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Prayer Bible Verse: Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer Bible Verse: Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prayer

3 Bible Verse: Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. “ –John 6: 53-54

4 In this Chapter, you will learn: - What prayer is… -Different types of prayer -How to Pray -Tips on Prayer -Insights into the Our Father -Why we should go to Mass? -The Mass as the Ultimate Prayer - Why some people think it is wrong to pray to the saints? -How to discern God’s Will for your life…

5 1. What is your definition of prayer? 2. What events or occasions in your life lead you to prayer? 3. How strong is your belief that God will answer your prayers? Explain. 4. Why should we pray? 5. Why don’t we pray as we ought?


7 How can you speak to God? Vocal Prayer (A.C.T.S.+I.) Praise- acknowledge God and his goodness and glorify him for who he is. Adoration – Contrition – Thanksgiving – Supplication – Intercession –

8 How can you hear from God? Natural World – Human Life – Sacred Scripture – Interior Silence –

9 In your own words, summarize what you learned in the last two slides?

10 -Precious Privilege: Have you ever met a famous person? -Acknowledge Reality -We cannot achieve human fulfillment without communing with God. -Better relationships

11 Prayer expresses itself in these ways: 1.What is Vocal Prayer? - Ex: 2.What is Meditation? - -Ex: Mental prayer - converse with Jesus or reflect on one of the mysteries of his life 3. What is Contemplation? - - Gaze of Faith fixed on Jesus:“I look at Him and He looks at me.”

12 “We must pray with our whole being” CCC 2702 “How often I failed in my duty to God, because I was not leaning on the strong pillar of prayer.” --St. Teresa of Avila "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." --St. Augustine "There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers." --St. teresa of Avila “ Realize that you may gain more in a quarter of an hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament than in all other practices of the day.“ – St. Alphonous. ""Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day," remarked St. Francis de Sales, "except when we are busy—then we need an hour."

13 It is good to find a special place where you can slow down, relax, and focus your attention It is good to get in the habit of choosing a special time each day to pray Breathing exercises and comfortable body posture can help you to concentrate Begin by recalling that God is present, that he loves you, and that he has given you many gifts Keep the faith that God always hears you, even if you do not “feel” anything

14 10 pts- History/Origin of assigned prayer. Explain purpose of the prayer. What kind of prayer is it? 10 pts- Lead us in your prayer. Need to explained well. Group1- Our Father Group 2- Ignatius Imagination Prayer Group 3- Divine Mercy Group 4- Ignatius Imagination prayer Group 5- Our Father Group 6- Journaling/Examination of Conscience Group 7- Ignatius Examen Group 8- Ignatius Examen

15 What are your expectations for Prayer? What is the goal of prayer? What kind of things can we expect to happen during our prayer time that might let us know we are on the right track? (or what are some other goals of prayer?)

16 Does God ignore or not answer some our prayers? God answers prayers with a: Its important to __________that He ________you and knows what's _______ for you.

17 In your own words, summarize what you learned in the last two slides?

18 - It is the “prime”, or model, Christian prayer. Why? a.Jesus taught us it b.prayer of perfect and unselfish love because in saying it we ___________ ________________ and ask from Him the best things, not only for ____________________________________________ -How is the structure of the Lord’s prayer? -1st ________________are about ____________ God for who he is. -Last ______________________________where we take our needs to our loving Father

19 † Our Father † Who art in Heaven † Hallowed be thy name † Thy kingdom come † thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven

20 † And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us † And lead us not into temptation † But deliver us from evil. Amen. † Give us this day our daily bread

21 In your own words, summarize what you learned in the last two slides?

22 1. Because the most important event in human history is being made present to us. a.What is the most important event in human history? 1.- b.What does that have to do with the Mass? 1.That uber important event is made – 1.Sacrifice on Calvary = 2. Not only made present, but it is where we receive the graces won by Jesus’ death and resurrection. How? a. – b. - needs to accompany the reception of this great Sacrament

23 3. In reception of the Eucharist, We are the closest to Jesus we will ever be while we’re here on Earth. Why? a.- b.“How lovely it was, that first kiss of Jesus in my heart — it was truly a kiss of love. I knew that I was loved and said, ‘I love You, and I give myself to You forever...’” - St Therese of Lisieux c.What does the Catechism say? CCC1391 a.-. The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus. Indeed, the Lord said: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him."

24 In your own words, summarize each of the first 3 reasons why we should go to Mass?

25 4. To thank God! The Mass is the great prayer of thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? - What does the Catechism say? CCC 1360 The Eucharist is a ________________________to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses her __________________to God for all his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, redemption, and sanctification. Eucharist means first of all "thanksgiving.“ Point:

26 What if you earned an “A” on a test, but because I didn’t like you I gave you an “D.” What would your reaction be? 5. a.“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.” At Mass we say? a. - b.What do we mean by saying it is Just? - c. What do we owe God? - d. We worship God in many ways, but Worship of God isn’t for His sake (he doesn’t need our worship), but

27 In your own words, summarize each of the first 4 & 5 reasons why we should go to Mass?

28 6. “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know…But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers….those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” -John 4 Point: How can we worship God in spirit and truth? The Mass. What does it mean that the Mass is the source and summit of our faith?

29 7. Missing Mass is "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” -Ex. 20:8 “I am the LORD your God …out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me …you shall not bow down to them or serve them. ” - Ex. 20 What are the conditions of a mortal sin? -An act of _________________that is... -Committed with __________________--and... -_______________________. Sure there are exceptions, but the question is, “ Only you and God know the answer to that question. If you have missed Mass in the past, run to the compassionate sacrament of Reconcilation.

30 In your own words, summarize reasons 6 & 7 why we should go to Mass?

31  What kinds of prayer forms are used at Mass?  Praise: --  Repentance: --  Meditation: --  Petition: --

32 Video: What does it mean to pray to the saints? How do we correct objections that non-Catholic Christians have to this practice? Obj: “They can’t hear us”- Obj: “It violates Jesus being the One mediator between God and man”- Obj: “We shouldn’t have contact with the dead”- Obj: “What’s the point? We should just pray directly to Jesus!”- Video: Ck&list=PLssgEq4dzA22s65W1VtquHOZETji-3J7t&feature=mh_lolz

33 1.We cannot Earn God’s love or salvation How can we respond to God’s Love? 2. Pray- a. Daily prayer time b. Look for God in all things c. Offer God your very best in everything you do. Faith 3. 4. Receive the sacraments 5. 6. Live a life of VirtueRepent 7.Love/ Good Works

34 Lectio Divina Reading (lectio) – Understand what the verse is about What does the biblical text say? Meditation (meditatio) – reflecting on the meaning of the text that I read What is God saying to me through this text? Prayer (oratio) – Talk to God in your own words with words of praise, thanksgiving, contrition, petition, etc What do I say to God in response to this text? Contemplation (contemplatio) – listening to God more quietly in the silence of our hearts Action (actio) – letting the encounter concretely affect our daily life &work in the world How will I change what I do today in response to hearing this text?

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