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Economics Honours Year Tutorial by Aaron Tay

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1 Economics Honours Year Tutorial by Aaron Tay

2 Objectives To show you how to: Use Library portal to access resources, services. Search Economics databases to retrieve articles. Obtain Economics Statistics Use of Endnote Desktop to track citations

3 Learning Outcomes At the end of the session, you will: Know where to access resources & services from library portal Be able to locate relevant library materials of different formats (books, journal articles, theses, newspapers) Be able to search effectively Economics databases for: Journal articles Statistical data

4 Table of contents Introduction Endnote Search Strategy Search Books Search Journals Search Newspapers Search Theses Search Statistical Sources Search Internet resources Other useful information

5 Sources SearchBooks Articles and Working papers Theses Newspapers Statistical data Other internet sources Authoritative Quite recent cutting edge work In-depth treatment Recent, reactions Pre-publication, interesting ideasQuantitative data

6 Where to find them Item type Source 1 Source 2Source 3 BooksLINC/LINC+Google books Articles, conference paperDatabases 2 such as EconLit, Scopus, Web of Science, Perind LINC / LINC 1 + or InfogateGoogle scholar ThesesLINC/LINC+Theses databases 3 such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Newspaper articlesFactiva, Lexus-NexusLINC / LINC 1 +Microforms StatisticsStatistical databases such as Singstat, EIU Country data 2 Other resources (particularly Singapore statistics) 4 Other internet sourcesMailing listsBlogsWikis, Citeulike Citeulike 1.Only for checking if a certain source title such as journal title, database or newspaper title is available but not for searching for article titles. 2.Other relevant databases can be found in Economics subject guide.Economics subject guide 3.Other sources of thesis can be found in LION.LION 4.See also Statistics on Singapore.Statistics on Singapore

7 Endnote

8 EndNote Desktop Software that stores & organizes references Can import references directly into a Word document in a preferred citation style Procedure to Install EndNote X2 Import saved citations from other sources into EndNote X2 Insert Citations from EndNote into Microsoft Word

9 Endnote Screenshot

10 Search Strategy

11 Case Study National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) research grant “Reimbursement of direct expenses incurred on the research up to maximum of $1,000 for Honours or equivalent degree students.” “Cash award of $1,000 and it will be given out each application year to the most outstanding thesis” More herehere

12 Potential topics Social costs of gambling Cost-benefit analysis of gambling industry Impact studies of casino industry

13 Mechanics of searching Use natural language List keywords, synonyms & variant spellings May have to refine or broaden search with AND, OR, NOT, *, ( ) Formulate a keyword search statement Can limit search by language, by date Sort by relevance and times cited if available Edit search statement and refine search again. Mark, save, print, email, export results Retrieve full-text if necessary

14 Search Strategy Boolean operators Truncation Grouping using parentheses Proximity search - e.g. “near 4”, Keywords & Concepts Search statements

15 Build your search: Boolean operators AND is used to indicate that both terms must be present OR is used to indicate that either terms may be present NOT is used to indicate that one term must not be present Casino AND gambling casinogambling Gambling NOT online Gambling Casino Gambling CasinoGambling

16 Build your search: Truncation *, Round parentheses ( ) Use * for variant forms of term Gambl* = gambling, gamblers casino* = casinos, Use ( ) to execute commands inside innermost parentheses first “social cost” and (casino or gamblers) = social cost of casino = social cost of gamblers “social cost” and (casino* and gambl*) = social cost of casinos HIT! = Social cost of gambling HIT! HIT!

17 Proximity operators (advanced AND) Proximity operators allow you to retrieve items where one search term is within n (where n is a number) words of another. Near Operator — finds words within x number of words from each other, regardless of the order in which they occur. Example: cost n2 gambling would find “cost of gambling" or “gambling on cost" but not “The cost of very long term addiction to gambling“ Within Operator (Wx) — finds words within x number of words from each other, in the order they are entered in the search. Example: cost w2 gambling would find “Cost of gambling” but not “gambling cost”

18 Consistency of search operators? And, OR, NOT, are standard symbols and can be used in almost all databases. This is less true of the multi-character wildcard * ! For example EconLit, use $ instead. Use of proximity operators varies even more. Be careful! For most databases, there is no difference between using “AND” versus “and”, but a few might. Therefore please consult specific search guide for each database.

