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Nuclear Energy R&D in India for FBR

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1 Nuclear Energy R&D in India for FBR
P. Mohanakrishnan IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

2 Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research and FBR Programme in India
CONTENTS Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research and FBR Programme in India 40 MWt FBTR and 500 MWe PFBR R&D for Future FBR R&D for Closed Fuel Cycle R&D for Metal Fuel FBR Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

Centre Dedicated for Development of FBR and Its Closed Fuel Cycle with Activities Reactor Design Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) Sodium Technology Materials Science Chemistry and Physics of Fuel Cycle Participation in construction of PFBR Fuel Cycle Facilities Waste Management Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

4 Utilisation & Growth Potential with Fast Reactors
Most neutrons in FBR have energies near here Neutrons produced per neutron absorbed (η) for different isotopes in Thermal and Fast Reactors Neutron Spectrum 233 U 235 U 239 Pu Thermal Reactor spectrum 2.26 2.04 2.06 Fast Reactor spectrum 2.35 2.20 2.75 Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

5 Fast Reactors - Sustainability and Capabilities
Full utilisation of U resource Minor actinide burning - reducing the quantity and toxicity of radioactive waste requiring ultimate disposal Can provide critical liquid metal technology and high temperature design inputs for ADS, fusion and HTR Effective utilisation of thorium to convert into U233 Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 5

6 Thorium Based Reactors
Three Stage Nuclear Power Programme of India : Status Stage – I PHWRs 17- operating 2 - under construction Scaling to 700 MWe Construction period reduced POWER POTENTIAL  10,000 MWe LWRs 2 BWRs operating 2 PWRs construction Stage - II Fast Breeder Reactors 40 MWth FBTR - Operating Technology Objectives realised 500 MWe PFBR- under construction POWER POTENTIAL  500,000 MWe for 100 y Stage - III Thorium Based Reactors 30 kWth KAMINI- operating 300 MWe AHWR- under regulatory examination POWER POTENTIAL  Very large. Availability of accelerator driven neutron sources can covert Thorium Participation in ITER for fusion technology development Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

7 FBTR today FBTR, in operation since 1985, is the flag-ship of IGCAR and is the test bed for fast reactor fuels and materials. It has completed 16 irradiation campaigns with very high availability factors in the recent campaigns. Its unique carbide fuel has set an international record in burn-up (165 GWd/t). The performance of sodium systems for the past 25 years has been excellent. Steam generators have performed without a single leak incident PFBR test fuel is under irradiation at FBTR and seen design burnup of 100 GWd/t burn-up India is one of the leading countries in the world among a select group pursuing FBR technology Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 7

8 Carbide Fuel Cycle of FBTR
Fuel fabricated at BARC Comprehensive PIE of FBTR fuel at 25, 50, 100 and 155 GWd/t in hot cells under inert atmosphere: destructive as well as non destructive techniques employed FBTR Mark I Fuel has now reached GWd/t without fuel pin failure in the core Fuel discharged at 25, 50, 100 and GWd/t reprocessed in CORAL facility Nuclear Energy R&D 100 GWd/t 14 Jan 2011 8

9 Performance of FBTR Carbide Fuel
Microstructure of fuel pin cross section after different burn-ups 155 GWd/t – CENTRE of the fuel column 25GWd/t 50GWd/t 100GWd/t Micrographs of fuel pin cross section at the centre of fuel column after 25 & 50 & 100 GWd/t burn-up 155 GWd/t – END of the fuel column Radial cracking at low burn-ups in free swelling regime Progressive reduction in fuel clad gap with burn-up Cracking pattern changes from radial to circumferential cracking with closure of fuel clad gap Complete closure of fuel-clad gap along the entire fuel column at 155 GWd/t burnup Porosity free dense zone at the outer rim of the fuel Swelling of fuel accomodated by porosities & clad swelling Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 9

