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Collaborations with World Bank, WFP and PCD Developed as a result of an analysis of government spending of World Bank social protection funds in response.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborations with World Bank, WFP and PCD Developed as a result of an analysis of government spending of World Bank social protection funds in response."— Presentation transcript:


2 Collaborations with World Bank, WFP and PCD Developed as a result of an analysis of government spending of World Bank social protection funds in response to the 2008 food, fuel and financial crisis.

3 Global Picture School feeding is common worldwide – …but programme coverage is weakest where the needs are greatest – …emerging opportunity to transition from externally supported projects to nationally owned programmes

4 School children FOOD Small-Scale Farmer The Child’s Needs Daily nutritious meal, education Expected benefits Exchange Increased enrolment/Attendance Reduced drop-out/Absenteeism Increased attention/performance Improved nutritional status The Child’s Needs Daily nutritious meal, education Expected benefits Exchange Increased enrolment/Attendance Reduced drop-out/Absenteeism Increased attention/performance Improved nutritional status Farmer Needs Accessible & stable market Agricultural support services Expected benefits from Exchange Stable/Timely income Predictable demand Credit worthiness Opportunity for farm investment Farmer Needs Accessible & stable market Agricultural support services Expected benefits from Exchange Stable/Timely income Predictable demand Credit worthiness Opportunity for farm investment Exchange

5 Nutrition Education/ gender Income transfer Agriculture … With benefits

6 Enabling Success Multi- Sectoral Partnerships

7 High Level Political Support Policy formulation Standard setting Resource mobilisation Oversight Sub-National Coordination (accountability) Overall structure of public administration in the country The existing capacity at different levels The type of programme Community/School Level Implementation Community engagement AgricultureEducationHealth M&E


9 Collaborations with WFP, the World Bank and PCD Umbrella publication for 2013/14 series Launched May 2013 @ GCNF, Brazil First global picture of school feeding includes scale & investment Tripartite partnership

10 Children receiving school meals around the world Map from C. Burbano de Lara et al. State of School Feeding Worldwide. World Food Programme, 2013.


12 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation H.E. John Kufuor A Foundation

13 History of School Feeding in Nigeria

14 New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), WFP and the Millennium Hunger Task Force, launched a pilot HGSF and Health Programme (HGSFHP) aiming to link school feeding to agricultural development (NEPAD, 2003). The overall objective was to: Improve children’s nutrition and education Act as a vehicle for promoting local development and fighting food & nutrition insecurity and disease Link local small producers to markets (schools) and stimulate agriculture production and development 2003 HGSF Pilot

15 AU Pilot was initiated through the Universal Basic Education Act and stipulated that all state primary schools must provide one meal a day to each student 13 states were identified to roll out the pilot.

16 13 pilot states

17 Osun and Kano States

18 Only 2 states continue with the programme: Osun and Kano states Analysis indicated this was a result of : Institutional structure at the federal level was not fully implemented Insufficient funds School feeding was not included in state policy or federal law Program implementation was discretionary to the state governor’s commitment Agriculture was not fully involved Guidelines were not effectively turned into actual implementation plans

19 O’Meals- It’s more than just lunch

20 O’Meals… with benefits Nutrition

21 Menu Planner Tool Build your own menu @

22 Education 252,000+ children receiving school meals Increase in school enrollment: 25% giving Osun one of the highest rate of enrollment in the country.

23 Income Transfer Over 300 youths are also engaged in the supply chain- O-YES programme. -Over 3000 new catering jobs for previously unemployed women. -Over 3000 new jobs in agriculture 600 poultry farmers 2,000 fish farmers 1,000 cocoyam farmers

24 Agriculture Strengthening farmer engagement with school feeding Supply and demand Potential to link with SGR

25 States are aware of the progress made in Osun and Kano and are keen to benefit from HGSF HGSF is being re-invigorated through the MoA as part of the Agriculture Transformation Agenda PCD works closely with the Government in Osun State providing technical assistance for the sustainability of the programme.

26 Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC )- Federal Level funding Committed to reinstate 5% of the 2% UBEC national consolidated fund meant for school feeding for all States

27 Making waves in Nigeria High level meetings held in May with support from the Vitol Foundation and the World Bank. Ministerial level engagement meeting, held in Abuja on 19 th May 2014 Key collaborating ministries: Education, Health and Agriculture and policy makers. 6 pilot state project led by the Ministry of Agriculture

28 Osun state technical meeting 21 - 23 May 2014 Socio-economic impact of the O’Meals programmes in Osun state Interested states discussed relevant issues of concern Field visits to see O’Meals in action Making waves in Nigeria

29 PCD & UK Parliamentary Meeting: Evolution of Home Grown School Feeding UK Parliament- 22 January PCD, World Bank, WFP, AU H.E. Rauf Aregbesola invited by All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Agriculture and Food for Development and PCD

30 Recommendations HGSF should be institutionalized at the state level Advocacy Effective collaboration and inter-sectoral partnership Guideline developed to clearly state the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development involvement in all youth programmes targeting school children

31 Interested States Kano Adamawa Kwara Oyo Osun Edo Ondo Rivers Enugu Ekiti Imo Ogun Lagos Federal Capital Territory

32 Federal Policy Support Strengthening catalytic support to interested states Increasing cross-sectoral linkages (nutrition and agriculture) Building strategic multi-sectoral partnerships Moving forward

33 Find out more @ Follow SHN @schoolhealth HGSF @hgsfglobal Downloadable Documents & resources News & Events Cutting- edge research Country specific data

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