19 SAMPLE SEARCH QUERY What are the economic impacts of Legalized casino gaming? “Economic impact*” or Cost* Casino* or gambl* (“Economic impact*” or Cost*) and (casino* or gambl*)


21 Searching for books DEMO Search using LINC, keyword search Show expansion of search using subject headings Import into Endnote desktop Look for limited previews in Google booksGoogle books


23 Search for Journal articles Searching article databases Getting the full-text articles (online or print) What to do when you can’t get the full text article – Document Delivery Service


25 E-Resources Databases E-Journals E-Books Newspapers Exam Papers E-Reserves Statistical Data

26 Ways to access databases from Library portal Search under E-Resources Click on More Databases Select E-Resources

27 Comprehensive article search Look for “pure” Economics papers – papers written from the Economist’s point of view = EconLit, NBER Working PapersEconLitNBER Working Papers Supplement with closely related business and social science databases = Social Sciences Abstracts, ABI/Inform Complete, Business Source PremierSocial Sciences Abstracts ABI/Inform CompleteBusiness Source Premier Further supplement with cross-disciplinary papers using comprehensive databases = Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar.Web of ScienceScopus Google Scholar

28 Databases (articles) we will cover EconLit Scopus Web of Science PERIND

29 EconLit

30 Producer: The American Economic Association Coverage: 1969 – present Provides bibliographic references and abstracts of journal articles, book chapters/reviews, working papers from RePEC, some dissertations, etc. More details.RePECMore details Contains more than 350,000 records on accounting, consumer economics, monetary policy, labor, marketing etc. One of the major resources for Economics, mostly citations, some full-text.

31 OvidSP Test Database Use to access EconLit

32 Basic Search “Natural language” search, do not enter boolean operators (And, Or, Not)

33 Refine/narrow search

34 Accessing record

35 Exporting results

36 Let’s search ECONLIT! (For advanced ovid search and multi-field search only) What are the economic impacts of Legalized casino gaming? “Economic impact$” or Cost$ Casino$ or gambl$ (“Economic impact$” or Cost$) and (casino$ or gambl$)

37 Basic Search Natural language search Do not enter Boolean operators, wildcards, truncation in search box Click on “ include related terms ” Apply a database limit(s) – optional Use search aid for “ narrow search ” Advanced Ovid Search Allows for more complex and exact searches Use Boolean operators, such as OR, AND, NOT Use * for multi-character wildcard (truncation) More information can be found on the “Database field guide” on the top of the screen. Really advanced – use indexes (see next screen) Search tips for EconLit

38 Ovidsp Multi-field search New interface added recently, “searcher builder” for multi-field search

39 Other search options Find Citation Uses for searching for full details of a specific known existing article. Search Fields Search using specific indexes such as country, isbn, year of publication etc. Example – In Advanced Ovid search, search using ct.singapore and casino. See me if you want to know more. Sliver Platter Search To be dropped by OVIDSP, not recommended

40 Other generic tips Search History Use ‘Search History’ to combine the searches with Boolean search operators OR and AND Sort by score, year of publication etc “Find citing articles”, to find articles quoting the target article.

41 Scopus

42 Producer: Elsevier Coverage: 1841-1996 (17 million records), 1996- (16 million records) Largest abstract and citation database covering science, technical, medial, social science Use this to supplement your search to go beyond Economics for multi-disciplinary papers.

43 Let’s search Scopus! What are the economic impacts of Legalized casino gaming? “Economic impact*” or Cost* Casino* or gambl* (“Economic impact*” or Cost*) and (casino* or gambl*)

44 Scopus Basic Search

45 Scopus results

46 Exporting downloading Scopus results

47 Export citations to Endnote

48 Emailing citations

49 Formatting citiations

50 Search tips for Scopus Basic Search Use Boolean operators, such as OR, AND, NOT, also multi-character wildcard * Default search in “Article title, Abstract, Keywords” Use Limit fields Use Refine results Combine Search History

51 Advanced Search Command Line search Not really recommended Other features relates to citation and are not that relevant for searching.

52 Web of Science

53 Producer: Thomson Scientific Coverage: 1980- Competes with Scopus Don ’ t be fooled by name, includes Social Sciences Citation Index, provides access to multidisciplinary & scholarly journal literature of the social sciences author abstracts cited references full text articles

54 Web of Science

55 Search tips for Web of Science - search subject words (topic), author name(s) or affiliation, journal title,… - requires search field tags e.g. ts=topic - enables restricting items from your search with “not.” - allows for combining previous searches Viewing search results - click on title to view full record - for combining search result sets - saving search strategies for future use.

56 PERIND PERIND Periodical Index to Articles relating to Singpaore, Malaysia, Brunei and ASEAN

57 PERIND Periodical Index to articles relating to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei & ASEAN Producer: NUS Libraries Coverage, 1980- Humanities, social sciences, business, medicine architecture, building, science, law Journal articles, book chapters & book reviews, conference papers Search tips Use drop-down menu for Boolean operators & fields Enter keywords, subject terms, phrases… Save selected records using IE toolbar File> Save as> html format.

58 Perind Screenshot

59 Newspapers

60 E-Newspapers Major international & local newspapers: New York Times, Asian Wall Street Journal, Business Times, The Straits Times, more… Access via Library portal>E- Resources> E-Newspapers Two major databases Factiva Lexis/Nexis Academic Note at this time, you cannot export citations from these two databases.