10 Successful Demonstration of Reprocessing
16 Stage Centrifugal Extractor Bank CORAL facility operation area Mixed carbide fuels with high Pu with a burn up of 155,000 MWd/t reprocessed for the first time CORAL facility demonstrated the successful reprocessing of this high burn up fuel Centrifugal extractors used in solvent extraction in CORAL facility for reprocessing of FBTR fuel Modifications carried out in extractor bowl resulted in the improved performance Progressive hotter fuel reprocessing Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 10

11 Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) – a sequel to FBTR
IGCAR has designed and developed the 500 MWe PFBR and has played the lead role in obtaining safety clearances for the reactor. The construction of the reactor is in progress at Kalpakkam, by BHAVINI. IGCAR in association with BHAVINI has contributed to successful indigenous production of reactor components. This will demonstrate the second stage of the Indian Nuclear Power Program & techno-economic viability on an industrial scale. Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 11

12 Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) Erection of Safety Vessel
Roof Slab: Fabrication at Site Assembly Shop Erection of Safety Vessel Primary pipe with Grid Plate Primary Sodium Pump Steam Generator Secondary Sodium Pump Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 12

13 Challenging R&D for PFBR
Seismic testing of reactor assembly Minimising risk of sodium fire Prototype testing of components under actual environment (sodium & temperature) Minimising risk of steam generator tube leaks In-service Inspection Testing of components in sodium Transfer arm Control & safety rod drive mechanism Diverse safety rod drive mechanism Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 13

Structure Materials Clad & Wrapper Tubes 20 % cold-worked D9 steel Grid plate SS 316L(N) [Though temp < 700 K] Steam Generator Ferritic steel (Modified 9Cr-1Mo) Top Shield (Roof-slab) Sp. Grade Low carbon A48P2 steel. Other structural components Low carbon Austenitic SS alloyed with nitrogen up to 0.08 wt% < 700 K: SS 304L(N) > 700 K: SS 316L(N) Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

15 Boron enrichment & elemental boron production
Boron Enrichment Plant Electro-winning facility Enriched boron carbide for control & safety rod material for produced in IGCAR Technology is being used by Heavy Water Board to produce the material for PFBR Enrichment of 65% in Boron-10 achieved Boric acid converted to elemental boron Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 15

16 In-Service Inspection of PFBR Main-Vessel
Collaborative effort between DRHR, BARC & IGCAR ISI vehicle and its accessories – DRHR On-board NDE modules – IGCAR NAVIGATION CAMERA VISUAL EXAMINATION SYSTEM 3-D Model of ISI Vehicle UT MODULE 3-D animated model of ISI developed in collaboration with IISc, Bangalore ISI vehicle deployed in the interspace between MV & SV Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 16

17 R&D Challenges for Improved Safety and Economics of Future FBRs - CFBR
Construction of 6 more reactors (CFBR) (2x500 MWe at Kalpakkam & 4x500 MWe at a new site) – Commissioning by 2023, based on improved PFBR design Enhance safety and improved economics are twin objectives Need for optimized design Substantial R&D needed to experimentally validate any new design Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 17

18 Increased Reliability in Future
PFBR CFBR Shutdown Systems SDS-1: CSRDM Testing of 1:1 Prototype SDS-2: DSRDM testing in Na Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 Increased Reliability in Future

19 In-vessel Purification
Sodium Purification In-vessel Purification Primary Sodium is contained within main vessel No risk of siphoning of sodium In-Vessel Purification Ex-Vessel Purification PFBR CFBR Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

20 Feedback from PFBR - Steam Generators for CFBR
For SG of future FBRs 30m long tubes with 3 modules per loop concept is chosen as against 23m tubes with 4 modules per loop in PFBR Salient Improvements Reduction in number of tube to tube sheet joints by about 40%. 27% Savings in material of construction. Associated reduction in piping, number of rupture discs and other systems. Enhanced overall reliability of SG units of the plant. For PFBR, 19 tubes model tested at 5.5MW steam generator test facility (SGTF) For CFBR, 7 tubes model testing planned in SGTF

