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The kingdoms of Life Designed By Mater Hadadi Biology classes Spring- 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "The kingdoms of Life Designed By Mater Hadadi Biology classes Spring- 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 The kingdoms of Life Designed By Mater Hadadi Biology classes Spring- 2016

2 Target Audience  10 Grade class  25 students  45 minutes  Classroom Environment: Respectful – Active – Safe

3 Goals and objectives  Students will be able to know specific important information about plant, animal, and fungi kingdom  Students will be able to discuss about three kingdoms of life.  Students will be able to know plant structure  Student will be able to know plant features  Student will be able to know fungi structure  Student will be able to know animal features  Student will be able to know animal characteristics  Student will be able to know fungi structure  Student will be able to know fungi classification

4 Technology  Projector  Video  White board  Smart board  Cell phone  I Pad

5 Lesson procedures Prime Time 1 :  More information about plant, animal, and fungi kingdoms.  What is plant, animal, and fungi definition?  Animal classification. Down Time :  The difference between animals and plants  Small group instruction Prime Time 2:  Discuss between plant and animal  Go over answers to independent group work  More explain about fungi structures

6 Activities  We will make 3 groups of students and create a You Tube videos:  Group A – Kingdom of Plant  Group B – Kingdom of Animal  Group C – Kingdom of Fungi To all groups before create your videos you should visit this link to help you how to make a YouTube video. Next, you should review the following videos to learn how to create their videos:link  Video 1: plant of kingdom Video 1  Video 2: Animal of kingdom Video 2  Video 3: Fungi of kingdom Video 3 Each group will have a different day to work on their videos and other groups will observe.

7 NJ Common Core Standards  5.3.2.A.1 Group living and nonliving things according to the characteristics that they share.  5.3.P.B.1 Observe and describe how plants and animals obtain food from their environment, such as by observing the interactions between organisms in a natural habitat.  5.3.2.B.1 Describe the requirements for the care of plants and animals related to meeting their energy needs.  5.3.12.A.4 Distinguish between the processes of cellular growth (cell division) and development (differentiation).  5.3.P.C.1 Observe and describe how natural habitats provide for the basic needs of plants and animals with respect to shelter, food, water, air, and light (e.g., dig outside in the soil to investigate the kinds of animal life that live in and around the ground).

8 Plant Kingdom plant kingdom definition:  One of the five kingdoms of living things. Most plants derive energy from photosynthesis Kingdom Plantae consist of:  living multicellular organisms and are also known as green plants. They form a group that includes plants of different varieties like the flowering plants, confers, gymnosperms, ferns, mosses, liverworts, and also green algae etc.  Plants are present on land, in fresh and marine waters. Plants have been living on earth from millions of years. There are about 2million species of plants.

9 Features of plants The distinctive features of plants are:  Cell walls of plants have cellulose.  They have chlorophyll pigments in chloroplast which is used to obtain energy from sunlight by the process of photosynthesis. The chlorophyll pigment gives them green color.  Some plants are parasitic, and they cannot undergo the process of photosynthesis.  Asexual reproduction is common in plants, though sexual reproduction is possible.  Plants show indeterminate growth and alternation of generations

10 Plant Structure

11 kingdom animalia definition  Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia (also called Metazoa). All animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently, at some point in their lives.

12 Animal Features

13 Characteristics of Animal

14 Characteristics of Life  Living things are organized.  Living things are made up of cells.  Living things metabolize.  Living things maintain an internal environment.  Living things grow.  Living things respond.  Living things reproduce.  Living things evolve.

15 Seven Levels of Taxonomic Classification  Kingdom  Phylum  Class  Order  Family  Genus  Species

16 Kingdom Fungi  The kingdom Fungi includes a diverse group of organisms that are neither plant nor animal. They absorb nutrition from other organisms while playing the important role of ecological decomposers.

17 Structure of Fungi

18 Characteristics of Fungi

19 Classification of Fungi

20 Brainy Bits  Temporal lobe : will activate throughout the lesson. For example, when students are listening to me during the explain plant and fungi structure and characteristics.  Frontal lobe: will activate at many points throughout the lesson. Because, these lobes deal with the planning and thinking. For example, when students are thinking about animal classification.

21 Learning Styles  Concrete Random: Individual will enjoy the hands on leafs activity Brainstorm for product plant its food Self ‐ directed learning.  Abstract Random: The abstract random learners from all discussion points through the lesson. For example, discuss as a group work activity about plant structure and give them personal attention and emotion support

22 Citations    8#q=plant%20kingdom%20definition 8#q=plant%20kingdom%20definition   and-function-5-728.jpg?cb=1222513625 and-function-5-728.jpg?cb=1222513625      Sousa, David A. How the Special Needs Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2001. Print.  Gregorc, Anthony F. Gregorc Style Delineator: A Self-assessment Instrument for Adults. Columbia, CT: Gregorc Assoc., 1985. Print.

23 Citations  8#q=kingdom+animalia+definition 8#q=kingdom+animalia+definition          

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