61 Newspapers Press Clippings In-house collection of articles from Straits Times and Business Times Articles about Singapore, Malaysia, ASEAN Check LION under Press Clippings Collection - Subject Headings ListPress Clippings Collection - Subject Headings List Available from Singapore-Malaysia Collection Microfilms The Straits Times from 1880 -

62 Factiva Search vs search 2.0

63 Example of Factiva search

64 Factiva results

65 Materials Not Found in Library Document Delivery Services Document Delivery Services (DDS) Journal articles, book chapters, conference Papers Request via E-Forms (Library Portal) All requests must be approved by Supervisor Free, but maximum 3 requests for Honours years


67 NUS Theses & Academic exercises (PRINT) Search LINC, by Under Find, By call no: HD30* and choose Theses Collection (optional) Search LINC+, by keywords: m soc sc Economics national university singapore academic exercise economics national university singapore

68 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (Online) Producer: Proquest UMI Includes over 2 million master's theses and dissertations, with over 60,000 titles added every year from Universities in United States and Canada. Provides full text access for many items.

69 ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Search for North American Dissertations & Theses


71 Statistical Sources Access via E-Resources>Databases>By type>Statistical Data and Economics subject guideEconomics subject guide International EIU CountryDataEIU CountryData, EIU CityData, EIU Market Indicators and Business ForecastEIU CityDataEIU Market Indicators and Business Forecast International Financial Statistics World development Indicators Online SourceOECD (OECD Stat) Statistics Database (World Trade Organisation) Demo Intro Demo Intro Time series on international trade of service and commodities, trade and tariff profiles

72 Statistical Sources II Business/industry related/Finance Global Market Information Database (GMID) ISI Emerging Markets Frost & Sullivan OrbisOrbis and OsirisOsiris Excellent business database, draws data from IFS as well. IT industry related industry reports Covers 35 countries only Specific Company related information.

73 Statistical Sources III Singapore Yearbook of statistics, Singapore Yearbook of statistics, Singapore (print & web) web SingSTAT Time Series Statlink Singapore 1000 Singapore 1000 (CDROM) Statistics on Singapore : annotated bibliography Standard statistics reference, latest version is always online Other statistics from Dept of Statistics- request with supervisors permission Singapore Trade Stats Company Info on biggest S’pore companies

74 More statistics database

75 Statistics basics Select the following Geographic coverage : Region, Country or Country aggregate (e.g ASEAN) Statistic series (e.g. Real GDP : US$ at 2005 prices) Chronological coverage (e.g. 1980-2000 monthly)

76 EIU Country data Producer: Economist Intelligence Unit Geographic Coverage: 150 countries, 45 regional aggregates (e.g ASEAN). Chronological coverage :1980- (annual), 1993- (monthly, quarterly). 317 series (statistic data on macro indicators – Inflation, GDP, interest rates, trade balance of payments, demographics etc) Includes forecasts (figures will appear in green) Help file Other EIU databases include EIU MarketIndicators & Forecasts EIU CityData EIU Commodities

77 EIU Citydata

78 EIU marketindicators & forecasts

79 International Financial Statistics Producer: IMF (Statistics Department of the International Monetary Fund) Geographic Coverage: More than 200 countries and areas Chronological coverage :1948- “ contains approximately 32,000 time series ” international liquidity, IMF fund accounts, money supply etc. Help file

80 IFS Tip : Change retrieval period first, before entering other data such as country and statistical series.

81 Other “all-rounders” to try World development Indicators OnlineWorld development Indicators Online (by World Bank) Data statistics from 1960s onwards, geographic coverage. World Development Indicators (WDI) database, 800 development indicators, with time series for 209 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 to 2007 SourceOECD (OECD Stat) Currently in beta Covers OECD countries (30 countries) plus selected non-member economies e.g. China, India. 1960 onwards

82 Country statistics Country Report Economist Intelligence Unit Country Commerce Economist Intelligence Unit Country Profile Datamonitor Plc Country Review CountryWatch Incorporated Country Monitor Global Insight Inc. Global Competitiveness Report World Competitiveness Report Search for E-Resources on “Economic studies”, “Economic Competitiveness”, “Forecast”

83 Country statistics Search the site of the countries' official body (e.g. department, ministry, bureau, agency etc) responsible for statistics

84 List of statistical agencies

85 Tips for looking for statistics If subject is topical and/or country, you can try looking at websites of international or regional organizations devoted to the subject. ional_organizations vernmental_organizations

86 Tips for looking for statistics Don’t neglect print! Search LINC with subject heading. e.g China statistic


88 Resources on WWW Citeulike WWW Virtual Library Economics Blogs on Economics VLib.html VLib.html


90 Subject Guides Good starting point for research

91 Library Instruction ONline Click here

92 We are here… Advisory Service at Information Desk, Central Library, Level 5. Email us: Tel: 6516 2028 / 6516 1643

93 E-resource day 9 September 2008, Central Library Forum Participate in our Online Quiz and Treasure Hunt to win prizes such as an Asus Eee PC, iPod Nanos, MP3 players, laptop bags, book vouchers, flash drives, optical mice, and other great prizes! Listen in & Learn ! Our e-resource providers will be conducting talks throughout the day touching on the scope, coverage, and strengths of the various e-resources. Some of the e-resources highlighted are: Business Source Premier, Scopus, Web of Science, Engineering Village 2, Proquest Dissertations & Theses, SciFinder Scholar, LexisNexis Academic and the list goes on!

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