21 Development of Sensors
In-Sodium Electrochemical Hydrogen Meter For monitoring [H]Na under normal operating conditions of reactor : Possesses a resolution of 13 ppb at a background conc. of 50 ppb Tested in the Steam Generator Test Facility (SGTF) by steam injection Cover Gas Hydrogen Meter For monitoring [H]Na under low power operating conditions or start up of reactor (Tna ~ 250oC) : detection limit 30 ppm Oxygen sensors based on yttria-doped thoria Sensors based on nanocrystalline materials Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 Thin film H2 sensor 21

22 Simulation of Radiation Damage
Experiments using Heavy ion Beams from 1.7 MV Tandem Accelerator Material for Present core of PFBR - 20% CW D9 Alloy: Target burnup MWd/t (85 dpa) Materials for future core of PFBR D9I – Target burnup MWd/t (130 dpa) Development of material D9I rely on increasing the incubation dose by adding minor alloying elements Ti, Si, and P. Experimental Techniques Surface Profilometry TEM Positron Annihilation Studies on D9 alloy, 5 MeV Ni Beam, Pre implanted with He Damage Rate ~ 15 dpa/hr, Dose range upto 150dpa, Irradiation temperature 300C – 750C Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 22

23 Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling
Mesoscale Atmospheric Model (MAM-I) for Coastal site validated with local and RISÖ data. Improved dispersion code System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) developed. Realtime nested dispersion modeling system for local, regional and national scale- applied for accident analysis. y Kaiga Narora Manuguru Kalpakkam Simulation of plume dispersion at four nuclear sites on a day Inner blocks: Topography Outer blocks: The plume Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 23

24 FBR Fuel Cycle MOX Fuel U & Pu FBR Power Station Spent Fuel
Pu (PHWR) FBR Power Station Fabrication Plant FBR Fuel Cycle Spent Fuel U & Pu Bred Pu & U233 for new reactors Reprocessing Plants for FBR Radioactive High level Waste Disposal Site Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

25 FRFCF facility – Bird’s eye view
Fuel Cycle for PFBR Initial fuel requirement of PFBR will be met from Plutonium obtained from the PHWRs (planned to be used for the first series of FBRs) The fuel cycle of PFBR would be closed by constructing a Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF) at Kalpakkam. Co-location of the facility with reactor would reduce cost due to transport and also avoid security issues Basic technology required for the facility is available FRFCF facility – Bird’s eye view Layout has been planned in such a way that expansion is possible to meet the requirements of two more 500 MWe FBRs to be built at Kalpakkam at later date. Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 25

26 Closed PFBR Fuel Cycle In vessel cooling period – 240 d
Reprocessing period – 240 d Fabrication period d Pu-239 reactivity equivalence used to judge quality of Pu after each recycle Pu isotopic composition change small with recycle of FBR fuel Net Pu enrichment change over 10 fuel cycles (life of reactor) is less than 3% Radio-active source is higher than PHWR re-processed fuel necessitating more automation Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

27 Advantages of FBR for Minor Actinide (MA) Incineration
Hard neutron spectrum reduces capture to fission ratios compared to thermal Penalty on core parameters with homogeneous mixing of MA (< 5%), is mild in FBR compared to thermal reactor –(eg. required Pu enrichment reduces) Existing fuel fabrication facilities handling Pu for FBR fuel cycle can accommodate MA bearing fuel MA produced in life time of 540 MWe PHWR can be incinerated in 3 cycles of 500 MWe FBR Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

28 By Product - Valuable Fission Products from FBR Fuel Cycle
1 GWe for 1 y (75 % capacity) Element/Isotope kg Cs (Cs-137) 143.7 (44.6) Sr (Sr-90) 16.8 (10.2) Ru 108.2 Rh 39.1 Pd 83.0 Rh and Ru become inactive few tens of years after separation Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

