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1. Yoku not ruti dot koopud. Aa witilon it mongoy sid dogon. Amu tuuwan it mimoyo dogon. Aso ot koongoy sid dogon Ong amu loowon di Tama. D6 Yoku not.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Yoku not ruti dot koopud. Aa witilon it mongoy sid dogon. Amu tuuwan it mimoyo dogon. Aso ot koongoy sid dogon Ong amu loowon di Tama. D6 Yoku not."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Yoku not ruti dot koopud. Aa witilon it mongoy sid dogon. Amu tuuwan it mimoyo dogon. Aso ot koongoy sid dogon Ong amu loowon di Tama. D6 Yoku not Ruti

3 Posiyan Ku po yalo, 3x Do tadlaw koowian. D6 Yoku not Ruti

4 2. I ruti dit ita'ak ku Iri no i koyuwan ku. Isay nopo ot mangakan Apasi singkole'ed, Apasi singkole'ed. D6 Yoku not Ruti

5 Posiyan Ku po yalo, 3x Do tadlaw koowian. D6 Yoku not Ruti

6 3. Ong aakoh mangakan Di tonsi di Tanak di Tuhan Om monginum di ra'a yo Asot koposiyan nu, Asot koposiyan nu. D6 Yoku not Ruti

7 Posiyan Ku po yalo, 3x Do tadlaw koowian. D6 Yoku not Ruti

8 4. Yoku ot mamasi Kembagu do tulun. Ong mimoyo koh Dogon Matay koh poma, Nga oposiyan kembagu. D6 Yoku not Ruti

9 Posiyan Ku po yalo, 3x Do tadlaw koowian. D6 Yoku not Ruti

10 5. Tuhan, mimoyo okoy Dot ikaw no i Kristus I Tanak do Kinoringan Ot nokoongoy Sitid pomogunan. D6 Yoku not Ruti

11 Posiyan Ku po yalo, 3x Do tadlaw koowian. D6 Yoku not Ruti


13 1. Akulah roti hidup Yang datang pada ku Tak 'kan lapar Yang percaya tak 'kan haus. Tiada datang pada ku Kecuali ditarik Bapa. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

14 Dan ku bangkitkan dia 3x Pada hari kiamat. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

15 2. Roti yang ku berikan Daging ku untuk hidup dunia Dan yang makan roti ini Akan hidup kekal Dia akan hidup kekal. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

16 Dan ku bangkitkan dia 3x Pada hari kiamat. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

17 3. Kecuali engkau makan Daging dari Anak Manusia Dan meminum darah-nya Kau tak mempunyai Kehidupan kekal. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

18 Dan ku bangkitkan dia 3x Pada hari kiamat. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

19 4. Akulah kebangkitan Dan kehidupan yang kekal Yang percaya pada ku Walau dia mati Akan hidup semula. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

20 Dan ku bangkitkan dia 3x Pada hari kiamat. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

21 5. Tuhan kami percaya Bahawa engkau-lah Al-Masih Engkau-lah Anak Allah Yang menjelma Ke dalam dunia. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup

22 Dan ku bangkitkan dia 3x Pada hari kiamat. D6M Akulah Roti Hidup


24 I am the Bread of life, He who comes to Me 1.I am the Bread of life, He who comes to Me Shall not hunger, He who believes in Me Shall not thirst. No one can come to Me Unless the Father draw him. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

25 And I will raise him up 3x On the last day. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

26 The bread that I will give Is My flesh for the life 2.The bread that I will give Is My flesh for the life Of the world, And he who eats of this bread, He shall live for ever, He shall live for ever. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

27 And I will raise him up 3x On the last day. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

28 Unless you eat Of the flesh of the Son of Man And drink of His blood, And drink of His blood, You shall not have life within you. 3.Unless you eat Of the flesh of the Son of Man And drink of His blood, And drink of His blood, You shall not have life within you. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

29 And I will raise him up 3x On the last day. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

30 I am the Resurrection, I am the Life, He who believes in Me Even if he die, He shall live for ever. 4.I am the Resurrection, I am the Life, He who believes in Me Even if he die, He shall live for ever. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

31 And I will raise him up 3x On the last day. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

32 Yes, Lord, we believe That You are the Christ, The Son of God Who has come Into the world. 5.Yes, Lord, we believe That You are the Christ, The Son of God Who has come Into the world. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

33 And I will raise him up 3x On the last day. D6E I Am the Bread of Life

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