: Ministère de la Culture e la Communication – Mission de la Recherce Greece: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού [Hellenic Ministry of Culture] Hungary: Oktatási Kulturális Minisztérium Slovenia: Ministrstvo za Kulturo Slovenia Sweden: Riksarchivet 6

7 Scope and objectives To foster the cooperation between the cultural sector and technology and infrastructure providers To harmonise the European initiatives into a shared strategy for the digital cultural heritage To translate the strategic road map into coordinated programmes and action plans To plan the construction of the DC-NET e-Infrastructure for the multidisciplinary research in the digital cultural heritage To involve the stakeholders for the implementation of the e-Infrastructure 7 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

8 The project approach The project is articulated in 4 main lines Integration of the research Research priorities to be refocused Co-ordination of national and EU programmes Development of a joint activities plan and partners commitment 8 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

9 Integration of the research –To create (and to continue where already existing) conditions and instruments for a stable cooperation: among cultural institutions in Europe, between cultural sector and e-Infrastructure/ICT research –To valorise existing resources: content, technologies and operational models MICHAEL and MINERVA eInfrastructure projects ICT research projects eContent projects National initiatives and portals 9 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

10 Research priorities In the last 2 years priorities of the digital cultural heritage shifted from digitisation to creation of portals (Europeana and the national portals). It is now necessary to refocus the research priorities on production and management of digital content: Cost reduction and mass digitisation Empowered search engines Automatic knowledge extraction and representation Multilingualism Preservation etc.  This requires to reinforce the cooperation between the cultural and the ICT research sector 10 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

11 Coordination of programmes To build a common strategic vision for e-Infrastructure development in the digital cultural heritage To re-launch a “think-tank”, where Ministries can discuss harmonisation of programmes and coordination of initiatives To develop and endorse a research agenda for a European e-Infrastructure in the digital cultural heritage, shared among the Member States and the European Commission  THE DC-NET JOINT ACTIVITIES PLAN 11 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

12 Joint Activities Plan The core of the joint activities will be based on 3 main components: 1. development of guidelines and recommendations for exploitation of e-Infrastructures in the digital cultural heritage, based on the successful approach of MINERVA 2. deployment of a data and services infrastructure: an evolution of MICHAEL 3. creation of a Multidisciplinary Virtual Research Community starting to work in DC-NET on communication training and long term implementation 12 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

13 Impacts Impact on the e-Infrastructures: –The adoption of the e-Infrastructures by the digital cultural heritage community will open new scenarios of use and exploitation Impact on the cultural heritage: –Cultural managers will become more aware about the potential of e-infrastructures on their work Impact on European research: –A better integration between the cultural sector and e- Infrastructures will enable the research on advanced services and applications Impact on the social life: –Digital cultural content will become more usable and re-usable for education, cultural tourism, long-life learning, non- professional cultural interests, … 13 Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

14 The role of Member States and EC in JPI MS are the leaders EC is a facilator The role of ERA-NET V/S JPI JPI has higher strategic role, wider ambit, managed by the MS ERA-NET can be an operational arm of the JPI to explore certain specific themes

15 The strategy JPI (Joint programming initiative) Cultural Heritage NET-HERITAGE Tangible Cultural Heritage DC-NET Digital CulturalHeritage

16 Thank you for your attention Rossella Caffo DC-NET Project Manager

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