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Trench foot was caused by standing in wet trenches for long periods of time without changing into dry socks or boots. First, the soldier’s foot would turn.

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Presentation on theme: "Trench foot was caused by standing in wet trenches for long periods of time without changing into dry socks or boots. First, the soldier’s foot would turn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trench foot was caused by standing in wet trenches for long periods of time without changing into dry socks or boots. First, the soldier’s foot would turn blue or red, then they would become numb, and finally they would start to rot. The only solution was to amputate the foot. A painful infection of the gums and throat, called trench mouth, was also common among the soldiers. AGENDA DBQ breakdown – analyzing docs (15 min.) Student presentation (10 min.) WWI (whiteboard, video clip, key terms, WWI story & reading, discussion questions) (30 min.) WWI notes? 1920s? (10 min) Time capsule? (25 min) SOAR = pt redemption/test re-takes or make-ups

2 DBQ Breakdown – Planning & Doc Analysis  Plan how might you categorize your essay?  Time period shifts?  PERSIA-type categories?  Other?  Analyze each doc (you are encouraged to “mark up” your docs)  Main idea? Significance?  What info does it spur/trigger?  Where will it fit into your essay? (category?) By the end of your 15 minute-planning period, you should have:  a list/chart with your categories  Relevant docs for each category  Relevant outside info for each category  thesis

3 WWI… What do you remember about WWI? Discuss with your partner. ON THE FRONT WHITEBOARD, WRITE ONE THING YOU DISCUSSED. NO REPEATS.

4 World War I: Video Questions World War I Video Clip (9:40) World War I Video Clip (9:40) 1.What were the alliances? 2.How did WWI begin? 3.Why was it called the Great War? 4.How long did the war last? 5. Describe the trenches and no man’s land. 6. How did technology and science affect the war? 7. List reasons for American neutrality. 8. Why did most Americans favor the Allies? 9. What were new strategies and weapons? 10. Describe the Lusitania incident in 1915. 11. Describe the Zimmerman incident in 1917. 12. When did the U.S. enter World War I?

5 World War I: Video Questions 1.What were the alliances? Triple Alliance – Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Triple Entente – France, Russia, Britain 2. How did WWI begin? * Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the alliances 3. Why called the Great War? * Largest conflict the world had ever seen 4. How long did the war last? * 4 years 5. Describe the trenches and no man’s land. Trenches – ate, slept, and fought in trenches No man’s land – in between the trenches; no one survived passing through it 6. How did technology and science affect the war? Machine guns, bombs, poison gas, chemical warfare, advanced artillery

6 7. List reasons for American neutrality. * Wilson proclaimed neutrality bc he feared it would hurt American economic interests and high loss of lives; we were not involved in fighting at first, but we supported and help supply the Allies. 8. Why did most Americans favor the Allies? Moved by Europe’s power Shared common language Heard stories of German atrocities against Allies 9. What were new strategies and weapons? 10 & 11. Describe the events in 1915 and 1917? 1915 – Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-boat; killed 124 Americans 1917 – Zimmerman Note: Note from Germany to Mexico but intercepted by Britain who publicized it. In it, Germany offered Mexico U.S. land if they attacked the U.S. 12. When did the US enter WWI?

7 Group Skit Task: As a group, create a short silent skit & transparency to teach your topic to the class. Instructions: Read about your topic. Create a silent skit where all group members are involved. Have fun. Be creative and appropriate. You may use signs, props, whiteboards, etc. but no words. War Industries Board War Economy War Financing Committee on Public Information Anti-Immigrant Hysteria Espionage and Sedition Acts African-Americans and the War The Great Migration Women in the War The Flu Epidemic

8 WWI Key Concepts

9 War Industries Board- Organization created in 1917 (Bernard Baruch) for mass-production techniques and standardized products. Led to increased production and changes in women’s fashion. Railroad Administration, Fuel Administration

10 War Economy- Many industries’ wages increased 20% Union membership increased National War Labor Board - created by Wilson to solve problems between workers & management (8 hour workday, safety inspections, no child labor) Food Administration - Publicity campaign to help with food (meatless, wheatless, sweetless days); victory gardens

11 War Financing- – US spent $33 billion on war – 1/3 came through taxes – War bonds

12 Committee on Public Information – Popularized the war; nation’s first propaganda agency

13 Anti-Immigrant Hysteria- – Immigrants from Germany and Austria-Hungary

14 Espionage and Sedition Acts- – Illegal to say anything against the war or the government – fined or jailed

15 African-Americans and the War- – Black public opinion divided on war

16 The Great Migration- – Large movement of African-Americans from south to north (jobs, discrimination)

17 Women in the War- – Women’s participation in war effort led to 19 th amendment

18 The Flu Epidemic- – International flu epidemic (at least 40 million died worldwide) – 500,000 Americans died

19 Should we use science/technology to create more effective killing methods? YESNO WWI saw the creation of poison gas, machine guns, dog fights, and tanks.

20 Should victims of racism support a racist government? DuBoisTrotter Black opinion about the war was divided. People like W.E.B. Du Bois said blacks should support the war effort. He said African-American support for the war would strengthen their struggle for racial justice. People like William Monroe Trotter believed that victims of racism should not support a racist government.

21 Should it be a crime to say anything against the government or war effort during wartime? YESNO In June 1917, Congress passed the Espionage Act, and in May 1918, it passed the Sedition Act. Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts a person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced up to 20 years in jail for interfering with the draft, obstructing the sale of government bonds, or saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive about the government or war effort. This led to 6,000 arrests and 1,500 convictions.

22 Should the U.S. have entered WWI? SOONER NOT AT ALL Even after the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania, Wilson refused to use military response. Wilson won the 1916 election with the slogan, “He kept us out of war.” After the Zimmerman note, the sinking of 4 unarmed American merchant ships, and Russia overthrew its czarist regime for a more representative government, Wilson called for war on April 2, 1917.

23 The Selective Service Act of 1917 required all men between the ages of 21 and 30 (later to be expanded to the ages of 18 – 45) to register with local draft boards. 3 million of the more than 24 million men who registered were drafted in WWI. While it was the Civil War that had the first nation wide military draft, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War all implemented the draft. Do you agree with the draft? Should women also have been required to register? YESNO


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