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Exam I Review Chapters 1, 2, 21, and 3. Format of the test  21 multiple choice questions (no calculator) – 21 points  8 Nomenclature Problems– 20 points.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam I Review Chapters 1, 2, 21, and 3. Format of the test  21 multiple choice questions (no calculator) – 21 points  8 Nomenclature Problems– 20 points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam I Review Chapters 1, 2, 21, and 3

2 Format of the test  21 multiple choice questions (no calculator) – 21 points  8 Nomenclature Problems– 20 points  5 Reaction Prediction Problems– 20 points  5 problems – points vary – 40 points total  Density, etc. – chp 1-type problem  Nuclear Composition (p, n, e, symbol, etc)  Molar Conversions  Emperical/Molecular Formula  Stoichiometry/Limiting Reactant/% yield  2 bonus problem – 10 points max.

3 1.A combination of sand, salt, and water is an example of a __________. a.homogeneous mixture b.heterogeneous mixture c.compound d.pure substance e.solid

4 B See section 1.2 See section 1.2

5 2.Which one of the following is a pure substance? a.concrete b.wood c.salt water d.elemental copper e.milk

6 D Again, section 1.2 Again, section 1.2

7 3.Which one of the following is often easily separated into its components by simple techniques such as filtering or decanting? a.heterogeneous mixture b.compounds c.homogeneous mixture d.elements

8 A Still section 1.2 Still section 1.2

9 4.For which of the following can the composition vary? a.pure substance b.element c.both homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures d.homogeneous mixture e.heterogeneous mixture

10 C You guessed it…section 1.2 You guessed it…section 1.2

11 5.If matter is uniform throughout and cannot be separated into other substances by physical means, it is a.a compound b.either an element or a compound c.a homogeneous mixture d.a heterogeneous mixture element

12 B And we’re still in section 1.2… And we’re still in section 1.2…

13 6.Which one of the following is an intensive property? a.mass b.temperature c.heat content d.volume e.amount

14 B Finally…a new section. Definition in sec 1.3 Finally…a new section. Definition in sec 1.3

15 7.Which of the following is a chemical property of sodium chloride? a.It melts at a very high temperature. b.It is a solid at room temperature. c.It dissolves in water. d.It can be decomposed into sodium metal and chlorine gas. e.It is not significantly compressible

16 D Still in section 1.3 Still in section 1.3

17 8.Which of the following has the same number of significant figures as the number 1.00310? a.1 x 10 6 b.199.791 c.8.66 d.5.119 e.100

18 B Sig. figs are reviewed in section 1.5 Sig. figs are reviewed in section 1.5

19 9.What is the correct answer (reported to the proper number of significant figures) to the following? 6.3 x 3.25 = a.20 b.20.475 c.20.48 d.20.5 e.21

20 A Sec 1.5 Sec 1.5

21 10.Round the number 0.07535 to two significant figures. a.0.08 b.0.076 c.0.0754 d.0.075 e.0.07535

22 D Sec 1.5 Sec 1.5

23 11.Which one of the following is not one of the postulates of Dalton's atomic theory? a.Each element is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. b.All atoms of a given element are identical to each other and different from those of other elements. c.During a chemical reaction, atoms are changed into atoms of different elements. d.Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine. e.Atoms of an element are not changed into different types of atoms by chemical reactions.

24 C Sec 2.1 (or just think about this!) Sec 2.1 (or just think about this!)

25 12.Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that a.the "plum-pudding" model of the atom was incorrect b.most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in a tiny portion of its total volume c.the positively charged particles within an atom are concentrated in a tiny portion of its volume d.alpha-particles are less massive than gold nuclei e.all of these are correct

26 E Sec 2.2 Sec 2.2

27 13.Which isotope has 45 neutrons? a. 80 36 Kr b. 80 35 Br c. 78 34 Se d. 34 17 Cl e. 103 45 Rh

28 B Sec 2.3 Sec 2.3

29 14.Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of _________ but differing number of _________. a.protons, electrons b.neutrons, protons c.protons, neutrons d.electrons, protons e.neutrons, electrons

30 C Sec 2.3 Sec 2.3

31 15.Which pair of elements below should be the most similar in chemical properties? a.N and O b.P and S c.K and Ca d.K and Mg e.Sr and Ba

32 E These two elements are in the same group (or family)…that’s the most important thing when determining similar chemical behavior. These two elements are in the same group (or family)…that’s the most important thing when determining similar chemical behavior.

33 16.An element in the upper right corner of the periodic table either a metal or metalloid definitely a metal either a metalloid or a non-metal definitely a non-metal definitely a metalloid

34 D See your periodic table! (or page 45) See your periodic table! (or page 45)

35 17.Elements in Group 2A are known as the a.alkaline earth metals b.alkali metals c.chalcogens d.halogens e.noble gases

36 A Sec 2.5 Sec 2.5

37 18.Which pair of elements is most likely to form a molecular compound? a.aluminum, oxygen b.magnesium, iodine c.sulfur, fluorine d.potassium, lithium e.barium, bromine

38 C Sec 2.6 Sec 2.6

39 19.Element X reacts with sodium to form an ionic compound with the formula Na 2 X. Element X is a member of group a.2A b.15 (5A) c.16 (6A) d.17 (7A) e.1A

40 C Sec 2.7 Sec 2.7

41 20.What is the mass number of an alpha particle? a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3 e.4

42 E See your chapter 21 notes See your chapter 21 notes

43 21.This reaction is an example of 210 206 84 Po  82 Pb + _____ a.alpha decay b.beta emission c.gamma emission d.positron emission e.electron capture

44 A Chp 21 Chp 21

45 The products of a complete combustion reaction are: a.H 2 O and CO b.H 2 O and CO 2 c.H 2 O 2 and CO 2 d.It is different for every reaction.

46 B Sec 3.2 Sec 3.2

47 When lithium is added to water, the products are: a.Li 2 O and H 2 b.Li and H 2 O c.Li 2 O and H 2 O d.LiOH and H 2 e.LiOH and H 2 O

48 D Sec 3.2 Sec 3.2

49 When a metal oxide is added to water, the product will be: a.Impossible to predict b.The metal hydroxide c.The metal oxide is insoluble d.Hydrogen gas and a metal hydroxide

50 B Sec 3.2 Sec 3.2

51 Na 2 CO 3 + heat  a.Na + CO 2 b.Na 2 O + CO c.Na 2 O + CO 2 d.Na 2 O + O 2 + CO

52 C Sec 3.2 Sec 3.2

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