29 R &D for Cost Reduction of Fuel Cycle
Road map for higher fuel discharge burnups Aim for 200 GWd/t peak burnup with right choice of structure material - Radiation damage models and micro-structure characterization of materials Ferritic martensitic steels and Oxide Dispersion Steels (ODS) are the viable choices Parameter PFBR High burnup Cycle length (calendar days) 240 360 Fuel enrichment (Pu %) 21/28 24.5/29.5 Number of Fuel SA 181 199 Fraction of core discharged 1/3 1/4 Peak burnup (GWd/t) 100 200 Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

30 Co-located Fuel Cycle Facilities for Multiple Units
Multiple units at a given site (a) Sharing of facilities outside nuclear islan (b) Sharing of fuel handling facilities of two units (c) Sharing of operation and maintenance Co-located fuel cycle facilities provide (a) higher physical protection (b) favourable economics (c) proliferation resistance (eg. co- processing of U, Pu and MA) In a 4 x 1 GWe fuel cycle facility compared to 2 x 1 GWe facility, per GWe (a) capital cost per GWe is lower (b) operation and maintenance cost per GWe is lower Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

31 Beyond 2020 – Development of FBR-M
Fast reactor programme will be based on metal fuel to achieve faster growth of nuclear power The target of nuclear energy production of 25% by 2050 cannot be achieved without establishing metal fuel reactors on a commercial scale Involves R&D in lab scale, setting up of a metal fuel test reactor and designing the commercial scale reactor based on metal fuels This requires substantial efforts in design, materials development and fuel cycle technologies Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 31

32 Metal Fuel Pin for 1000 MWe Reactor
CLAD LINER FUEL U-Pu U 2950 300 1000 140 1150 Metal Fuel Pin for 1000 MWe Reactor U-Zr FUEL 300 1000 1440 UZr Sodium bonded 75 % smeared density Plenum at top Plenum/ Fuel ratio: 1.44 Pin height- 3.1 m Linear power at 2 at % BU governs BR = 1.47 Na FREE LEVEL Mechanical bonded 85 % smeared density Plenum at bottom Plenum/ Fuel ratio: 1.28 Pin height m Linear power at BOL governs BR = 1.56 CLAD 3100 1000 MWe, 8 mm  pin, 2 rows of blanket Peak Linear Power W/ cm Burn-up – GWd/t Sodium inlet/ outlet 360/ 510 oC Max clad inside T 650 oC T91 structural material Sodium bonded (U-Pu-6%Zr) Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 Mechanical bonded

33 Metal Fuel Development Fuel Doubling time : About 10y
Road Map Pin irradiation in FBTR Subassembly irradiation in FBTR Full core metal fuel in FBTR Experimental metal fuel reactor (320 MWt) Metal Fuel 1000 MWe Design Linear Power W/ cm Clad - T91 Capsule irradiation – 3 pins SA irradiation – 37 pins Prototype scale -217 pins Target Burnup GWd/ t Salient Features of Irradiation Plan Experimental Pin Schematic Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 33

34 Research on Safety Aspects of FBR-M
Compared to MOX core , metal core has lower Doppler constant and significantly higher Na void worth Concern of reactor safety under unprotected loss of flow accident (ULOFA) IGCAR study show that despite the high Na void worth, ULOFA of metal core is realtively benign Na voiding is low and happens only on reactor top – net reactivity is –ve after 30 minutes A passive safety grade heat removal system can maintain the reactor a safe shutdown state at a elevated Na temperature with adequate heat removal Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

35 Metal Test Fuel Pin Fabrication Facility
Fuel Fabrication facility Glove Box Train arrangement Purification tower arrangement Co-swaged fuel rod with clad / liner INJECTION-CAST, SWAGED & MACHINED URANIUM RODS (demonstrated at BARC) Length = 160 mm, Diameter= 4.67±0.04 Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011 35

36 Metal Fuel Sodium Bonding Facilities
Sodium wire extruder Argon Glove Box for Sodium Handling Dummy Fuel Pin Developmental Facilities established in BARC and IGCAR to demonstrate the technology Pin welding fixture Sodium Bonding Furnace with Vibrator Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

37 Thank you Nuclear Energy R&D 14 Jan 2011

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