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Supporting Your Child with Reading Parents Meeting 28 th February 9am Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Your Child with Reading Parents Meeting 28 th February 9am Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Your Child with Reading Parents Meeting 28 th February 9am Welcome

2 Supporting your Child’s Reading Development Facts about Reading Reading is a vital life skill in our society Reading is not easy to learn or to teach - it is a complex set of skills Reading is needed for all areas of learning in school Reading is not just using phonics to decode words Reading can enrich your life - not just your knowledge, understanding and vocabulary Children who can read well have higher self esteem Research shows that it's the single most important thing you can do to help your child's education.

3 Frequent comments and questions… (and frustrations) “I can’t get them to do it, they wont concentrate!” “I get frustrated and we end up arguing” “I’m sick of this book” “They are just remembering the words- they can’t read” “What’s the point of a picture book?” “Why do we have the same book for one week?”



6 How we teach reading in school Time to love books with stimulating book areas with opportunities to read and browse through books Repetition of familiar stories Through all curriculum areas Core Books and Power of Reading texts Direct instruction through shared reading sessions using big books – focus on comprehension Guided reading sessions weekly in Reception/ Daily in Year One and Two - Video Daily story times Daily phonics sessions Games/ resources/ activities

7 How to help your child at home Video demonstrations Questions and Comments

8 Reading with your child Choose a quiet time Make reading enjoyable Maintain the flow Be positive Success is the key Regular practice Communicate Talk about the books Variety is important

9 What else can parents do? o Talk to your child o Sing songs/ rhymes/ play listening games o Read good books to your child whatever their age o Buy dual-language books if English isn’t your family’s first language - you can talk about books and stories, and develop a love for them, in any language. o Listen to story CDs/ MP3s – in the car or at home o Let your child see you reading for fun and function o Talk about the stories as you read o Tell your child stories – make them up, be creative o Read that same book together a million times! Practise makes perfect o Support your child with learning tricky words and letter sounds o Read news papers, magazines, recipes, online books, cereal boxes, books, kindles, comics, print in the environment – anything you can read o Go to the library o Listen to your child read their reading book, follow the schools suggested 3 day plan and return it on time o Log on to the bug club and read the provided books.

10 Using the internet to support your child’s reading There are many free resources and games on the web….

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