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eBooks in EFL Reading: How to author eBooks with Text to Speech Technology YASUDA, Masami, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Myasuda[at]

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2 eBooks in EFL Reading: How to author eBooks with Text to Speech Technology YASUDA, Masami, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Myasuda[at] Theme: CALL: What's your Motivation? JALTCALL SIG 2010 Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, JAPAN. May 29-31, 2010 JALTCALL SIG 2010 Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, JAPAN. E-Learning at KG Univ.

3 2  Recent eBook readers or dedicated devices  Amazon’s Kindle,  SONY’s Libié, iRex’s Digital Reader  Apple’s iPad 2. Introduction: eBook readers  eBooks are  content-rich  of wide general interest.  eBooks & their dedicated devices would  definitely change the literacy world,  a viable device for EFL ・ ESL readers

4 3  EFL teachers can  Author or publish eBooks on the PC’s,  without  purchasing such a new device, 3. eBooks for EFL/ESL  Students can benefit from reading eBooks  on their own, at home and  on smartphones, and  dedicated eBook readers.  Content selection  by teachers is the key !!  Because devices or tools are only tools  without a rich and controlled content.

5 4 4. Microsoft Reader  Microsoft Reader features:  Page by page reading: files ( LIT extension)  Highlight word by word  Synchronized audio reading  Dictionary Lookup  Platforms :  PC’s  laptops, desktops,  Windows Mobile  Smartphones ( Windows CE ),  mobile phones.

6 5 5.eBook Publisher (2) : Additional Tools  Additional tools:  Dictionary Lookup eBook for eBooks Library  Encarta Pocket Dictionary  Text to Speech  Engines  Agents

7 6 6. Text to Speech  Text to Speech  One of Assistive Technologies  Stephen Hawking asks big questions about the universe, at TED Conference  Ted Conference site Ted Conference site  YouTube YouTube Filmed Feb., 2008. Local FLV (video) downloaded from YouTube

8 7 7. Text to Speech - Roger Ebert, The Best, Finally Gets His Voice Back - Assistive Technologies  Roger Ebert, The Best, Finally Gets His Voice Back - Video siteVideo site  Roger Ebert “Speaks” on Oprah in his blog blog  Twitter by Mashable – Video onlineVideo online Roger and Chaz Ebert at the DGA Awards, 2009. Roger Ebert appears with Oprah Winfrey on her talk show this Tuesday. (Harpo Productions)

9 8 8.Text to Speech – Roger Ebert Gets ‘Voice’ Grandkids Can Recognize - Assistive Technologies  Film critic Roger Ebert says computer programmers have captured his voice from movie commentary tracks.  He can type what he wants to say and listeners hear a voice that sounds like him.  Ebert lost his ability to speak after surgery for cancer.  A Scottish company called CereProc (SAYR’-uh-prok) blended digital recordings of Ebert speaking to make his text-to-audio voice. FIRST PUBLISHED: February 28, 2010 5:40 PM EST FIRST PUBLISHED: February 28, 2010 5:40 PM EST CHICAGO, Ill. -- Information from: Chicago Sun-Times, ttp://

10 9 9. Text to Speech Online Tools (partial listing) a) vozMe: Type or copy-paste the texts to convert to ‘Create MP3’ at a click! b) Expressivo – You can listen to books, messages, RSS feeds, articles or even e-mails. You can easily create audio books on your mp3 player. Purchase needed c) Cepstral - The text to speech conversion to the text into a WAV file. Purchase needed. vozMe  Six Online Tools - Text to Speech tools you would not want to miss  TechDune - Tech News, Software & Hardware Reviews, Internet, Humor Skip to RSS Mixing

11 10 10. Text to Speech Online Tools (2)

12 11 11.Assisted Technology: Book Readers – Scanners with Text to Speech /watch?v=EXvaHyg9XBM &feature=player_embedde d

13 12 12.eBook Publishers (1)  Authoring tools:  two free publishing/authoring software (to download)to download  1) WordRMR – MS-Word Add-in to create your own Microsoft Reader eBooks. Word 2000, 2002, 2003 WordRMR.exe

14 13 13. Texts and Pictures: Public Domain, Speeches, News

15 14 14.eBook Authoring (1) : MS-Word Add-in

16 15 15.eBook Publishers (2)  Authoring tools: (2)  ReaderWorks 2.0  Visit OverDrive to downloadOverDrive  Demo (local file)local file

17 16 16.Other eBook Readers: (1) Calibre Calibre supports e-book syncing with the iPhone using Lexcycle Stanza. Lexcycle Stanza

18 17 17.Other eBook Readers: (1) Calibre (2)  Calibre – eBooks in cloud computing age  Convert PDF to eBooks,  Subscribe to news, magazines, etc.  e-book syncing with the iPhone (Lexcycle Stanza )Lexcycle Stanza http://calibre C:\Program Files\Calibre2\ calibre.exe

19 18 18.Other eBook Readers (2): Kindle PC

20 19 19.BlogCasting: (3) Web log Projects - 2008  KGLaw BlogCast 2008 Next slide Local image file  Samples of text2Speech audiotext2Speech audio  Advcomp – Education course Education course  kglawf81 – Freshmen 1stFreshmen 1st  kglawf82 – Freshmen 2 ndFreshmen 2 nd  kglaws81 – SophomoresSophomores AdvCompAdvComp - Online grading as admin of the server

21 20 20. Summary: BlogCast with RSS Mixing and Text2Speech Next slide?

22 21 21.Comparison of eBooks and other media  Comparison of  eBooks  with  the already developed BlogCast,  Text to speech applications  Benefits to EFL students.  How useful eBooks would be  to help improve reading skills  in EFL courses.

23 22 1MediaBookseBooksAudioBlog or Books Podcast 2 Cost △ ◎ △ ◎ 3 Devices N.A. ○ △ ○ 4Audio/ × △ ○ △ Voice 5 Text to × ○ × ○ Speech 6Highlight / × ○ × △ Synchro 7 Delivery × △ × ◎ 8Speed × △ △ △ Control 22. Comparison of Media for Reading

24 23 23. Comparison of Media for Reading (2) 1 Media BookseBooks Audio Books Blog or Podcast 2 Cost △◎△◎ 3 Devices N.A. ○ △ ○ 4 Audio/ Voice × △ ○ △ 5 Text to Speech × ○ × ○ 6 Highlight/ Synchro × ○ × △ 7 Delivery × △ × ◎ 8 Control Speed × △△△

25 24 24. Technology in Language Teaching and Learning  Figure 1 Range-of-Use Technology Chart  Szecsy, Elsie M. "Technology in Language Teaching and Learning." Encyclopedia of Bilingual Education. 2008. SAGE Publications. 29 Mar. 2009..  Source: EnGauge. Available from http:/ / engauge.  Broken Link Copyright © 2006 Learning Point Associates. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.EnGaugehttp:/ / engauge

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